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View the world through the eyes of the Prism & the Pyramid...

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posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 06:09 PM
Now I will posit early on that this might be highly speculative, but I figured it fits somewhere between New World Order and Skunkworks, owing to large doses of 'unproveables'. However, it is worth a go in General Conspiracies for the time being.

Recently, the world at large was shown the barest glimmer of something that, I speculate, was common knowledge in the various intelligence and senior corporate agencies for a very long time. That being, that all the information about us is not only collected and stored, but that in a good number of cases which were 'above board' and thus saw the light of day, the data is searchable and locatable at will.

Anyone - ANYONE - can be brought down by their past, as a result of the torrent of data that is available. Remember that these archives of data are expanding at an exponential rate. Each and every one of us has something that either is a dark secret, or that can be made to appear to have been a dark secret.

I saw several articles in today's paper which were perfect examples of what is possible with a searchable database of private information, and an anonymous 'leak' - should the person or organisation in question be amongst those which are deemed by the 'higher ups' as being unworthy of success in their given field.

All that is needed is a Pyramid, and a Prism.

The Pyramid is the hierarchy, the Prism is the All Seeing Eye.

We have heard of a few legitimate cases in which the people trapped by the Prism were people worth pursuing in the interests of national and international security. What we saw was enough for the formal enquiries (at least those in Britain) to determine that the activities and selected targets were, in the eyes of the common good, legitimate.

What we didn't see, what will never be revealed, are all the illegitimate targets - those who have become the bullied playthings of the folk at the very top of the Pyramid. If we think that those souls, the money masters who in many cases are of questionable morality, have no links to tap into that database when they so please, then we are deluded.

Certain people appear to suffer 'gang stalking', which as a defined reality is only possible with Prism-like intelligence capabilities. I believe they may be the unfortunates targeted by sophisticated and organised groups operating at the behest of 'beyond limits' wealth and means individuals. But gang stalking is not the purpose of the thread (it is a useful diversion to add context regarding possible mindsets in operation).

Coming back to today's newspaper, which is the compact version of the British broadsheet "The Independent", and which is known as "i", I saw a number of stories where people with noble ambition, or a certain decent political mindset, were being brought down within a day of making newsworthy progress in their given field. It was always done with a tidbit of information concerning their past, or the affiliations and investments of their respective partnerships.

I realised that Prism is the ultimate weapon for the Pyramid hierarchy of power in this world. Within minutes of 'the wrong person/group' making headway in changing the unjust status quo of this unbalanced and tired old world, they can be effectively and decisively stamped out. All it takes is a back door into the Prism, and the means & contacts by which to enact the slaughter.

The politician doesn't ascend, the credit unions don't gain ground & the aspiring writer is trashed.

The Pyramid now has a counterfeit of the original All-Seeing-Eye, and so the men at the top believe that they can get away with murder forevermore. My honest prayer is that good men and women rise miraculously into positions of serious authority, and start redressing the balance, preventing the corruption - because otherwise the age old dream of a New World Order is comfortably within reach.


edit on 29-7-2013 by FlyInTheOintment because: Edited title

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 07:08 PM
I'd told a handful of people years ago that there was indeed an "all seeing eye" that was recording all phone calls and capturing and saving all emails/texts/etc and of course was told I'm "crazy" that the "technology to do so doesn't exist" and "even if it did who cares... I've got nothing to hide" (in addition to the blah blah blah foil hat crap)...

What they failed to realize is that there are a select few in power and they use the information illegally gained to not only remain in power but to consolidate said power and ensure that those that have the ability to rise up never do...

Think about it... if you know who is cheating on their wives... committing crimes... molesting children... insider trading... etc... all you have to do is say "here's what we got... you want to go to jail / get divorced / lose your fortune (or worse) or do you want to tow our line...

Even those with the best of intentions step out of line somewhere and don't want their secrets revealed... then blam... welcome to the Darkside...

Unfortunately there really is no going back... the corruption is so deeply rooted that there is no turning back at this point... which is why I encourage anyone with a brain to stop breeding because the only way things will ever change from here on is with a total reset... in other words a large scale "slate cleaning"...

It sucks but with all I've seen and all I know there really is only one way out and one place to go to escape it all and you won't get that as long as you're breathing...

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by SwissMarked

I accept that there is likely 'no going back', and in fact my personal belief is that some form of reckoning is almost upon those at the top of the Pyramid. I am a charismatic believer in Christ, and his harshest words were reserved for those who hold onto their power& wealth until their dying breath - never giving ear to the cries of the poor, who can be helped if only the system is changed.

I'm not one of the people who scream about believing in Jesus or burning in Hell; I had a visitation once, and the compassion is infinite - but there is at very least a reckoning for those who refuse to change their ways when it is in their power to do so.

This isn't a religious thread - but spirituality does inevitably come into it, and we can at least acknowledge that some of those near the top are Satanic in nature. They have made deals with Lucifer to retain power and in some fashion even overcome death. These pacts are illusory, but the people who make them believe in them.

I am like you, in that for years I have accepted that every word is recorded - as a result I wear my heart on my sleeve, and simply continue with life as best I can.

"The meek shall inherit the Earth."

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 07:42 PM
It's perhaps worth pointing out that I believe that 'the reckoning' will happen before the dawn of widespread quantum computing, and certainly before any 'singularity event'. This is because those at the top of the Pyramid cannot be trusted not to thoroughly abuse the power that such technology would provide. They would cause Hell on Earth, a Fourth Reich superpower which crushes everything but the Elite. Clones would provide the workforce, etc, etc.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 08:23 PM
Ya' know, Fly...I think you're on to something.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
reply to post by SwissMarked

I accept that there is likely 'no going back', and in fact my personal belief is that some form of reckoning is almost upon those at the top of the Pyramid. I am a charismatic believer in Christ, and his harshest words were reserved for those who hold onto their power& wealth until their dying breath - never giving ear to the cries of the poor, who can be helped if only the system is changed.

I'm not one of the people who scream about believing in Jesus or burning in Hell; I had a visitation once, and the compassion is infinite - but there is at very least a reckoning for those who refuse to change their ways when it is in their power to do so.

This isn't a religious thread - but spirituality does inevitably come into it, and we can at least acknowledge that some of those near the top are Satanic in nature. They have made deals with Lucifer to retain power and in some fashion even overcome death. These pacts are illusory, but the people who make them believe in them.

I am like you, in that for years I have accepted that every word is recorded - as a result I wear my heart on my sleeve, and simply continue with life as best I can.

"The meek shall inherit the Earth."

Not to get all theological (even though I suppose from what I'm told I am fairly well versed) but I too sincerely believe that whoever it is that is "behind the curtain" is as close to pure evil as you can get (actually I don't buy into the whole "duality deal" so I should say absolutely devoid of good)...

I believe that every word is and has been "recorded" by a higher power for an ultimate judgement and also within at least the last three or so decades by men as well as a means to extort/blackmail/coerce people to get them to do their bidding...

I also have a really hard time believing that we are the "most advanced" civilization to ever inhabit this planet and go could on and on and off on all sorts of tangents but as the poster above me noted I too believe you are onto something... with my computer randomly deleting things and running slow as a mofo right now I'll let it at the and wish you all the best in your searches...

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:37 AM
The following is an extract from my notes regarding the very issues espoused in this thread concerning widespread corruption. The context of my notes is the preparatory work prior to a fully fledged sci-fi/fantasy novel. Just thought it might be worth adding these, to demonstrate that I was thinking along these lines before the revelations of the Prism system broke in the press. Might offer up a few clues regarding the plot of my novel, but I have significantly reworked the concept since.

Persons active against Truth would trade their respective selves for power, wealth, protection and status, thereafter abusing their perception of the various Participants (via handlers in other realms), allowing themselves to be used to attempt to turn uninvolved People against the 'same-law' Participants (all are Hnau - "The Dawn of Now") with regards to maintaining a balance of power in favour of the Rebellion.

The Participants would likely need to awaken to the realities of the abuses of power within all sectors - both petty, private scheisters, & higher-level initiates following deliberate orders (as tenets of their respective agreements) - before being able to properly 'navigate the choppy waters' of this broken world. (AM)

The only reason for the delay of the Return, is that in an age whence 'knowledge has increased' & connectivity is near-unlimited, the Truth can be seeded more widely before the Enemy wreaks its final assault. The 'Event Horizon' of quantum computing would be a landmark turning point in the progress of the Participants' respective journeys, on behalf of the People.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by SwissMarked

Just thought I'd mention that duality as a philosophy is false. Good & Evil are not equal and opposite; rather, pockets of Evil can exist where concerted rebellion against Good has taken place - but only for a relatively short period of time. The reckoning as I perceive it will carefully redress the balance - I could go down a theological route to describe further why I believe that a series of 'surgical strikes' will eventually occur, as opposed to some sort of 'scorched Earth judgement'. The basic principles involved are related to a prior set of catastrophes that have obliterated Ancient civilisations - and an ultimate promise that such catastrophism will never happen again.

I will have to write a different thread to address the theological ramifications - this one perhaps needs to stay closer to the practical implications of the Pyramid & the Prism.



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