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Demonic Oppression, Demonic Possession, and Demonic Hauntings

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posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:07 AM
I will let you know how it goes! If I ever come out of this all in one piece, I will know what God has something in store for me to do to help others. I really hope everything is ok. I know i'm not alone in this journey, to everyone who has felt terror from all of this you are in my thoughts and prayers

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:09 AM
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posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by freedom7

If you trust God you'll be Ok. Especially if your desire is to get better and help others. God is stronger than the antagonist.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by freedom7

I haven't done anything to get rid of it. It seemed to go away by itself but now I have a feeling it is back. Currently I'm in a serious medical condition that even my doctors are surprised that I have it and they only found it last week. this condition can take my life at anytime and I need surgery done ASAP. It has only decided to show itself surrounded in pitch black darkness, I only see it occasionally and even then its when I'm in a dream type state. I did have another experience about 5 years ago, on a Catholic retreat which caused me to lose my faith as I almost died. Saying that, I've had numerous near death experiences and it all has happened since the age of 4, ranging from near drowning to serious accidents.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 12:06 PM

edit on 19-4-2014 by DilligafMisfit because: started own thread on subject

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 02:02 PM
Demons are lower astral entities that feed off from negativity. Victims are typically someone who have something negative emotions or curse attached to them.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: freedom7
I will let you know how it goes! If I ever come out of this all in one piece, I will know what God has something in store for me to do to help others. I really hope everything is ok. I know i'm not alone in this journey, to everyone who has felt terror from all of this you are in my thoughts and prayers

It's been a while since you posted this. How are you doing? Are you still getting on here? Just checking in, hope you are Ok.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: czechosicilian
I'd just love to hear your experiences, as I have had 100s of demonic experiences of my own, and am in a way, reaching out there to see if there is someone else out there who has gone, or is going through, the same things I have experienced.

Hey man, sorry I let so much time get by. I can't believe this thread was started so long ago. I was going to send you a message but I never took the time to write it out. I'll work on that. I just wanted to check in and give this thread a bump.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: czechosicilian

reviving an old thread here but would you be willing to go into detail about what the demons looked like? Curious to see if you've seen similar ones to the ones that I've seen. And...I hope you're still holding onto that faith, man.

posted on Aug, 7 2015 @ 11:52 AM
Decades ago I practiced witchcraft; now I am a Christian minister. I can assure anyone that Demonic Oppression / Possession is very real. I have exorcised around 50 Demons and I have seen some crazy things. Not to get all preachy, but if anyone who reads this is suffering from possession (if you truly are there is not a question about it) know that there is power in the name of Jesus and he can set you free.

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: jcutler12888

You say that it's coming from your mothers side.... it sounds interesting since I have sort of the same thing and a friend of mine has it too.... have you ever spoken to your mother about it?
There are so many things that happened to us (my friend and me) that I literally got chills when reading your "story" and the one posted by "Czechosicilian" when he/she was at his/her cousins place...

So far I don't want to go too far into details, but if anyone wants to know it, I'll share the stories.

Just before that: I am really curious... how did you find out about your mothers side of the family doing witchcraft or what so ever?

I know this post is a bit old, but I registered, because I am seeking for help and I hoped I might find some answers here, so I hope you'll read my "post" and answer.

Best wishes

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: ClosetConspirator

How? It got better for some time after some priests- 4 to be exact- were praying for me and 3 of my cousins to be "delivered from evil"... but since last October I started experiencing more and more "strange activities" yet again....
I was trying to open my 3rd eye with some meditation, but my dreams are getting all weired and fu***d up- which they were already before, but not like this....

And now there is this thing haunting me and my friend, sending us similar messages in our dreams.... how do we get rid of it?

posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: czechosicilian
I mean absolutely nothing about mental health issues, though I do believe that some experiences are due to mental health issues, don't get me wrong. I literally mean experiences with demons. If you have encountered one, you will know exactly what I'm asking for.

About the difference between Oppression and Possession. Here is some information I've looked up to help me define the difference:

-Demonic Oppression-


You asked about signs to indicate demonic oppression is at work. Here are some that come to mind immediately: depression, negativity, self-defeating thoughts, self-destructive thoughts, inability to concentrate, distractions (especially in trying to read God’s Word), feeling constantly overwhelmed, hopelessness, gloom, confusion. We all experience some of these things some of the time but when any of them predominates our life for sustained periods of time we can begin to suspect the work of a devil.

Another symptom is cycles of bad things such as one sickness after another, a constant stream of financial disasters, a propensity for accidents, always making the wrong decisions, always feeling under your circumstances—always feeling weighted down (to borrow from the dictionary definition). Again, we all have trials, sicknesses and accidents etc. but some people have little in their lives beside those things. Note: I don’t want to imply that any of the above is absolute proof of demonic oppression. Sometimes other causes are at work so let’s never rashly jump to conclusions especially in judging when someone else is oppressed.

This may seem too simplistic but a good way to tell if there is demonic oppression is when the person involved feels that's what’s wrong. Many times people intuitively know and sense the presence of evil outside themselves. Sometimes they suspect it because they know when and how it came in. With that we can next discuss “how” one becomes oppressed.

-Demonic Possession-


•Feeling like someone or something else is controlling you. You may feel controlled all the time or only some of the time.
•Feeling like someone or something is pressuring you to do certain acts.
•Feeling something touch you, scratch you, or otherwise attack you.
•Hearing one or multiple voices in your head that are negative, persuasive, or commanding you to do something. For example, hearing a voice persuade you that a certain friend should be avoided, or asking you to let them “in” to your life in some way.
•Deep personality changes. For example, someone stays at home all the time when they used to be very gregarious.
•Creepy feelings.
•An area of your house or your neighborhood which feels negative or oppressive.
•Any kind of phenomena. For example, scratching sounds, things falling off walls or shelves, religious or spiritual items being moved or changed.
•Feeling attacked when others do not see or experience anything. Sometimes this feeling of being attacked may come with physical pain that is medically inexplicable. Usually it will come with psychological pain of some sort – terror or anguish for example.
•An aversion to prayer or an inability to pray.
•Being unable to stand any contact with religious or spiritual items. For example, sudden strong aversion to going into a church or temple, aversion to being touched by a crucifix, and so on.

THESE SYMPTOMS WOULD DIRECTLY GO HAND IN HAND WITH A DEMONIC EXPERIENCE. They would not just appear out of the blue, with no explanation. You should clearly remember what demon/negative entity you encountered that caused these disturbances. The disturbances can be temporary, or they can be ongoing, lasting many months, to many years even!!

I hope this helps!!

After reading these definitions, I feel like someone finally spoke out what I've been telling my family the whole time... and it's not like they didn't believe me.... no... they are partially blaming me...
One of my aunts won't speak to me and forbidds both of my cousins AND MY UNCLE to -under any circumstances- speak to me or my father- which is strange, since I am sure that, what ever it might be, that is haunting us- it's coming from their side, my mother's side and there is something they clearly won't tell me, but it's somehow linked to me... I know parts of the story, but not everything..... how do you get rid of sth you can't control or understand?
How do you get rid of demonic oppression?

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: Chibi426
reply to post by freedom7

I haven't done anything to get rid of it. It seemed to go away by itself but now I have a feeling it is back. Currently I'm in a serious medical condition that even my doctors are surprised that I have it and they only found it last week. this condition can take my life at anytime and I need surgery done ASAP. It has only decided to show itself surrounded in pitch black darkness, I only see it occasionally and even then its when I'm in a dream type state. I did have another experience about 5 years ago, on a Catholic retreat which caused me to lose my faith as I almost died. Saying that, I've had numerous near death experiences and it all has happened since the age of 4, ranging from near drowning to serious accidents.

Putting this in quotes for my own records because I'm going through a lot. It seems people here posting can relate!!!

When we see something that doesn't fit into our normal routine of life, or hear, touch, feel, these things get put into the category extra sensory. Scientist say that a human only uses a small percentage of their brain at a given time, and now they are finding this is not true and in fact we use more of our brain at one time than we realize. All animals have been found with the ability to be intuitive, to sense before seeing. Our sensory input can be influenced by real things that can not be seen, they come in different fields of energy and magnetic waves. If you tap into the waves you can actual experience sensations that might not be your own, and also might not be human since animals live amongst humans. Sorry my brain is a little scrambled got hit by lightening a week ago. I am experiencing right now a sense of being disconnected with my body. I feel that our experiences run deeper than an evil spirit or demon and that handling it as if we know that is the case could be harmful. I've experienced these things along side visitations, being strangled and more, so believe these experiences real, not mental, but I don't agree with many on what is going on. I feel it is uncharted territory still, and we just learning to fly and understand a little of what is going on. This is dimensional like atoms and that is all I know.

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: czechosicilian
I mean absolutely nothing about mental health issues, though I do believe that some experiences are due to mental health issues, don't get me wrong. I literally mean experiences with demons. If you have encountered one, you will know exactly what I'm asking for.

About the difference between Oppression and Possession. Here is some information I've looked up to help me define the difference:

-Demonic Oppression-


You asked about signs to indicate demonic oppression is at work. Here are some that come to mind immediately: depression, negativity, self-defeating thoughts, self-destructive thoughts, inability to concentrate, distractions (especially in trying to read God’s Word), feeling constantly overwhelmed, hopelessness, gloom, confusion. We all experience some of these things some of the time but when any of them predominates our life for sustained periods of time we can begin to suspect the work of a devil.

Another symptom is cycles of bad things such as one sickness after another, a constant stream of financial disasters, a propensity for accidents, always making the wrong decisions, always feeling under your circumstances—always feeling weighted down (to borrow from the dictionary definition). Again, we all have trials, sicknesses and accidents etc. but some people have little in their lives beside those things. Note: I don’t want to imply that any of the above is absolute proof of demonic oppression. Sometimes other causes are at work so let’s never rashly jump to conclusions especially in judging when someone else is oppressed.

This may seem too simplistic but a good way to tell if there is demonic oppression is when the person involved feels that's what’s wrong. Many times people intuitively know and sense the presence of evil outside themselves. Sometimes they suspect it because they know when and how it came in. With that we can next discuss “how” one becomes oppressed.

-Demonic Possession-


•Feeling like someone or something else is controlling you. You may feel controlled all the time or only some of the time.
•Feeling like someone or something is pressuring you to do certain acts.
•Feeling something touch you, scratch you, or otherwise attack you.
•Hearing one or multiple voices in your head that are negative, persuasive, or commanding you to do something. For example, hearing a voice persuade you that a certain friend should be avoided, or asking you to let them “in” to your life in some way.
•Deep personality changes. For example, someone stays at home all the time when they used to be very gregarious.
•Creepy feelings.
•An area of your house or your neighborhood which feels negative or oppressive.
•Any kind of phenomena. For example, scratching sounds, things falling off walls or shelves, religious or spiritual items being moved or changed.
•Feeling attacked when others do not see or experience anything. Sometimes this feeling of being attacked may come with physical pain that is medically inexplicable. Usually it will come with psychological pain of some sort – terror or anguish for example.
•An aversion to prayer or an inability to pray.
•Being unable to stand any contact with religious or spiritual items. For example, sudden strong aversion to going into a church or temple, aversion to being touched by a crucifix, and so on.

THESE SYMPTOMS WOULD DIRECTLY GO HAND IN HAND WITH A DEMONIC EXPERIENCE. They would not just appear out of the blue, with no explanation. You should clearly remember what demon/negative entity you encountered that caused these disturbances. The disturbances can be temporary, or they can be ongoing, lasting many months, to many years even!!

I hope this helps!!

posted on Jan, 23 2016 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: czechosicilian
I mean absolutely nothing about mental health issues, though I do believe that some experiences are due to mental health issues, don't get me wrong. I literally mean experiences with demons. If you have encountered one, you will know exactly what I'm asking for.

About the difference between Oppression and Possession. Here is some information I've looked up to help me define the difference:

-Demonic Oppression-


You asked about signs to indicate demonic oppression is at work. Here are some that come to mind immediately: depression, negativity, self-defeating thoughts, self-destructive thoughts, inability to concentrate, distractions (especially in trying to read God’s Word), feeling constantly overwhelmed, hopelessness, gloom, confusion. We all experience some of these things some of the time but when any of them predominates our life for sustained periods of time we can begin to suspect the work of a devil.

Another symptom is cycles of bad things such as one sickness after another, a constant stream of financial disasters, a propensity for accidents, always making the wrong decisions, always feeling under your circumstances—always feeling weighted down (to borrow from the dictionary definition). Again, we all have trials, sicknesses and accidents etc. but some people have little in their lives beside those things. Note: I don’t want to imply that any of the above is absolute proof of demonic oppression. Sometimes other causes are at work so let’s never rashly jump to conclusions especially in judging when someone else is oppressed.

This may seem too simplistic but a good way to tell if there is demonic oppression is when the person involved feels that's what’s wrong. Many times people intuitively know and sense the presence of evil outside themselves. Sometimes they suspect it because they know when and how it came in. With that we can next discuss “how” one becomes oppressed.

-Demonic Possession-


•Feeling like someone or something else is controlling you. You may feel controlled all the time or only some of the time.
•Feeling like someone or something is pressuring you to do certain acts.
•Feeling something touch you, scratch you, or otherwise attack you.
•Hearing one or multiple voices in your head that are negative, persuasive, or commanding you to do something. For example, hearing a voice persuade you that a certain friend should be avoided, or asking you to let them “in” to your life in some way.
•Deep personality changes. For example, someone stays at home all the time when they used to be very gregarious.
•Creepy feelings.
•An area of your house or your neighborhood which feels negative or oppressive.
•Any kind of phenomena. For example, scratching sounds, things falling off walls or shelves, religious or spiritual items being moved or changed.
•Feeling attacked when others do not see or experience anything. Sometimes this feeling of being attacked may come with physical pain that is medically inexplicable. Usually it will come with psychological pain of some sort – terror or anguish for example.
•An aversion to prayer or an inability to pray.
•Being unable to stand any contact with religious or spiritual items. For example, sudden strong aversion to going into a church or temple, aversion to being touched by a crucifix, and so on.

THESE SYMPTOMS WOULD DIRECTLY GO HAND IN HAND WITH A DEMONIC EXPERIENCE. They would not just appear out of the blue, with no explanation. You should clearly remember what demon/negative entity you encountered that caused these disturbances. The disturbances can be temporary, or they can be ongoing, lasting many months, to many years even!!

I hope this helps!!

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 05:50 PM
Don't give up on your faith in Jesus. Ask him to show you where this all began. Have you ever played Ouija Board, gone to a fortune teller, had Taro Cards read? When you were back slidden did you get into the Occult? When we do these things we open the door to demons. We basically say 'yes' to them. To get rid of them you have to say 'no' and close the door. Also, resentment, unforgiveness, etc. towards others who have hurt us can also open doors. We need to ask God for help to see what sin keeps Him shut out of our lives. Forgive those who hurt you. State your faith in Jesus. Repent and renounce sins (really feel sorry for past sins and say aloud that you want nothing more to do with them). Say "In Jesus name, go!" to anger, fear, resentment, demons that came when playing with the Ouija Board, etc. Then pray to God the Father and read the Bible (New Testament) to learn who Jesus is and how He came to bring us freedom.

I say this all from experience. I suffered with constant anger, fear, humiliation, insecurity, etc. etc. This all came on me from a very difficult childhood of rejection and neglect. Then I got into the New Age activities of numerology, astrology, palm reading, and more. The trauma from childhood opened doors (believing lies opens doors) and the occult opened more. Then one day God placed in my hands (I was already in my 40's by then and wasted many years in emotional torment) a book called 'Unbound' by Neal Lozano. I read the simple, beautiful truths and followed the wisdom given. I can say honestly that in a instant after forgiving, repenting, renouncing (saying I want nothing more to do with my sins of the past), and taking authority in Jesus' name (In Jesus' name GO!) I was FREE. With four strange yawns four demons left. After that whenever any strange feelings I couldn't explain arose from circumstances (we call them buttons), I knew to ask God to show me where these came from. Often I remembered some trauma, hurt or sin from my past, I would again forgive, repent, renounce and cast out in Jesus' name, then thank God for his love for me. Now some six years have past from my first step to FREEDOM, and like layers of an onion, all the baggage from my past is being peeled away. Jesus came to make us free and to give us sound minds. Jesus is able to deliver us from all the powers of the enemy, but we have to be right with Jesus. We can't let sin and lies rule in our hearts. Give all the junk from the past to Jesus and He will take it and give you peace in exchange. Check out the Heart of the Father dot com.
a reply to: freedom7

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 11:24 PM
Not sure where to start.. My experience has ranged from sleep paralysis to being levitated and thrown back n forth. I hallucinated in church four yrs ago and passed out shaking. Cleared out a whole Calvary Church... Growling noises..scratching..a lot.. A lot has happened it started with night terrors as a child when I was four..scratching and things thrown at me by 18. Sleep paralysis and growling g when I was six months pregnant. My son just turned four and his night terrors started. He woke up nine days before bday said shadow ppl in the bad room tried pulling him into the red door.
Uh..I've seen a bark skinned, my friend said may have been pan, he came to me when I was six months pregnant.
My friend thought I've had alien abduction possibly. I don't. I've been haunted no matter where I go. Sometimes I think when I ignore things, things go away or get better..only temporarily.
Things have started again and I'm starting to wake up sitting up. That's how it starts sometimes. I heard the growling under the bed. My bf heard it too.
My ex husband heard it when I was pregnant too. And the night before we started a video. Orbs responded to us..
Anyway so much has happened. I'm not schizophrenic. I've had to priests tell me I need exorcism but I denounced my Faith. Less happens now..or less often. I believe an exorcism will make it worse. Church does. If I read the bible things get violent. I have a friend who has videos of me not being me..videos of me sleeping and arching.. they look like I'm drugged in a stupper but..I'm asleep I think, whispering. One of them I'm wide awake and talk like a little girl.
Oh the list goes on..I'd be happy to answer any questions or any advise. It's kinda lonely sometimes. My bf says I had an episode but all I remember is being across the room after he put protection oil on me .
Wow ok more then I wanted to share or maybe I had to invade it starts n gets worse now.
Thanks for letting me rant I guess

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 10:51 PM
I have had some crazy experiences, demonic I do believe. I am 38 and as long as I can remember I have felt a feeling of being watched. It's something I've tried to ignore, but it's very hard.

We moved into a home in 2014 and from the start I was tormented constantly! I was terrified of certain parts of the home. Feelings of doom and depression plagued me. I am normally outgoing, but became content sitting in one room.

Then the knocking on the wall behind my bed began. I was told to ignore it... But it was impossible! It was so loud I couldn't sleep. Always always the knocks would be in a series of 3. Cliche I know! Lightbulbs wouldn't last, they'd blow when I touched them.

My husband witnessed these events. Nothing in the home could have caused the noises. We had everything checked.

I began having horrible dreams where an entity would speak to me telling me how to become an efficient killer. I have become violent, had outbursts, I'm depressed, my life has been a series of failures since then. I remember being terrified whatever this was would cause my husband and I to fight. That same night the words "Divide and Conquer" came into my head. My husband was different, cold, and I felt like it was the thing trying to isolate me.

I've had visions of me being barracaded in a room trying to keep everyone out so they wouldn't be subjected to this torment. In this vision I sliced my wrist and drew symbols all over the walls... They meant "Help Me" and "Keep Out, Danger". I was literally afraid to be alone with my own children.

Anytime an event such as knocking or other things would happen, you could feel the atmosphere get tight... Hard to breath. I'd get dizzy, and others would too. Things would move and reappear right in front of us.

After months of this, I was so weak. I could hardly stand. I have had unexplained illnesses. I have felt something dark has always been around me, but this was different. I never EVER feel alone.

I would wake with bite marks and scratches that I couldn't have done bcuz I couldn't reach some of these areas on my body.

I do not remember any words spoken from the dark being. But in my mind I could hear Legion and Belial. I have researched it and it terrifies me.

If anyone has insight please respond. I have way more things to share, more incidents.

Thanks for reading. I'm new here, take it easy on me ATS veterans. I know my post is imperfect, but I'd like feedback.


posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: SuicideGirl2217

Dear Suicide Girl, after reading your post and seeing the name you used, it is very disconcerting.

The demons are real. So are angels.

If you are having demonic harassment or even possession there is a reason for it. You or someone in the household has had to given them permission. They can't come in unless allowed.

Any involvement with the occult opens the door to demonic harassment.

Jehovah's holy word of truth states:

(Deuteronomy 18:10-12) . . .There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, anyone practicing magic, anyone who looks for omens, a sorcerer, 11 anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit medium or a fortune-teller, or anyone who inquires of the dead. 12 For whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah. . .

The reason all of the occult practices are condemned by God, is because they are controlled by the enemy Satan the Devil.

Now you asked for some help so I am talking with you to hopefully give you some.

Firstly, Jehovah is the true God. And his name is a strong tower. Scripture states:

(Proverbs 18:10) The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous one runs and receives protection.

So you need to RUN to Jehovah, and he can give you protection.

While God's son, Jesus walked the earth he expelled demons from many people.

And scripture tells us that Jesus rejected the Devil and the Satan left him:

(Matthew 4:10, 11) . . .Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’” 11 Then the Devil left him. . .

Notice that Jesus did not accept the honor or glory Satan wanted to give him as a temptation. Rather Jesus correctly rebuked Satan and said it is to Jehovah God whom we must render sacred service.

Praying to Jehovah is the BEST thing you can do, in Jesus' name.

There are so many people who are falsely lead to believe that it is to Jesus whom they must plead. But even Jesus told Satan it is Jehovah God whom we must render sacred service.

Scripture also comforts us with this knowledge, that if we shun the Devil he will flee from us:

(James 4:7) . . .Therefore, subject yourselves to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.

Notice, first we must subject ourselves to God, and then oppose the Devil. That is why the scripture continues:

(James 4:8) . . .Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones.

Whatever you are doing in sin you must purify yourself and cleanse your hands of every defilement of the flesh.

Draw close to God. You can do that by means of prayer, by means of studying God's word. By means of gathering together along with Jehovah's people.

Study the Bible with a servant of Jehovah. He loves you very much, and he can help you overcome even the wickedest of oppressions.

In Scripture we are shown that there is a very real battlefield and war going on between Jehovah and Satan. And that the real warfare is spiritual. And thus our weapons, are not carnal, but spiritual.


(Ephesians 6:14-18) . . .Stand firm, therefore, with the belt of truth fastened around your waist, wearing the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having your feet shod in readiness to declare the good news of peace. 16 Besides all of this, take up the large shield of faith, with which you will be able to extinguish all the wicked one’s burning arrows. 17 Also, accept the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, that is, God’s word, 18 while with every form of prayer and supplication you carry on prayer on every occasion in spirit. . . .

Notice the suit of armor you must put on? Firstly "the truth" which is all of God's good words found in Holy Scripture. Righteousness, being ready to preach the good news, and ABOVE ALL the LARGE SHIELD OF FAITH.

Faith, dear one, can withstand all of Satan's burning arrows.

Accept the helmet of salvation, which is accepting Jesus Christ as our savior. And notice, our weapon, The sword of the spirit. God's word. With it you can hack to pieces everything and bring all things into subjection.

How spirit creatres affect us

Spirit Creatures How they Affect Us

Satan th Devil along with his wicked demons are very real, and they control the earth.

But Jehovah is also real, and he is much more powerful than the wicked one.

Among the things listed above, please also rid yourself of everything involved in the occult. Including tarot cards, amulets (luck is in the purview of Satan, videos and books and posters, and video games, and computer programs, and websites on the occult. Items that may have been given you or you have acquired from a person practicing the occult.

All forms of occultism are in Satan's control and opens access to demonic harassment and worse. And not a few, by being curious have been lead to the occult, as a fisherman baits his prey with a lure, and then they are harassed, many even hounded into insanity, and suicide and worse.

Do not play with the occult. And if you have and you are trying to break free from Satan's clutches THE ONLY person to turn to is Jehovah the true God.
edit on 5-3-2016 by JackReyes because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2016 by JackReyes because: (no reason given)

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