I never used formula, but like boymonkey I am replying, more than anything, to give you a bump to get you noticed, however, I am a little concerned
that you may not be getting the best advice...although you might be, you don't give a lot away. So please don't be offended by my sticking my hoar
in if it isn't wanted, I am only trying to help.
Anyway, I just wanted to say, that it is fairly normal for the milk flow to peter off after a couple of months, give or take, due to your body
adjusting to your baby's habits. Your breasts may feel less full, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you are producing no milk at all, it just
may not seem like much. If you are producing none at all though, ask your doctor to check your thyroid levels if they haven't already done so.
I am sure that your midwife/health visitor, or whatever you have in the US, has told you this, but do keep giving your baby the nipple regularly, even
if they are not getting anything, every hour and half or so is what I was recommended. If there is no physical problem, this will help stimulate
production eventually. Whilst he is feeding, massage your breast towards the nipple to ensure that the breast is emptied, and then switch to the
other one. This ensures that they get a balance of fore and hind milk. As I said, even if you are supplementing with formula, keep going through the
motions, it will help eventually, plus, as I am sure you already know, it is great bonding time.
As I said, I am not sure exactly what you mean by losing milk supply, whether you mean entirely or just low supply, but the rule of thumb should be
that as long as he is gaining weight, he is getting what he needs and there is no need to use formula. It may seem as though he isn't getting a lot,
but it can be deceptive especially after you're used to leaking everywhere at the first sign of him crying
What is his feeding and sleeping pattern?
Sorry again, if this is all useless and not what you needed to know, but I just wanted to say it just in case...on the off chance, and if it is
useless, at least your thread got a bump. I went through a dry period myself, and worried myself sick, but patience and perseverance paid off in the
end so don't lose heart. I fed my boy until he was 14 months, and despite the odd bout of mastitis and a few hit the ceiling bites when he was
cutting his first teeth, it still makes me well up with tears just writing about it because it was so difficult to let that precious bond go. You
will get through this.
Best of luck and don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of any help at all, and hopefully someone will be along soon to answer your question
regarding the formula.