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Why do you create threads

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posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:00 AM
I'm certain your fans would love to know?
edit on 27-7-2013 by AlchemistSwami because: words

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:06 AM
For attention. There are other reasons that fall under that banner, such as connecting with people, sharing ideas with interested parties, but the obvious reason is attention and capturing awareness. I like sharing my thoughts and thinking that other people enjoy them and then enjoy seeing what thoughts they create in other people.
Also i need to "feed" the narcissistic monster of my ego. Down boy....down...good ego.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by AlchemistSwami

I don't no more,I learned my lesson.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by TheomExperience

I like your answer, especially because you didn't mention a hope to save the world

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by AlchemistSwami
I'm certain your fans would love to know?

My what? What are these f-a-n's you speak of?

I try to keep my threads aimed at purposeful information and/or to get some discussion going about topics I rarely get to discuss with the humdrum circle of people in my life.

Most members like to have a chat and a laugh as well.

But as I said in another thread recently, "all is vanity." Ego is a big factor, just don't expect anyone to admit it. Some people thrive on ATS attention!

However, why wouldn't one come to a site full of threads and not make any? It's just what the site was designed for...for me and others to make threads.

This site would not exist without user-generated content.

edit on 27-7-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:12 AM
I create threads to show my girlfriend, I tricked her into thinking that I actually own and run this site so I can borrow money from her parents for my "business" I currently owe them $86,000 and Ill be leaving her soon.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:18 AM
Because I want MOAR Stars & Flags!!!

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by AlchemistSwami

I like your answer, especially because you didn't mention a hope to save the world

Oh and i want to save the word....but that is like a side project to my procrastination.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:21 AM
Double post



edit on 27/7/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:22 AM
Because I enjoy a good laugh
and I love the interaction here


posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by cody599

Let us see if the people that do create them, the good ones, care to answer ?

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by AlchemistSwami
reply to post by cody599

Let us see if the people that do create them, the good ones, care to answer ?

the good ones meaning threads, not people

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:46 AM
What fans?
I alienated pretty much everyone (besides my fellow Aussies...who are now banned) on here before i made up for it with meaningful posts.

In any case; why do i create threads? I feel that it is important to keep information flowing.

Knowledge is power.

Acting as a medium in order to provide other with information, is something important to me.

- Daas.
edit on 27-7-2013 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by AlchemistSwami
reply to post by cody599

Let us see if the people that do create them, the good ones, care to answer ?

I wish I could give you 8 1/2 more stars for that one

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by AlchemistSwami

Because if I where to present my conspiracy thoughts to much in public..
I would be strapped down in a mental institution
Here on ATS you have a certain anonymity and here are many that have a open mind and not slave by the social acceptable way of thinking

Perhaps someday it would be easier to talk about ATS stuff in public, when people free themselves of the self created limitations of the mind

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:56 AM

to get some discussion going about topics I rarely get to discuss with the humdrum circle of people in my life.
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Very well put NB...Its also one of my main reasons too, I also start threads to get stuff that endlessly swirls around in my head and into a thread...sort of like sweeping the

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 05:40 AM
I don't create threads just to create them.

Call me old school.

Look at all my threads I have created.

Look at them mf.

I have been here along time.
edit on 27-7-2013 by Frankenchrist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 05:48 AM
If no one created threads it would be a pretty boring site.
ATS is my internet family and If I see something I like or am interested in I like to share.
I have fans and they are all Gibbons.
edit on 27-7-2013 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 06:02 AM
Why do I create threads?

I'll keep this short and simple - the motivation for me, personally, and this really is my motivation regardless of what anyone may say or believe.. but I write my thread's to learn. I really do. These topics absolutely fascinate me and whenever I take the time out to properly write up a thread and post it here on ATS I usually take at least a week or so to get it all done (the longest took just over a month), and that's time spent researching, trying to gather facts and everything else like that as well. I truly believe that the person opening the thread really should be one of the most knowledgeable person's on it after all and should be able to not only follow the discussion which will undoubtedly take place, but also take part in it too.

So for me, when I go to write a thread, I try to learn as much about whatever it is I'm bringing up for discussion as is possible. That's why I always talk about topics that fascinate me personally, as we all should, as this way It's time well spent on a personal level. With taking your time to do it properly as well, instead of rushing it and getting it out there as quickly as possible, you end up being able to get a lot of key information in as well which in turn, help's other's learn and become fascinated by the topic at the same time. Win-win as far as I'm concerned.

I'm really not a fan of star and flag whoring. It's such a waste of time. In reality I'd rather take the time to do it properly and really learn about it instead, and that way It's time well spend for me as I'm getting something real out of it. Just have a look at the vast majority of my thread's for example, they're certainly not done overnight. A lot of time and effort goes into them and I've learnt a great deal too.

edit on 27-7-2013 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against
Why do I create threads?

I'll keep this short and simple - the motivation for me, personally, and this really is my motivation regardless of what anyone may say or believe.. but I write my thread's to learn. I really do. These topics absolutely fascinate me and whenever I take the time out to properly write up a thread and post it here on ATS I usually take at least a week or so to get it all done (the longest took just over a month), and that's time spent researching, trying to gather facts and everything else like that as well. I truly believe that the person opening the thread really should be one of the most knowledgeable person's on it after all and should be able to not only follow the discussion which will undoubtedly take place, but also take part in it too.

So for me, when I go to write a thread, I try to learn as much about whatever it is I'm bringing up for discussion as is possible. That's why I always talk about topics that fascinate me personally, as we all should, as this way It's time well spent on a personal level. With taking your time to do it properly as well, instead of rushing it and getting it out there as quickly as possible, you end up being able to get a lot of key information in as well which in turn, help's other's learn and become fascinated by the topic at the same time. Win-win as far as I'm concerned.

I'm really not a fan of star and flag whoring. It's such a waste of time. In reality I'd rather take the time to do it properly and really learn about it instead, and that way It's time well spend for me as I'm getting something real out of it. Just have a look at the vast majority of my thread's for example, they're certainly not done overnight. A lot of time and effort goes into them and I've learnt a great deal too.

edit on 27-7-2013 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)


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