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Bicycle Lake AAF at the Desert of California?

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posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 03:42 PM
35°16'49.26"N 116°37'47.64"W

Its called Bicylce Lake AAF (Army Airfield). Very interesting sand paved runways similar to the ones at White Sands or Edwards (North Complex).

I just stumbled onto this. Not much seen, but I might guess its used for UAV drone testing. ***MIGHT*** but not 100 percent sure
edit on 24-7Jul-132013 by darpa999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by darpa999

What, not even a screenshot? How about provide more than a lat/long?

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 03:46 PM
Just go into Google Maps or Google Earth.

Or, it may be used as an LZ (Landing Zone) by the military to practice HALO free fall jumps...

edit on 24-7Jul-132013 by darpa999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 01:06 AM
Bicycle Lake AAF is part of the National Training Center and has a runway 9500 feet long. Both runways and the lake are under water during the winter months. Usually C-130's do their practice work there.

A maintenance hangar constructed of wood and sheet metal exists with a working space of approximately 8,100 square feet. It is currently used to store multiple integrated laser engagement system equipment.

Multiple integrated laser engagement system huh?

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 02:14 AM
FWIW, if you tour one of the "training" camps at Ft. Irwin, you will go right past the Bicycle Lake. It didn't seem terribly interesting to me when I looked at it. It is designed to be primitive to give the soldiers a feeling of...well...a primitive outpost.

This is a page that has links to the fake cities:

Ft. Irwin Box Tour
You can see my video skills are not so good.

Goldstone is nearby. It is a very secret location as you can tell if you look at Google Earth at this location:
35°18'9.16"N 116°48'22.42"W

The Goldstone airstrip is at
35°21'19.17"N 116°53'4.84"W

You can tour Goldstone, though I haven't exactly had good luck getting the tour. It is actually a one on whoever shows up tour. You drive in your own car. The time I got their the guide had a family emergency so I basically ended up waiting at the gate then seeing nothing. Well you can see some of the dishes on the way to the gate. I'm not sure if I have the photos online.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:56 AM
One time I flew into Goldstone from Edwards. We taxied right into the hangar at the north end of Runway 04-22. It is open on both ends just like the Scoot-N-Hide shed (Hangar 17) at Groom Lake. We ate lunch at the administrative complex and toured the Control Center and several of the major dish antenna sites. Everything at Goldstone is so spread out that there is a great deal of driving involved. Hardhats were required for climbing up onto one of the big dishes. It's an interesting place if you are into the history of the Deep Space Tracking Network.

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