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One way to control and manipulate the brain.

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posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:26 PM
Imagine sitting at home relaxing and all of a sudden you hear a powerful voice with authority coming from inside your head. Sometimes so powerful you feel the pressure from inside both eyes as if your eyes are going to pop out of your head. No one can hear this voice ………only you. The voice strikes fear inside you and it gives you specific instructions which you are to follow. It tells you that some of your work colleagues and one of your superiors are really demons and that their sins have reached heaven and now they need to be destroyed. You are so overwhelmed from this experience you are convinced it was God’s voice or it says it is God and it makes demands of you.

The voice will continue. It will disrupt your sleep. It will disrupt your work life and personal life until you do what it commanded of you. Days, sometimes a week or two later the deed is done. It is all over the news: “Factory worker shoots and kills five coworkers.” The scenarios are endless. The people really believe they are talking to God or to Jesus or to Satan, Mohammad or ….etc. but in reality it is a team of guys sitting in large black SUV, van or truck across the street…… at night they often park in YOUR driveway. These vehicles are fully equipped with high tech digital equipment. They can disrupt your security cameras from inside the van. BUT now here comes the creepy part; they can tap into your brain and send audio messages to you. Manipulating the theta brain waves with advanced WAVE technology. I was on a mission where these guys were called in and I asked to go on a “ride along” and their commander agreed so I got to witness this first hand. A individual sitting down in a chair in the back of a van holding a microphone in is hand and speaking into it and you hear the message …..very clear and very loud inside your head. Very effective tool.

Now look……I didn’t build the damn thing so I can not answer any high tech questions. While we were in our analog world…. Living day to day our government was deep into the digital world. I was told +/- .001 increments starting at or around 5 HZ and the human brain will accept certain outside waves. Each one of us operate at a separate set of coordinates - slight offset from one another. I saw this occur and I witnessed this. We all could see through the home, see our target and hear every word coming out of his/her mouth. Two people having a conversation but only one person was in the room.

Word to the Wise: Always and I mean ALWAYS test the spirit. Do not be so eager to accept what you consider to be reality when this occurs. If something like this happens to you - Take it very, very slow. Testing the spirit will guide you to the truth.

P.S. Before I forget....... I am getting personal messages. And to address one guy: I am pretty sure I know who you are....nothing more than one of those CIA/DOD poly testers who thinks he has all the answers. Your baited comments are so.......1960's. Go fishing ......your retired.

edit on 30-7-2013 by Fraudfinder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Fraudfinder

You might be hearing voices but, I don't think the origin is a van full of electronic equipment.

It is Nothing that can't be cured for less than $50.00 an hour.

Though it is an interesting concept.

I think, with today’s current technology, Post Hypnotic Suggestion would fair much better.

Even Subliminal Messages have been proven to work. ... .. .. . . .. . Drink Coke. .. . .. .

P.S. .. . . I have heard before that people have blamed god for telling them to kill. I wonder if that voice was relate to the guys in the van.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by ShadellacZumbrum
reply to post by Fraudfinder

You might be hearing voices but, I don't think the origin is a van full of electronic equipment.

It is Nothing that can't be cured for less than $50.00 an hour.

Though it is an interesting concept.

I think, with today’s current technology, Post Hypnotic Suggestion would fair much better.

Even Subliminal Messages have been proven to work. ... .. .. . . .. . Drink Coke. .. . .. .

P.S. .. . . I have heard before that people have blamed god for telling them to kill. I wonder if that voice was relate to the guys in the van.

Hi ,

Subliminal messages will not get a man to change his morales enough to plant evidence on a target or to kill someone.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Fraudfinder

Stop wearing shoes.

If you run around barefoot it grounds your natural bioelectrical field such that this won't work.
Stop wearing shoes.
Ever wonder why the entire shoe industry is using rubber/polymer based soles that are electrical insulators?

Of course, there's just as much evidence for successfully not wearing shoes as there is for people running around putting the voice of god into someone's head.

Besides that, I don't know of too many neighborhoods that tolerate strange vehicles just parked and camped out on their street. Neighbors typically go knocking on the window of the vehicle if there's anyone inside and asking questions, as well as calling the police.
Suspicious activity gets met with suspicion.

On top of that, it seems an awful lot of science fiction trouble to get marginal every day people to do violent things to other marginal every day people.
People that are already up to something, eh, maybe.

I actually think it'd be kinda cool if someone were to implant voices in my head.
Then again, I never wear shoes.

edit on 30-7-2013 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 08:33 PM

This has already been proven.. it is plausible using hypnosis to create a "killer"

now .. 9 times out of 10, people who claim to hear voices are most likely suffering from some psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia or mania.

Now I don't doubt you can play "audio" inside your head because there's all sorts of gimmicks that allow for that and they're retail "toys" so I'm sure some agencies and or individuals own more sophisticated devices that can play audio and make people think it's coming from inside their head.

Just recently some guy had magnets implanted in the cartilage outside of his ear canal.

and that's just one method... I'm sure there are others.

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