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I have the secret to everything, but Im not going to tell you.

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posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 12:36 PM
RD= Random D ouche


ME :Really?!!!!!!!!!! You have the secrets to everything, or an alien told you something, or you just intercepeted some cryptic message, you talk to people in the future? Wow thats awesome! where is the evidence?

RD: Im sorry I cant tell you anything elese. The only thing I can tell you is that the intergalicticnonhumanoidcobracomander told me that our time is comming to an end. He told me that Im the chosen one too.

ME: Okay? So you have no evidence? No e-mails, snail mail? ANYTHING!!!!???

RD: I have evidence. He came to me in a dream, and told me all sorts of things. Arent I special??!! There are many of us out there. We work next to you and rome the halls man.

ME: Ummmm....

RD: You arent special like me! You arent in the right interdimensionalcontinueumtransfunctionar12894947$$/_-673 aspect pffffffffftt.

ME: You sound like a nut ball.

RD: Troll.

ME: Whatever dude.

I just went thought 5 or 6 of these. They have no evidence, no links for more info, NOTHING. Then they call you a troll when you tell them they are nuts.

Now Im not saying that contact isnt possible but COME ON. If you dont have evidence, dont present it as such. I ripped someone a new a hole today because Im sick of it!

They just want to feel speical, if thats the case they should ask for a hug! Hell I need one now, they have me reved up!

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 12:43 PM
Great rant and I agree, also they come up with wild ideas but with no evidence and when you show them evidence to show they are wrong they just ignore it or divert the thread away from it.
Recently a few have just tried to divert by attacking my avatar saying it gives off bad energy

Delusions of grandeur and look at me syndrome.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74
Also known as "Bernard's Syndrome".
Hopefully there will be a treatment......someday!

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 12:56 PM
The key to winning that battle is to never click those threads. How gullible are you? Wait, I already know the answer. I have the gift of omniscience.
edit on 24-7-2013 by DaTroof because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:07 PM
The answer is 42.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
Great rant and I agree, also they come up with wild ideas but with no evidence and when you show them evidence to show they are wrong they just ignore it or divert the thread away from it.
Recently a few have just tried to divert by attacking my avatar saying it gives off bad energy

Delusions of grandeur and look at me syndrome.
Best avatar ever my man!! I mean... a chimp... washing a cat!! Genius

Oh, and that's genuine praise lol, so hard to tell the difference between online sarcasm and compliments these days haha

I'm with the OP totally on this, all this nonsense about Intergalatic space federations and such, it's no wonder we all get painted with the tin foil hat brigade.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by littled16

Bernards syndrome love it

Let me explain to those who do not know a guy called Bernard Snitzel (correct me please people) keeps coming back making claims like the OP says, he does it often and many here on ATS will ask "Is that you Bernard?" you can usually tell it is because we have all got used to the type of stuff he claims.
Now the htreads can be great fun and stay up a while until the mods say "enough is enough" and shut them down and ban Bernards new account. (rightly so as well mods

Bernards syndrome lol, we gotta use that in real life eh?

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74
Mustn't forget that he immediately "Foe's" anyone who opines that it may be him, or who asks for any evidence, or who doesn't play along with his story, or.......

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:20 PM
Probably 20% of the human population is mentally ill at one time or another; mostly it's mild to moderate depression but you have a goodly supply of schizophrenics, etc.

What part of 'don't go there' do you not understand? You can usually tell from the thread titles being misspelled pseudo-religious drivel followed by an overly long and dramatic lead-in.

ATS attracts all kinds. I've read some amazing stuff here by true scholars and plenty of wasted electrons, too. Takes all kinds...

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Tylerdurden1

Stop giving them attention.

Why is it their responsibility to help you control yourself from reading things you don't want to read?

Or is it you really are hoping to find the secret to everything from some person on the internet?

I have a secret... and I will tell you: Best wishes to you in your search and making the most of the opportunities people give you to advertise your true nature.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:22 PM
I used to have this baby doll that would whisper "I have a secret". As it got old, it's hair grew more reckless and upright and it lost its clothes so you could see the malformed torso with the perfectly formed appendages and head. It was quite a sight. Then the voice box on it slowed down a bit over time and the transition to an incredibly creepy doll was complete as it would slowly drown out in a raspy voice, "I haaave a ssssecret." Most disturbing doll ever and my mother chose to keep it. It's currently in my attic. I probably could sell it to somebody on ebay but, honestly, I'm not comfortable with the idea of going into the attic anymore...

Why did I share that with you all? Because whenever I see somebody say that line, I see that damn creepy doll and think, "eh, creeper....".

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:34 PM
I have cookies but you can't have any.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by DaTroof
The key to winning that battle is to never click those threads. How gullible are you? Wait, I already know the answer. I have the gift of omniscience.
edit on 24-7-2013 by DaTroof because: (no reason given)

As crazy as those threads sound, Im looking for truth or just weirdness. I will read them because Im curious and then comment on them for wasting my time and yours for that matter. Im sick of people posting that crap wasting everyones time, then get away with it. They could be time travelers with al the time they have stolen!

Im just saying what other dont. I have no quams with letting those people know its not okay, and that cutts dont on the horse s# it we all have to sift though.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Pet the kitty pet the kitty pet the kitty...

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by littled16

Bernards syndrome love it

Let me explain to those who do not know a guy called Bernard Snitzel (correct me please people) keeps coming back making claims like the OP says, he does it often and many here on ATS will ask "Is that you Bernard?" you can usually tell it is because we have all got used to the type of stuff he claims.
Now the htreads can be great fun and stay up a while until the mods say "enough is enough" and shut them down and ban Bernards new account. (rightly so as well mods

Bernards syndrome lol, we gotta use that in real life eh?

I have seen that a few times! Thats

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by ErgoTheEgo
reply to post by Tylerdurden1

Stop giving them attention.

Why is it their responsibility to help you control yourself from reading things you don't want to read?

Or is it you really are hoping to find the secret to everything from some person on the internet?

I have a secret... and I will tell you: Best wishes to you in your search and making the most of the opportunities people give you to advertise your true nature.

Wow. Didnt know I would get your panties in a twist! You should eat your own feedback! To answer your rude a$$ question....YES. I look for it everywhere. I never said I didnt want to read it, I went looking for the truth, and then stepped in a pile of s# it. Thanks for your input into the human condition as well...Dr.

You dont know me and I dont you. Why whould I say something about your nature? Do you want me to? Do want attention? Did I give you enough?
edit on 24-7-2013 by Tylerdurden1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 01:49 PM
If some of you want to be rude thats cool. Its a rant thread. So if your pissed off about me being pissed off, thats your trip. I think some of those rude responses, are peopel who just love to stick their nose in everything and sound like jerks. No problem, but you will get back from me and you wont like Im sure. This could be some fun.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Tylerdurden1
Wow. Didnt know I would get your panties in a twist! You should eat your own feedback! To answer your rude a$$ question....YES. I look for it everywhere. I never said I didnt want to read it, I went looking for the truth, and then stepped in a pile of s# it. Thanks for your input into the human condition as well...Dr.


Originally posted by Tylerdurden1
You dont know me and I dont you. Why whould I say something about your nature? Do you want me to? Do want attention? Did I give you enough?

I think you've said plenty, but say more if you wish!

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 02:19 PM
I get annoyed at the members that refer to other members as 'humans' as if they are themselves alien beings.

A lot of them post those 'I know the secrets of the universe' threads.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by ErgoTheEgo

Originally posted by Tylerdurden1
Wow. Didnt know I would get your panties in a twist! You should eat your own feedback! To answer your rude a$$ question....YES. I look for it everywhere. I never said I didnt want to read it, I went looking for the truth, and then stepped in a pile of s# it. Thanks for your input into the human condition as well...Dr.


Originally posted by Tylerdurden1
You dont know me and I dont you. Why whould I say something about your nature? Do you want me to? Do want attention? Did I give you enough?

I think you've said plenty, but say more if you wish!

Nope Im good.

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