posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 12:45 PM
At the same time, however, the potential possibilities of this technology are vast. Think about it like this;
A crew of astronauts are in the space station at the time of some kind of collision with the ISS. Perhaps it was small, but a significant piece of
equipment was badly damaged and they need a fix now. Imagine it was a part in the oxygen supply system. Well, instead of waiting for a spare part to
be flown up and then utilized, they can (depending on the size of the part) print it out in space and install it much more quickly!
Not to mention the printing of new tools and etc. on the space station.
However, this kind of thing can also go incredibly wrong.
Two examples;
If there is an Internet Connection and someone manages to hack into the default setup of that printer, causing it to go ever so slightly askew, in a
way not noticeable to the human eye, what happens when that faulty part is installed? Further damage cause?
Another possibility (very highly unlikely) is that someone prints up a firearm/weapon in space and hijacks the ISS (again, possible, but highly
Regardless, I think it is an exciting new avenue for technology and design and I cannot wait to see where it takes us!