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Brad Thor tells O'Reilly NSA is Recording ALL of our Phone Converstions

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posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by intrptr

I don't know, I just feel like you've got this "I've given up on it" attitude. That's alright, it's your choice. I work, I work a lot and I work hard. It's my right to work that hard and its my right to try to talk some sense into some of the knuckleheads in America that think its A. O.K. to let this paranoid conglomerate government record everything you do.

I get where you're coming from too. I don't think you're one of those people that come in here and try to sell us this NSA b.s.

One thing you are doing, is when curious minds want to learn about stuff that this government is currently partaking of, and has been for a long time now come in here and have you telling them its hopeless and worthless. They've got us by the bits and you might as well just stop talking about it, you turn people off from the truth that you seem to think I'm not in pursuit of. To just pass it off as its no big deal, cause if you didn't do anything wrong then you don't have anything to worry about crap people will stop paying attention, and then the innocent people you are talking to get caught up in the crossfire of a government hell bent on an agenda.

These threads are popping up because people want to know why their government is spying on them. Why are they storing all that data. You are effectively pushing people away, just like the government wants you to do. The government is more afraid of a well informed public then they are a mob of raving lunatics carrying pitchforks. The latter can be disposed of by force, the former can dispose of a corrupt government without the bloodshed.

But if you wanna start a march to Washington, get it set up. We've crossed the line in the sand, or rather they have and there are a lot of people pissed about it. We can try the pitchfork and torches technique for all I care, cause something has to be done to rein in these self centered power drunkards.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by whyamIhere

Originally posted by MsAphrodite
reply to post by intrptr

And at what point were your 4th Amendment rights given away? Sure you are not doing anything wrong-- that is until they decide you are. How far back can they go? Oh just as far as they need to.

Please do us all a favor and wake up.

Another....If you aren't doing anything wrong argument.

As a proud American I will not even dignify that ignorance with a response.

But, I am sure glad you did...

People need to consider how such technology would have been a wet dream for the likes of Hitler or Stalin, for rounding up their political adversaries and enemies. Totally innocent people rounded up for holding certain beliefs.

The "if you arnt doing anything wrong" excuse is poor considering the possibilities of this technology. It worries me so many pull it out. They clearly haven't considered where this leads.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by whyamIhere

I watched the first minute, where the guy said that Snowden could have taken his concerns to his superiors, and I switched it off. The guy is yet another propagandist talking head, clearly knows little, and is basically finding a middle ground to try to please a majority without getting himself into trouble.

The fact is, Obama's admin has attacked more whistleblowers than all previous US administrations in history combined. He preached about supporting whistleblowers before being elected, and did the same thing he did on every other important issue - backtracked and reversed.

No whistleblower in America can possibly ever have faith in the system to do what's right. The guy talking in this video is a shill, a hack, a self-publicist and a scum ball. He's either ignorant to the facts of this story, or he's deliberately lying on camera.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by wondermost

The government is more afraid of a well informed public then they are a mob of raving lunatics carrying pitchforks.
Actually, its the other way around. They are scared to death of pitch forks. People can yadda yadda all day long , in fact thats what they want so people "feel" better because they get it off their chest. Kind of a soap box thing. Then they are less likely to act.

I haven't "given up", I don't say don't talk about it. I especially don't say nothing can be done.

What I am is a student of history. I personally know that across time the same forces that rule and have ruled the earth are always in charge of the halls of power. They get control, amass wealth, build high fortress walls with armored gates and carriages and then make war on everyone and everything. This is always the way of it. They sit behind their fortresses and moats and lord it over everyone else, only abdicating the "throne" when they are killed. It was true in Caesars time, Hitlers and now today.

Sure, the world must revolt and exterminate the powers that be. It will be the toughest this time. Hitler sat in his Berlin Bunker pouring over maps as Soviet shells crashed into the city above his head. He finally "gave it up" after destroying a world and killing over 50 million people.

Today the prospects are even more bleak. The fortresses, armies and soldiers are better armed than ever before. Its going to be a lot bloodier. I had to wake up one day to discover that I am living in the Fourth Reich. I know where this is leading and what will result. I wish it wasn't so, I have always known this to some extent as my mom was born in Germany and survived WWII as a young girl. So I study history.

I watched as the last gasp of free humanity in the 60s tried to overcome this and prevent it from happening. If you want to see as good a treatise on it as possible, watch "Steal this Movie" about Abbie Hoffman's life and what happened back then. Those people were true patriots. We are munchkins comparatively. I don't see any such action recurring nowadays. The media, powers that be and indifferent masses will see to that.

I don't see todays generation coming up to do anything other than indulge in selfish pursuits, there is no unity there. As far as reaching others, there aren't that many people on this website or that read it as some say. A few hundred? A few thousand? The larger mass of Americans don't look this way anyway. They are too busy "working", going to ball games or playing videos.

Look at whats viral today and then get back to me. Thats what scares me and keeps me up at night. That history is about to come full circle and ignite the worst killing fire that ever existed and I live right in the middle of the country thats responsible.

And I can't do a damn thing about it. Except tell people what I just told you. I would say rise up, but even Occupy was a pittance. I would say wake up, but I am accused of being doom oriented and not being "positive". I would start something, but I am too old. I can only be the change I want to see personally.

Where are all the veterans that are young and trained and know the truth of whats going down in the world? Where are all the lawyers that know law and are trying to sue the s*** out of the power structure and bring it down with the pen? Where are all the investigative journalists that open cans of worms to the main stream and show us how deep the rot goes? Nobody is questioning anything in the real world, nobody is impeaching anyone anymore. No laws remain on the books to protect us from our own ignorance.

I watch 2million people march in Egypt an I cry hurrah for them. I see the riots in the Eu, the Middle east to be free and willing to take some tear gas and bullets and I say good show. I look here and all we do is talk. Its a sad day.

Rant off.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Rocker2013

Well said...

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by whyamIhere

Sorry, I replied twice.

As a proud American I will not even dignify that ignorance with a response.

How can one be a proud American these days?
I'm a real American and I am filled with shame about my countries behavior. Above and below. Here and abroad.

Please don't blame America for the actions of a few men.

I understand where you are coming from. But what if our Founders gave up?

We need intelligent people like you on our side.

The easy thing to say is America is too far gone.

The American thing to say is "enough". If we really want to scare the hell out of DC.

We all need to unite. Nothing would scare these criminals more.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by NSAHole

We're only watching terrorists. And the people that know them. And the people that know the people that know them.


so what you mean to say is that you're watching people, whoever you define as a "terrorist". then you're watching everyone who knows them, AND EVERYONE WHO KNOWS THEM WHO KNOWS THEM!!

they say that through 7 people, one person knows everyone on the planet.

and what is a terrorist again? someone who doesn't like government policies, someone who is pro-constitution, pro-guns, someone who pays with cash and keeps their blinds down. anyone with a political bumper sticker.

you make me sick. you are truly a traitor.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:40 AM
While trying to write this, it seems Quazimodo, MCP, Skynet, whatever, is not going to let me finish.
Everything is monitored real-time. They will predict yours and my future. Precrime is here.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Yule C Mann

Precrime is here.

Interesting term. How long until you are arrested for something you might do?

"Precrime" might be the scariest word I have ever heard.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by whyamIhere

Please don't blame America for the actions of a few men.

Explain that to the Japanese and German citizens during WWII. In the end they were carpet bombed, firebombed, nuked even for their leaders crimes. Nobody cared about them. After all, they went to work, payed their tax and built weapons and munitions in factories. "Good citizens". Good Romans, whatever.

I understand where you are coming from. But what if our Founders gave up?

They didn't fight in Washington's army. Where is "Washington's Army" anyway? Are they closing on Washington as we speak?

We need intelligent people like you on our side.

I'm right here. Heres the thing. And its just a personal opinion... Whether you side with the Rulers or fight against them you play into their hands. If you fight against them you justify their need for the "War on Terror". I don't belong to "any side". I'm more like Martin Luther Kings or Ghandis version of "passive non resistance". I can only change my behavior to be the change I want to see.

The easy thing to say is America is too far gone.

Actually the real problem is America (armies) are too heavily armed. Its going to be messy when the world finally retaliates.

The American thing to say is "enough". If we really want to scare the hell out of DC.

We all need to unite. Nothing would scare these criminals more.

I know you mean well and I want to see some "peaceful" resolution as well, some miraculous change. Most good people just can't imagine how stubborn control freaks are. Greed, power of control and paranoia rule their minds. They will not go quietly.

History proves this time and again. The only thing that is going to change America is some cataclysm. from the people or outside, whichever. They are going to have to drag the perps out into the street kicking and screaming. This happened in Romania with Ceauscesu (or whatever his name was). They shot him out back of the court house. In Italy Mussolini was hung up in the town square by his heels. In Germany Hitler blew his own brains out. Only then...

I know the temptation is to join either side, to participate in the mayhem. Really the hardest thing is to not to. Thats the real test. Its easy to join a lynch mob. Or be a soldier. Any damn fool can pull a trigger. The hardest thing to do in a fight is not fight back. I think the Bible says something about turning the other cheek? How do you want to be counted in the end. as having murdered others (for any side) or having refused to?

You can see from responses that this is an unwelcome opinion. Thats part of my frustration with sharing it. Nobody seems to care anymore about real solutions to the problems we face as Americans. We go about our daily business not even nodding to each other, let alone discussing this in the real world . The internet is not the real world by the way. Just a "forum" or "chat room". We want our TV, steel belted radials and microwave ovens and leave us alone.

America deserves everything it has coming. Thats where my so be it attitude comes from. As harsh as that sounds, its more realistic (form a historical perspective).

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Yule C Mann
While trying to write this, it seems Quazimodo, MCP, Skynet, whatever, is not going to let me finish.
Everything is monitored real-time. They will predict yours and my future. Precrime is here.

You are directing this paranoia at me? Good one dude.

Yes I am controlling your mind thru the "ether"-net...

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by intrptr

I know the temptation is to join either side, to participate in the mayhem.

I get it. You think America has it coming (Historically speaking). That's hard to argue against.

To be clear I do not advocate violence or mayhem of any type.

We have the ability to organize, free speech and the right to assemble.

Ultimately we have one vote. Sounds kind of silly one vote. That is what the Founders gave us.

By itself, one vote seems very small. However, when the American People rally together.

That is when we see the true power and wisdom of our Founders. Our one vote becomes huge.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by elouina
I thought we all knew this already? From what I understood, "they only pull out the calls themself, when you become a party of interest". Which I really believe, yeah right...

That's not a hard concept to believe as my department lives a similar scenario every day.

We issue company smart phones which uses an MDM product. That MDM can map where a phone is based on the phones GPS, you can sandbox content, you can remote wipe it and so on. Since those phones have company specific email or data on them the tracking and other management capabilities of the phone are always on but just because something is on doesn't mean its being used in some draconian big brother way.

That's a concept that some of the average users found hard to believe. A few people complained and one person showed up at a design meeting and accused us of trying to be our own 1984 since we were tracking that phone. I explained to him that yes while the phone was being constantly tracked to actually get access to that data required a specific set of internal approvals and management sign offs. Ultimately not getting his work email on the phone slowed him down too much and he accepted the trade off.

My point in bringing that up is that just because something is recorded or tracked doesn't automatically mean it's being used as a spy weapon or some nefarious manner. If the phone in my example above was reported lost then i could go through the internal steps needed to get a geographic location on that phone or i could send a remote wipe to it or lock it down. In other words I wouldn't use the data until I needed to which is not a bad thing.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by intrptr

I see now that, believe it or not, we share the same views on this subject. You say you are an old man, I am a young man. This kind of news lights a fire in my soul, and I don't know what else to do at the moment but try to reach all those people that are too busy. I get quite the reputation for being a crazy person, and I wear it as a badge of honor.

Unfortunately all the real whistleblowers either run to other countries and still hold back info to spare their lives, or they are literally blown up as they drive their cars down the road.

Its dark times we live in, but if I'm gonna die at the hands of some sociopaths who think their right is to rule over humanity however they see fit, I'm gonna do it on my feet not on my knees.

Maybe you're right about what the government fears, but at some point the people won't be able to hide in their t.v.'s and jobs. When the time come's, it'll be fight or flight. I really hope that old American spirit that used to be in the youth of our nation in the sixties is just lying dormant, waiting for the alarm to go off.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by opethPA

That was really interesting. Thanks for the inside look. Every body should have a personal tracking device which can be wiped, located or locked down.

I bookmarked your post under surveillance.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by wondermost

I see now that, believe it or not, we share the same views on this subject.

Tanks for the notes on how I come across. I need to hear that.

Americans who want to undertake a successful guerrilla style movement could learn lessons from the French Underground during the Nazi Occupation of their country in WWII.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by opethPA

That was really interesting. Thanks for the inside look. Every body should have a personal tracking device which can be wiped, located or locked down.

I bookmarked your post under surveillance.

Since I am assuming your reply above was tongue in cheek.
Do you expect businesses not to protect their assets? Would you expect patients not to sue where I work if their information was lost?
In my example the people had the choice to opt out but because the device at that point didnt offer the security features they were not able to get their work emaildata which ultimately became an issue for them.

edit on 26-7-2013 by opethPA because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
People can correct me on this if I am mistaken.

Since nobody else has yet, I'll take the bait and duly note that you are mistaken. Sort of. On the details.

They don't record all your calls, just whatsis called who, when. If for some reason they decide your "calling activity" is worth a closer look

All your calls (emails, search history, whatever) ARE recorded in real time.
Parallel to the keyword analysis, occcuring in or near real-time, the meta-data (who, where, etc.) data is analyzed for relationships or "targeted" activity - anything on a "watch list" or some such thing. This is parallel analysis and selection path that could result in more intensive analysis, monitoring or intervention of your communications. A good analogy would be if an Al-awaraki(sp?)-type suspect dialed your number in error - nothing you could have done here, but still because of the situation your comm gets flagged on this path - just based on the metadata analysis alone.

they may then enable a key word identifier on your line to see if you use certain words associated with their investigation. If they get "hits" on the key words, then bits of conversation around the "trigger" words are recorded and checked by a live body.

All the keyword filtering, context sensitive analysis, etc. are done near real time by computer and scored.
Once the threshold or "score" of your conversation exceeds specified parameters does your call content perhaps get the attention of a real person - my opinion is that there's another level of semantic analysis that occurs automatically and by computer program before your conversation content (or at least the scoring and word selections) are sent to a humint analyst for review. This doesn't occur in or near real-time.

I agree with most of your post from this point on until....

If the electronic surveillance warrants a real world "partial" surveillance, a decision is made to authorize the prohibitive costs of actually parking down your street and watching the address, opening your mail, going thru your garbage, whatever.

Most likely there's significant offline analysis that occurs before this step is determined, as well as some humint analysis of your content before a decision is made to put boots on the ground.... Probably several levels of anlaysis of your metadata and content - as well as a background check and some "deep data analysis" before any assignment is made to a covert operations group.

Again you're pretty much right on the money in your post until we get to the point...

Only then do they pile up nearby in some parking lot and then come crashing your door in.

Your physical layouts and video surveillance including satellite MUST be done before assigning an entry team or even activating an entry unit. Most of the analysis would be done by AI or other computer analysis before any humint decision to confront/raid your property.

Whew, by then a lot of money has been authorized by higher and higher echelons of the local authorities, state, and any (higher) agencies to begin this and carry it thru to the actual raid. They need to justify all the expenditure and carry it out in stages that justify each intensification of the whole process.

Way past the financial justification stage at this point, in fact, I've seen that very little economic justification is at issue - it's mostly based on your suspected activities and the "value" of your contacts - in addition to what we've referred to in government as "bureaucratic objectives and priorities"

By the time your door is actually broken down they are pretty sure you are guilty of something that justifies all their actions focused on you. This is how any investigation goes down suspecting criminal activity be it drugs, weapons, whatever. The whole process takes months unless say tips or emergencies warrant something faster.

The whole process can be merely days! And the humint boots on the ground is a completely optional step at the federal level, although local yokels will need humint resources engaged before any type of raid.

Otherwise, R_E_L_A_X, you aren't that special! The gubment is not recording everything you say all the time. That would require more computers and storage space than the whole planet has room for.

Sorry to disagree, but there is plenty of storage space and computational capability to be brought to bear and I (hope) I've already established that all the content of your real-time communications MUST be recorded in real-time to provide the offline analysis capabilities I've put forward in discussion thus far.

Completely disagree at this point - it's already a "done deal"

This is mostly based on my internal operational experience with government intelligence gathering.

edit on 26-7-2013 by ganjoa because: foo foo typos

edit on 26-7-2013 by ganjoa because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-7-2013 by ganjoa because: more clarifciations & misspellings

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by opethPA

Since I am assuming your reply above was tongue in cheek.

No I really have a bookmarked section entitled surveillance. Where I keep all the info members present about ways we can be tracked and monitored. Yours was worthy. I might use it again sometime if you don't mind...

(this is a compliment)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by ganjoa

Thanks for the rundown. I was speaking from experience too (in another long ago life). I guess my point again is that simply speaking ones mind on the internet is generally not enough to warrant warrantless entry without a bit more "real world" investigation.

I was trying to downplay the fear everyone seems to experience here of late about being open with each other.

What are you trying to do, catch the "bad guys"? Did you know that all the 911 perps, the Boston bombers and countless others were already on watch lists and yet allowed to come and go as they please? What were the watchers watching then? Further all this expensive snoop dog technology hasn't justified its existence yet as far as I am concerned. Better get busy...

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