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There are no Alien Ships visiting Earth

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posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by rigel4

The entire world is filled with Camera phones, Cameras, video cameras, surveillance cameras
and everything else in between.

A species advanced enough to have interstellar space travel down can't figure out how to circumvent an iPhone's camera? Interesting hypothesis.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by rigel4

Daying they are not visiting us, is just as bad as saying they are.
You dont know, i dont know, kniw one knows. But what we do
know is something odd is flying in our air space. If you just look
at pilot, militery and radar evidence alone, then that tells you something
is going on.

Now, when people make these threads, normally, they know little
or nothing about the subject, hence the reason they always mention
"blurry photo/videos"

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 05:46 AM
we are now just starting to understand how to bend light around an object . who is to say a race 100 years to a thousand years more advanced than we are have perfected the technology . maybe we don't see them to often because that is what they want .. do some people really think that we are the most advanced civilization out there and we have all the technology and everything else is below us or at par with us .. seriously come on
edit on 25/7/13 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 06:59 AM
When you ask believers where the aliens come from....they go all quiet.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:20 AM
I too have been searching for the truth for many years.
Not one piece of footage has me convinced of spacecraft from a Galaxy far far away, or even a spacecraft of any origin being anything other than man made...But....But...Travis Walton, now that's a case that leaves me perplexed.

7 possible Liars who never deviated from the original story, even when 6 of those witnesses were being investigated for the possible murder and concealment of a body...Na, The Walton case is one that keeps me coming back for ,more, time and time again.
I believe Travis and his friends told the truth. Was it Aliens from another World far far away....Who Knows?

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by freedomSlave
we are now just starting to understand how to bend light around an object . who is to say a race 100 years to a thousand years more advanced than we are have perfected the technology . maybe we don't see them to often because that is what they want .. do some people really think that we are the most advanced civilization out there and we have all the technology and everything else is below us or at par with us .. seriously come on
edit on 25/7/13 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

Yeah, Great Point. Can you Imagine the Look on the Wright Brothers faces a Little over a Hundred years ago on that Cold windy beach, when just as they were taking off a Stealth Bomber tore by...

Just 100 years makes a lot of difference never mind 10,000 years.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by DaTroof

Your method is flawed. If you had no equipment to test whether radio waves were traversing the air then by your logic they dont exist. You cannot say either way with certainty. Period.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by rigel4

With all due respect.... You are not accurate. I believe that witness testimony is stronger evidence than any video or photo you can produce.

Take the holocaust as an example. You had video footage and photos and even death camps still standing in their original for, yet none of this is proof to the deniers or holocaust. But the one type of evidence that is stronger than the others is the witnesses/victims that were there and saw with their own eyes.
They were all from different countries in different camps, have never spoken to eachother yet their testimonies are parallel in terms of factual basis.

People are the best evidence. If you believe that people are twisted enough to make up stories like this en mass, then maybe you are the one who is twisted.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by rigel4
The entire world is filled with Camera phones, Cameras, video cameras, surveillance cameras
and everything else in between. Still... after 20 years of the digital age, there is still no smoking gun.

So you think that races who are intelligent enough to be able to come across the universe and/or come from other dimensions aren't smart enough to know how to dodge our mundane camera equipment recording devices??

Animals in the wild are observed and photographed by humans without those animals knowing it.
Just because those animals don't see us doesn't mean that we aren't there doing it.
I would think that these aliens are able to do much the same thing.
They are FAR more advanced than we are.

Both the anecdotal evidence and the Drake equation are pretty convincing to me that aliens are real.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by rigel4
So when are the UFO community going to accept that there are no
alien spaceships visiting planet Earth?

so what are you saying,,, Human Time Travelers from the future & that they alter past events &/or evidence that prematurely lead too this knowledge &/or negative effects upon the timeline.....I guess if they got control of time they could go back & erase any evidence/events ,,for whatever reason.....

interesting ,but i'm not sure i'm buying it either::::

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by rigel4
Belief is the same as god . deity's.. and ghosts, so i think what you are saying is exactly right,
believing in something doesn't make it real..

I have experienced God and ghosts. Both are real.
I can't prove either. But I have had first hand experience with both so I know they are real.
That's not 'belief'. That's KNOWING.

The same can be said for many who experience aliens/ufos.
(and yes .. I've seen two UFOs in my lifetime to date)
edit on 7/25/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by rigel4
The entire world is filled with Camera phones, Cameras, video cameras, surveillance cameras
and everything else in between. Still... after 20 years of the digital age, there is still no smoking gun.

99% of these cameras can only see a very narrow band in the overall spectrum, ie "visible light." Not to mention videos will never be accepted as proof.

Originally posted by rigel4
Satellites patrol the skies seeing everything that moves, but all we are offered are the same blurry lights in the sky
or clever cgi that is eventually taken apart by debunkers and shown for what it is.

And who controls these satellites, and what benefit do they have to share any data that they obtain?

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You know that most people who have seen UFOs have also had ghostly encounters? I have myself. I believe they are related and nothing to do with what we generally perceive them to be.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by rigel4
Belief is the same as god . deity's.. and ghosts, so i think what you are saying is exactly right,
believing in something doesn't make it real..

I have experienced God and ghosts. Both are real.
I can't prove either. But I have had first hand experience with both so I know they are real.
That's not 'belief'. That's KNOWING.

The same can be said for many who experience aliens/ufos.
(and yes .. I've seen two UFOs in my lifetime to date)
edit on 7/25/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

I second that for all of the above, i KNOW of those things as well [except god] I have never experienced god, but the rest I know for a fact to be true. Cannot prove it though, doesn't matter to me because I have knowledge that most of mankind does not.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by rigel4
So when are the UFO community going to accept that there are no
alien spaceships visiting planet Earth?

The entire world is filled with Camera phones, Cameras, video cameras, surveillance cameras
and everything else in between. Still... after 20 years of the digital age, there is still no smoking gun.

Satellites patrol the skies seeing everything that moves, but all we are offered are the same blurry lights in the sky
or clever cgi that is eventually taken apart by debunkers and shown for what it is.

I tell you alien visitation is wishful thinking..not a science fact.

Oh sure there are billions of civilizations out there in the cosmos..that much I am sure of, but flying saucers/

UfO's belong in a comic book..

This has to be the ultimate "pic or it didn't happen thread"

I'm failing to see your proof that they are indeed not visiting earth.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by wtbengineer
You know that most people who have seen UFOs have also had ghostly encounters? I have myself. I believe they are related and nothing to do with what we generally perceive them to be.

I see your location is Gettysburg.
So I have no doubt about your having seen spooks. I've seen a few out there myself. (every time we are there, we see a 'shadowman' running between the pine trees on the hill near the school across from the Farnsworth House). Every house I've lived in has been haunted. Every stink'n one. Ghosts are everywhere. It's just that people don't pay attention ....

My UFO sightings weren't anything spectacular. When I was a kid (~12 or so) I saw a glowing triangular one in Suffield Connecticut. It was about 9pm on a Tuesday evening. And then about 15 years ago I saw a cigar shaped one floating over Madison Alabama about midday. It was in plain sight. There were lots of UFO sightings there ... mostly reported in the papers were the usual saucer ones. Mine was a cigar shaped one.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:53 AM
Well, I beg to differ.

My long time business partner was head of a Navy unit that did inspection of primarily foreign ordnance to determine how best to disarm it, however he also was called on occasionally to do studies and inspection on other things the Navy collected from who knows where.

Several such items were obviously of extra-terrestrial origin. When subjected to neutron interrogation, elements were found that did not match anything known to us. One large object was a typical "flying saucer" about 20 feet in diameter.

Believe what you want, but you are wrong.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by rigel4

I can appreciate the doubting Thomas perspective, but it is my BELIEF that other worldly beings have visited earth, the reason I believe this is because our modern concept/image of what an alien is its based inn the Roswell incident. The typical gray alien. Now I'm pretty sure alt of us have seen that ancient Egyptian relief with the image of a gray alien. incorporated into it.I don't know how to upload images from my phone to here, I'll try to figure that out. My point is, that if our modern image of what an alien is, ids base on the Roswell grays, then how did ancient Egyptians know what the Roswell alien looked like?

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:43 AM
People believe in god too. And that has gone for a bit longer than 60 years.
It's just a new religion.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Knives4eyes

IF, and that's a strong IF,

How can it be if

There is no "IF"

Time travel is indeed real, very real and no not John Titor fake or Andrew Basiago old technology.

so go back in time and please fix your contradiction or just clarify

Are there or is there an "if" or isn't there?

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