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Russia won't extradite Snowden to US – Kremlin

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posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:30 AM

Russia won't extradite Snowden to US – Kremlin

Moscow says security agency FSB is in talks with the FBI over Snowden. But whistleblower will not be extradited to the US, a Kremlin spokesman said, adding he is sure the fugitive NSA contractor will stop harming the US if granted asylum in Russia.

“Russia has never extradited anyone, and will not extradite,” said Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Russian President is not handling the case of the former CIA employee Edward Snowden, as “Snowden has not made any request that is subject to consideration by the head of the state,” added Peskov.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:30 AM
Bets on.

Who thinks this will change the administrations tactics on the Snowden ordeal? Maybe they will stop attempting to bully other sovereign nations to hand him over.

Russia simply states "No, never"

Stand firm Putin,

RT Reporter commented this!

"Россия – xранимая Богом родная земля!"

Which when translated stated "Russia - stored God native land!"

The words " Native land protected by God , "the anthem of Russia offered the deputy of the State Duma Boris Kashin

The words from the reporter must reflect the current ideologies within the Kremlin, after all RT is merely Russian propaganda, still a great outlet however.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:38 AM
Something tells me that snowdens life expectancy is dwindling fast.
the russians will tap all his resources and set him free, then he will parish
in a fire ball of a crash somewhere.... just a hunch,.

Kinda odd that snowden screams foul play threatens governments
and yet no REAL daming evidence is released. Seems to be just a distraction

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:57 AM
What is probably going to happen is this:

The Russians have offered Snoweden asylumm, but with any offer that is to be made, there will be strings attached, make no mistake of that. Good chance as part of that deal, he will have to turn over all information to their intelligence service.

Oh initially it will be parade him around, give him a nice apartment, food, show him the sights, and in short make a good show of him. And when the media attention dies down, then they will get to work on him.

Good chance part of the deal will be that he has to turn over all of the information he has to their intelligences service, including being pumped for information till he has given it all to them. Then be set up in some place far away from Moscow and left there to live out the rest of his life, his every movement monitored.

And the ultimate problem will be, he is stuck, and will not be able to travel to any other country, due to the fact that the moment he does, if it is a country that the US has ties with, they may apprehend him and turn him over to the US.

It does not look good for him in any case.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by sdcigarpig
The Russians have offered Snoweden asylumm, but with any offer that is to be made, there will be strings attached, make no mistake of that.

There are ALWAYS strings attached. Anyone who would think otherwise is naive. It's a chess game and has been for decades. Look at how the US government is scrambling to reign Snowden in, even now....weeks after the initial "furor" has died down. They know what Snowden has which has not been is THAT information they want to keep from getting out. At. All. Costs.

Originally posted by sdcigarpig
Good chance as part of that deal, he will have to turn over all information to their intelligence service.

It will go much further than that.

Опекуну никогда не спит

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:28 AM
No wonder we never get ufo/alien disclosure, nwo disclosure, or anything worthwhile.

Its a waste of time seeing so many think he is a traitor. Fact of the matter is he could of stayed in the USA and given disclosure to one of the msm networks had they coperated. Treating whistleblowers of corruption like this simply discourages future whistleblowing. If he were giving away weapon secrets, spying on the enemy secrets, or something meaningful to them I would agree he is a traitor but that is not the case.

I hope he stays in russia and lives a long natural healthy life although that is more than doubtful.

The american government wont even acknowledge that spying on americans and nato countries is illegal and immoral. go figure.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by The0nlytruth

My bet is that US and Russia will make a lot of deals in the next few years. US must have a lot of plans for the next few years and Russia will want to be in there too
Snowden will get some $ giving interviews and being in talk shows in Russia and will be forgotten. That's it.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 06:54 AM
As an American, I'm curious, how do I apply for asylum in Russia? It seems much better than living under this progressive utopia of endless war, propaganda and abortion.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Schillinger
As an American, I'm curious, how do I apply for asylum in Russia? It seems much better than living under this progressive utopia of endless war, propaganda and abortion.

I would suggest you visit Russia for an extended period of time before you up and decide to throw away your native citizenship. Life in Russia is very different

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 01:24 PM
Wait. Wait.
You have more respect for Mother Russia and THIS GUY?
Putin - Man of Action
or was it this guy that convinced you it's time to switch allegiances?
Putin - Man of the People

Face it, this guy is probably just holding Snowden until the NSA finishes installing his tracking system.
It's a very super villain thing to do.

edit on 27-7-2013 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-7-2013 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Thorneblood

Still better than US at this time, considering all of the available information - US government doesn't trust citizens of the USA. (I'm not saying it's any different in Russia or anywhere else but just debating available data)

In a few years you will hear: "We have more freedom than ever. We can even choose which in which hand our tracking chip will be implanted!" and it will be accepted as fact and everyone will be cheering.

Era of freedom in the USA is over while in Russia it's in the first stage

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

There are ALWAYS strings attached. Anyone who would think otherwise is naive. It's a chess game and has been for decades.

The strings will be the information he has, or at least the parts they don't already know from their own spy activities.

On the other hand, we have Russia scoring a MASSIVE moral victory over it's old cold war opponent..we have Obamas' USA, at first making solemn promises of 'protecting whistleblowers' and how citizens have a moral and patriotic duty to shine a light on illegal activities commited by governments and agencies...except when the whistle blowing is against Obamas agencies that are commiting the illegal activities of course!

And we have Russia, doing the Humanitarian bit and actually doing what Obama promised but failed to do..protect a whistleblower.

Very positive propaganda for Russia, terrible for USA.

Obamas Government has to be staffed by very naive people if they ever seriously imagined Russia would throw the Kudos away and give in to American was NEVER going to happen...i'd seriously question the judgement of the idiot who thought their tactics stood a snowballs chance in hell of prompting Russia to hand Snowden over because of a few threats from the USA.

Russia has handled the whole thing like elder statesmen, and have come out of this smelling sweetly of roses, whereas Obama and the rest of the current US government have acting illegally (still are btw), immorally and pretty much like spoilt naive children, and smell of something very different to roses.

A win for the Russians i think.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 04:42 PM
I did not think the USA and Russia had any extradition treaties. Therefore, the fact that Russia won't extradite Snowden is (er) pretty obvious.

Putin has already stated that he’ll give Snowden a home if he shuts his trap. The Russians may pretend they have cards to play on the world stage and, the mouthpiece of the Russian Government, will try to remind us that Russia is a power to be reckoned with. However, the truth is that Russia is not that great and powerful and no one would care for them if it were not for all the nukes.


posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by The0nlytruth

That's probably because they're too busy torturing the guy and getting him to write free code that the Soviets could use to F with us, you morons! Wake up! The NSA is necessary for when American are attacked by other multi American nationalists in the US posing as citizens and patriots!

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:51 PM
Yeah, my landlord in the front is Filipino, so what if I call him a nationalist. That's what he acts like by constantly acting like a terrorist, in my opinion.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by FreeEnergyChick
reply to post by The0nlytruth

That's probably because they're too busy torturing the guy and getting him to write free code that the Soviets could use to F with us, you morons! Wake up! The NSA is necessary for when American are attacked by other multi American nationalists in the US posing as citizens and patriots!

The problem is that many will not be surprised if that happens at all despite your need to warn us... because they will not stop sending people and weapons to foreign countries to start crap.

Were we supposed to be surprised?

It's kind of hard to have sympathy for a government that gets us into this crap.

It could have played a better, cleaner hand than this and IT FAILED.

It had everything going for it and all the opportunity, but greed had it's way.

The same greed that keeps us from clean energy technology.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:56 PM
Who would have ever imagine Russia becoming the safe haven for whistle blowers and government leakers.
Considering that Russia has a pretty sketchy past of removing anyone who reveals anything about their own government.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Who would have ever imagine Russia becoming the safe haven for whistle blowers and government leakers.
Considering that Russia has a pretty sketchy past of removing anyone who reveals anything about their own government.

well...that's the key, silly. It isn't about their own government. We do the same all the time.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 08:19 AM
I just read an article on Cracked about Putin that I had to share.

The man is a Boss.

He presided over a sextupling of Russia's GDP, the doubling of average national wages, signed bills mandating increased wages for teachers and nurses, and his approval rating is so constantly, ridiculously high, he's the only world leader reviewed by IGN. Either he is ruthlessly exploiting the media or he is a real-life action hero of such colossal scope that any movie starring him would seem absurd.

When wildfires ravaged the Ryazan region of Russia last year, Putin didn't appear in front of a camera to assure residents that everything possible was being done, he appeared in the front of a Beriev BE-200 amphibious aircraft to do it himself.

He fights fire.

In 2008 Putin visited Ussuri national park with a camera crew to see a trapped tiger when the adjective "trapped" suddenly, and pants-#tingly, no longer applied. Faced with the now-loose predator, Putin scooped up a tranquilizer pistol, dropped the tiger and then, because just downing a people-eating jungle cat didn't shake him up, he helped measure its teeth.

He shoots friggin tigers. (He tranqued and tagged a polar bear too.)

On an official trade visit to Japan in 2003 Vladimir took time out from negotiations to spiritually kick the entire country's ass with Judo. In front of the Japanese Prime Minister in the Kodokan judo headquarters of Japan, Putin demonstrated his willingness to take on any nation at its own sport. He suited up and showed everyone his version of various sweeps and throws on the center Kodokan instructor in a sparring match. In fact, he's the only world leader with a special move (Haraigoshi).

He's a Judo master.

Where American bureaucrats risk political suicide if they so much as breathe on an intern, Putin graciously and publicly accepts naked pictures of college co-eds. Not just one girl from a university, but all the girls at that university, with female Moscow State University students sending him an erotic calendar of themselves for his 58th birthday earlier this year; Russian women literally professionally print and bind themselves for delivery to his house.

Women love him, he gets their vote just from showing off muscle pics and being all sensitive like playing piano for a childrens benefit.

While most politicians have a worse understanding of modern technology than a whale wondering why that nuclear sub is playing so hard to get, Putin knows exactly what succeeds online: instead of promising tax cuts or health care, Putin asked "Can you help me name my new puppy?" Read more:

The man knows the internet.

Earlier this year the independent country of Kyrgyzstan named a mountain after Putin. Which kicks the # out of libraries and high schools. For anyone who lacks rudimentary geographic knowledge, or the willingness to search the Internet, Kyrgyzstan isn't part of Russia, it don't even border Russia. Yet the country clearly felt that if you're going to share a continent with Vladimir Putin then you'd better be on his good side. Communications Minister for Kyrgyzstan, Nurlan Sulaimanov even worried that they weren't giving him a big enough mountain.

Not only did a country name a mountain after him.....

When informed about his new namesake, Putin didn't respond with a simple thank you letter or a public assertion that it was too great an honor to accept, no. He said he wanted to climb it.

Can you imagine if we had leaders in our country that were actual men these days?

I don't blame Snowden for wanting asylum there. You would be crazy to pick a fight with Russia, and by extension Vladimir Putin. The man is a badass.

edit on 29-7-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

He is a leader and very good at what he denying that.
You have to admire the man for his mad skillz....

Note - this doesn't mean I'm Pro-Putin in any fashion. I simply acknowledge his successes.

edit on 29-7-2013 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

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