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Long Term Birth Control Injection to all Children with BCG

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posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by FireDragonDan

So you never had a #ty run of people anywhere in your ancestry? No one comes from adversity, and you support eugenics? Nazi.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by FireDragonDan
reply to post by Damian65

I agree with your points, but why should I have to pay for another persons child if they are on benefits? Here in the UK some people on benefits have kids just so they can get more money from the government. They are not having kids out of love but out of greed and we all end up paying for this and in more ways than one.

These children then predominately end up like their parents, on the benefits loads of kids and the cycle continues, so that's why I hold that view. I have seen it for myself, these children are playing in the streets at all hours of the night and are still babies depending on themselves.

The problem is a real problem, and the parasites that live this way generally have a lot more children than other parents. This means the percentage of parasites compared to the rest of the population is growing strongly. Take a look at supermarket car parks these days to see their estimated percentage of 'disabled' people.

However your solution is a little, err, harsh. Perhaps we as a society should try to prevent the children of the parasites becoming parasites themselves. Somehow...

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by jiggerj
I like your idea much better, doesn't involve injecting chemicals into young growing bodies.

I think something similar has been tried but I don't know if it made much of an impression.

What I think would work much better is a court ordered crying/screaming baby doll given to future grandparents. Let them get a taste of what's in store if they don't start teaching sexual responsibility.

Every week add yet another screaming grand-baby doll to the mix. I think parents of out of control teen breeders need a harsh dose of reality.

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