posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 10:43 AM
I don't mean to be condescending, but overall it sounds like you're suffering the same "spell" as a good eleven to fourteen million people in
America are experiencing.
Poor economy and job market revival, for example, is hurting your ability to find work. That and, if the remarks people made early on are any
indication, your resume may have been passed over due to spelling or grammatical errors.
Your sister's miscarriages, while tragic, are also not uncommon. They occur quite regularly, even today, so while I do feel bad for her it does not
necessarily mean something occult has been wielded against her. The same goes for her marriage. Sad to say, there are some real assholes out there;
but again: she is not necessarily a unique and special snowflake.
What is an obvious place to start is a house full of negativity. Negativity, just the normal kind not the psychic voodoo mojo kind, needs little to
propagate through a group of people. People that are close and regularly communicate, who experience negative issues that cause them to be unhappy,
often espouse their unhappiness to anyone willing to listen. This in turn feeds their own negativity, and thus a downward spiral is created.
The reality is you need to take some affirmative action to correct things. Move out, get a crap job to have some kind of work, make friends outside
the house, get a pet, whatever. Point is that we, humans, are the keepers of our destiny. Until solid evidence is presented to the masses, it is
unlikely that anything is deciding your fate for you - it's up to you to keep trying, take the chances that need to be taken, and move forward. If
life isn't playing out the way you want it to, then change the game.
Now the above may sound like I'm bashing your situation, and the spiritualists and what-not, but I'm not. I'm just trying to enforce that whatever
is going to happen in your life that's good won't happen until you refuse to accept failure and disappointment as an option. If there's anything
mystical that's out there to help you, you can't wait for it to come along.