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Bushido The Life In Every Breath + Q&A

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posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:31 PM
Way one should live & life in every breath = Bushido

Life can be stressful and challenging but one can not let themselves be beaten down by life. The darker side of life will consume you and pit you out into the chaotic void. One should view life as the ultimate lesson and transpire/drink from it's infinite pool of wisdom.

During my time so far here I have experienced many things and at times was greatly effected by them. However, it turned around with some a single cup of tea that even a single cup of tea contains 3 beautiful things. 1 before drinking the tea you enjoy its warmth on your hands. 2 you then smell the beautiful aroma/essence of the tea. 3 you then replenish yourself with the delicious taste. Who knew that a single cup of tea had 3 things that you could learn from it. Is it not just meant to be a mere cup of tea ?

Life can teach us many things in many ways some good and some bad. Yet.. the fact remains you should not let it effect you instead you should learn from it and draw from its knowledge. In my life I experienced and learned many things -

What it is to be poor and to not take things for granted.
The value of life and how the time you have is limited with those around you so instead of fighting you should create lasting memories.
What it is to live with a disability and what it is to live without one.
A government that cares for its people and a government that does not.
What people are capable of when the times are hard.
What people can become when they have overabundance
& many more lessons.

There is life in every breath and in every moment a lesson to be learned, I guess it is kind of like Bushido. Yet at the same time it is a hard choice for many to make and instead easier to ignore. Whenever, I experience something bad I do not let it down instead evaluate Why it happened ? What is the reason for it ? & The lesson within it that is for me to learn ?

Sure it is easy to say I over evaluate things but without thinking and evaluating we would not be us. We would be like mindless zombies going through life without questioning or even wondering What if ?

Everyday brings a new lesson which is why at end of each day you should see what you have learned and intake the knowledge. Then every new day start with a new page in the Book Of Your Life and learn something new to fill the new page. Do not get stuck in the same cycle and filling the page with the same old stuff. Learn new things in every moment you have and with every breath you take. That is what Bushido should be not “The Way Of The Warrior” instead it should be “The Way Of Life”.

Bruce Lee once said -

“You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.”

Over a certain time one begins to see the balance in life when one lets go of things that keep them down anger, fear, hate, doubt, greed and many other things that act as anchors in our life. I know it is easy to say surely this is all love/peace/new age hippy crap but let me ask you a question.

If in a dream you were guided to give your last $1000 to someone you know because they are going through a hard financial time. How many of you would actually do it ? How many of you would sacrifice lets say 2 weeks worth of pay and 2 weeks on living off bread and water to help someones life ? Many people would say they would just to make themselves feel better but how many would do it selflessly and not asking for the money to be returned. This is where you are tested.

Sure the evil choice is easier and more seductive that is why you are more like to make that choice, yet when one chooses the considered crazy good choice everything in life all of a sudden begins to flow and abundant. This can also apply to the whole theory of having a little angel on one shoulder and a little devil on the other. However, why not have 2 angels on both shoulders and ask the little devil to move out ?

Sure I may seem arrogant and still as a child, but I believe that it is the choices we make that truly defy who we really are. Until we are faced with those choices and look at ourselves in the mirror we will never truly realise out true potential.

We should strive to better other people's life no matter how small of an act it may be and to better ourselves to find our self but without any hidden agendas. Because only when there is no agenda only then will you Know Thy Self.

Live life as an infinite lesson river to drink the knowledge from its waters, without an agenda and with the will to be selfless.

There are many paths one may walk and in many different shoes but the question is -

Are you willing to wear the shoes ?

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:34 PM
I am drooling over this. Let me read this. Oh - you are amazing. You are so onto something here. Life is more valuable than money. Your cup of tea example shows this.

When I buy a box of Ramen from the store, it costs $2.00 for a box and 20 packets. When I cook the Ramen, I might add an egg or other spices.

I love the boxes. Right now I am using one to store some Magic decks. A few bricks of ramen (20 packets in a box) are being used to make my bookshelves currently.

I bought a wooden box for $2.00 at a garage sale that I use to store essential oils.

Break free from monetary value and see the infinite value life has to offer us!
edit on 30-7-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:34 PM
I will also be answering any inquiries you may have on how to develop ones soul as in grow inner light, ascend, awaken, gain super powers or whatever word you use for it. I use the simple phrase Just Is !

However, I am not claiming to know all the answer but instead share with you my knowledge of what I was taught, shown and given so far. Also I am not God, Prophet, Super Hero or Psychic I am as human as it comes and I just thought to help a few of those willing to listen.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by darkbake

Holy Crap my first reader

I am so excited welcome fellow adventurer of the unknown

I hope it will not be a wasteful read and you grasp the concept of My Bushido. Everyone has their Bushido and everyone should discover it.

Here is a napkin to clean up drool #Hands Napkin#

edit on 30-7-2013 by The Magicians Apprentice because: Just because it seems logical to correct one self

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

"Just is" is a great way to describe things :-)! I dunno if I have questions, I hope other people ask some. I've been exploring this same thing for a while, never thought to call it Bushido. Is it really Bushido? I know that is a Japanese term. :-)

It makes sense, in the card game Magic: The Gathering, Samurai have a Bushido ability that allows them to power up during combat, presumably due to situational awareness.
edit on 30-7-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by darkbake
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

"Just is" is a great way to describe things :-)! I dunno if I have questions, I hope other people ask some. I've been exploring this same thing for a while, never thought to call it Bushido. Is it really Bushido? I know that is a Japanese term. :-)
edit on 30-7-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

Bushido is the term !

So.. you are not wrong

It is also a way one devotes themselves to be selfless in service to others, to seek perfection even though there is no such thing as perfection etc.. I could keep telling you and telling you. However, the best way to put it is simply Inner Peace not many can find it in this world as they let this world effect them too much. Yet ! It is achievable if one chooses to seek, to see, to listen, to feel, to hear and to perceive one's soul.

But first one must discover them self as I said one must Know Thy Self before you can become in tune and in harmony with what we call the essence of life.

This is partially what it is -

Also the word Samurai in truth does mean To Serve and what we know about them is more bent then anything. They had high morals, were in service of others, never attacked and only used their sword in self defence, very spiritually balanced. The one's we were told about were the military renegade ruling elite classes of feudal Japan. They did not serve others but themselves, their leaders were in love of power and not power of love. Not everything is as black and white as we are told.

This is why I follow Bushido in my life to have the nature of the warrior and to have the spirit of a monk. Kind of like a Yin and Yang to be the balance.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:59 PM
the japanese term means way of the warrior

Bushi : warrior

Do : the way or path (road)
the Do component is from the chinese word Tao (Dao) as in the Tao te Ching

what you are referring to is not Bushido but Do.

bushido is not a wishy washy term you can use to apply to anything. it is specifically a code of ethics and behaviours that must apply to a Samurai (one who serves)

by all means find your own way. in fact the go rin no sho (a book of five rings, miyamoto musashi) talks in depth about the way. and the methods he used to discover the way.

however to truly understand Bushido you should read the Hagakure (the book of hidden leaves)

i applaud anyone who explores the way, but do not confuse it with the way of the warrior.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by okamitengu
the japanese term means way of the warrior

Bushi : warrior

Do : the way or path (road)
the Do component is from the chinese word Tao (Dao) as in the Tao te Ching

what you are referring to is not Bushido but Do.

bushido is not a wishy washy term you can use to apply to anything. it is specifically a code of ethics and behaviours that must apply to a Samurai (one who serves)

by all means find your own way. in fact the go rin no sho (a book of five rings, miyamoto musashi) talks in depth about the way. and the methods he used to discover the way.

however to truly understand Bushido you should read the Hagakure (the book of hidden leaves)

i applaud anyone who explores the way, but do not confuse it with the way of the warrior.

Just purchased the Hagakure 4 days ago and it is still on its way

I am so excited to read it I can not wait *The Excitement !!!!!!*

I like both Bushido and Tao so I will stick to both

Also thank you for popping in

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

great op.very true.

I have for some time been mindful to be grateful for everyday. I try for my first spoken words or thoughts to be one of gratitude for another day. It is wonderful to remember how many things we can be grateful for...even on the worst of days. I can assure you that the end result is a MUCH better day /life.

It is akin to what you say here. Every moment has a mystery to reveal. Wisdom is in all things...a balanced and harmonious mind is the key to see and *understand all.

one more thing

you may like a book called "way of the peaceful warrior" it is by Dan millan.
It is a bushido philosophy applied to daily life expressed by way of a wonderful story.

also, bushido and the western concept of chivalry have often been compared and found to be of the same spirit. The old European ideal for a warrior knight and a samurai are similar in many respects.

Check this out.

The warrior ethos is almost entirely about LIFE. It must be in order to defend must be worth defending. or sacrificing.

The same way that a hunter is the greatest lover and protector of the wild for it is his ideal....a warrior is the greatest lover and protector of is his ideal as well.....

The greatest warriors are powerful forces of life and primordial forces of opposition to death.

edit on 30-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by tadaman
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

great op.very true.

I have for some time been mindful to be grateful for everyday. I try for my first spoken words or thoughts to be one of gratitude for another day. It is wonderful to remember how many things we can be grateful for...even on the worst of days. I can assure you that the end result is a MUCH better day /life.

It is akin to what you say here. Every moment has a mystery to reveal. Wisdom is in all things...a balanced and harmonious mind is the key to see and undersit all.

one more thing

you may like a book called "way of the peaceful warrior" it is by Dan millan.
It is a bushido philosophy applied to daily life expressed by way of a wonderful story.

also, bushido and the western concept of chivalry have often been compared and found to be of the same spirit. The old European ideal for a warrior knight and a samurai are similar in many respects.

Check this out.

The warrior ethos is almost entirely about LIFE. It must be in order to defend must be worth defending. or sacrificing.

The same way that a hunter is the greatest lover and protector of the wild for it is his ideal....a warrior is the greatest lover and protector of is his ideal as well.....

The greatest warriors are powerful forces of life and primordial forces of opposition to death.

edit on 30-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

I will thank you for sharing your knowledge and views.
I will look up the book it sounds quiet good. I think the world is in more chaos because we no longer
defend life and instead sacrifice it. May it be war,money and other silly things. A man once told me "Simplicity is key, the way to see simplicity is through fluidity, calmness of spirit and mind". So you are right when you say -

Wisdom is in all things...a balanced and harmonious mind is the key to see and undersit all

I hope you enjoyed the read and if you have any questions I am willing to share what I learned. I would love to learn what you have learned. I believe that each individual holds the key for all, just as all hold the key for others.

Also as above poster said and advised to read the "Hagakure" I read about 2 quotes and was enchanted to buy it. So I agree with him as the saying goes when one has spare time they should not spend the time on silly things. Instead they should spend time to further their knowledge of life, things and helping those around them. Instead of spending money for the old fashioned grilled burger or something you don't really need. One should spend that money on knowledge such as books, learn martial arts, do an activity that would benefit another's life.

I am still young and may seem naive, yet I hope some people will change their views of life. Even if it is 1 or 2 or 5 or 50.

Again I thank you for popping in and sharing also recommending a good read.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 08:46 PM
It was refreshing to read the OP. Reading it reminded me that I need to approach life differently than I am today.

Thank you for the thread. S&F from me.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 08:49 PM
Clearly you have related concepts significant to the Tao as well as the Code of the Bushido

Have you ever heard of the "Story of the Colum People" with respect to Ancient Chinese historical accounts?

Any thoughts?
edit on 30-7-2013 by Kashai because: Added content

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Kashai
Clearly you have related concepts significant to the Tao as well as the Code of the Bushido

Any thoughts?

I have no thoughts but advice.

Seek stillness you can achieve stillness through many things such as music, meditation, art, martial art and even helping. When you put another above yourself selflessly without an agenda you then begin to see things much clear as the saying goes Clear as Day !!.

Also meditation should not be seen as a religious practice but more of a way to calm your emotions, thoughts and all unnecessary things.

I believe Dalai Lama said something in the lines of -

If every 8 year old meditated, we would get rid of all violance and wars with just 1 generation

It was something in the lines of that and it does make me question, due to the fact that after meditation I am more clear minded and more connected to my centre. I call it centre and it goes by many names soul, higher self, nature, universe etc. It does not really matter the label is not important the message is what truly counts.

So seek, find, discover, learn and give.

Also thank you for popping in.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by kimish

It was refreshing to read the OP. Reading it reminded me that I need to approach life differently than I am today.

Thank you for the thread. S&F from me.

I'm glad it did and thank you for the S&F.

If you have any inquiries do not hesitate to ask.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Kashai
Have you ever heard of the "Story of the Colum People" with respect to Ancient Chinese historical accounts?

edit on 30-7-2013 by Kashai because: Added content

Actually no and to say that I did would be a lie, this does sound interesting. Please do tell more about it and share I am open to learning new things

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

here is something I would like your take on.

when avoiding quantifying existence so as to not underestimate or undervalue it.....what do you find most precious : They beauty of its finite....the details of it all.......or the eyes / ability to see the details?

Same question in another form

when loving something and passing through the full spectrum of its existence so as to take it all in...what is more important to you the vivid and clear nature of all its "colors" or the magnificence and magnitude of its totality.....the sun....a rainbow...ect. Would you think that love cheapened for loving part of it more than the whole? would your love of the complete impede you from loving a part or piece of it.

yet another form

if you could love humanity ....truly love it....would you love anyone person less for not being the whole.

your tea.....

if you loved the tea...would you love the tea less if it was not warm....or aromatic as your love of the tea has shown you? Is the complete 3 fold wonder of tea a barrier for your appreciation of it in its separate components....if it is warm and aromatic but spills from your cup the experience any less because it was not complete as you know its maxim to be....because it did not replenish you.?

I can imagine your response....but I would like to see your take on it...

For me I try to see the whole in the piece, the same way I look for the whole in the totality of the pieces....

The same way a piece can be fulfilling in its totality its pieces
edit on 30-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by darkbake
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

"Just is" is a great way to describe things :-)! I dunno if I have questions, I hope other people ask some. I've been exploring this same thing for a while, never thought to call it Bushido. Is it really Bushido? I know that is a Japanese term. :-)

It makes sense, in the card game Magic: The Gathering, Samurai have a Bushido ability that allows them to power up during combat, presumably due to situational awareness.
edit on 30-7-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

I believe what you referring to is No Mind

I think it is kind of like zen when you let go of all doubt, fear, confusion all the physical senses and let your spirits will act through you.

That is the state usually when you are more in tune with the harmony of your spirit and essence of life.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:31 PM
Not trying to sound like a douche bag or trying to criticize, but isn't Bushido the "Way of the Samurai" in technical terms. Like using a "shield" is a sign of coward, or go into battle not fearing death, and you shall live. Don't get me wrong, Bushido probably did thrive on such philosophies, as trying to calm one mind, in which would supposedly result being calm in the "Fog of War" mind set that soldiers experience on the battle field. However, they are just military disciplines like Sun Tzu, which I think was the "Art of War"..Not sure about the name.

What your trying to get at with your posts sounds much more like "Taoism", which basically focused on being happy with what you are. And not needing material wealth to be truly happy. Also, it was supposedly used by ancient emperors of china, as it was made much like the Prince. Although albeit, much more humble than Machiavelli.

"Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power."
"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders."
- by Lao tzu

I remember reading a book about "taoism" and it had some great sayings that spoke to me. Anyways, didn't want criticize. It just if samurais felt like they failed royalty, or got dishonored, they'd stab themselves.
edit on 30-7-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Specimen

bushido is a way of life...

tao is what can be learned by living a certain way.....

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by tadaman


Bushidō (武士道?), literally "the way of the warrior", is a Japanese word for the way of the samurai life, loosely analogous to the concept of chivalry.

edit on 30-7-2013 by Specimen because: Tada

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