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The Middle East will soon explode into even more violence.

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posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

There is a good chance they will used the manufactured boogey man to distract and hold the attention of any unanticipated boogie men not of their own making. Since they cannot control or direct such opposition, it's plausible they will attempt to form uneasy alliances based upon an alleged common foe in the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" vein. That way, they can keep their opposition closer - close enough to keep an eye on them and possibly infiltrate them, and neutralize any threat they present.

"Keep your friends close, and your (real) enemies closer".

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 06:36 PM
I have a feeling this is connected to Egypt.

The military yesterday in a speech requested that the Anti-muslim brotherhood protests stay and the people who went back home to return to the protests and give the army permission to kick it's anti-terrorism operations into high gear starting Friday, in the Sinai and throughout the country. This allows the army to fight terror much more actively.

We know that the Muslim brotherhood and Al-qeada are working together in Egypt and that the army has arrested a lot of people trying to get into Egypt from Gaza, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan to support the Muslim Brotherhood. The army has also captured a ton of weapons that were meant to be smuggled into Egypt to be used by the Muslims Brotherhood, and is destroying tunnels that were discovered underground and were used by terrorists in Sinai.

The Muslim Brotherhood is ganna need alot of help if they were to go up aganist the army, specially if the people are on the side of the army and want the Muslim Brotherhood out, could these 500 prisoners be freed to go to Egypt?

This tactic has already been used before, the ex-president Mursi was also a prisoner. It was revealed that he was in prison for spying and espionage, he was freed from prison in the 2011 uprising and put into power by "elections".

I think that whoever freed Mursi and put him to power in Egypt are the same people who freed these prisoners and might send them to Egypt.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

first of all, i dont think 500 prisoners are going to make such a big difference..i mean..Iraq is on the brink of civil war, so is Libya and Syria is already there.

second of all, the article says that most of them have relations to Al Qaeda..

how many of the prisoners received a fair trial, where is the proof that they belong to Al Qaeda other than some American installed pawn telling us that they are ?

I call BS on this one, just another excuse for whatever plan USA has for the ME

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:10 AM
I wonder why we keep these guys in jail. Terrorists need to be put down. Why waste money and men. Live by the sword die by the sword. Chop. Chop.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

I'd just like to point out that Europe has been over=run with islamists, also.

You might not agree, but this ludicrous administration has been over-run with muslims, also - and with an open border from Mexico - they are just pouring in.

First, I have no problem with muslims - I work with a lot of them that have immigrated legally from Africa -

I do have a problem with all of the "jihadist" - see Chechnya bombers from the caucaus's.

The western financial system is going down.

Convince yourself that any of the "western leaders" are using any kind of common sense when pursuing thier "strategies" in any of the financial, or "military conflicts" out there.

The PTB want a one world gov't run from the "UN" idiots stationed there - that seem more determined to destroy every "peace process" they get involved in.

See albert pike's WW3 written many years ago to see where TPTB have us headed.
edit on 26-7-2013 by Happy1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by Happy1

My edit didn't print.

Convince yourself that any of our "western leaders" are using any kind of common sense in dealing with any of our financial debacles - or "military situations" out there right now.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:59 AM

In 30-90 days from now, you will see all HELL break loose in Iraq and other middle eastern countries where Americans are stationed. There is going to be major unrest and many attacks/bombings on American/Shia forces in the area.

Are you trying to say that this will be something new?

It will be nothing new, it's been going on for years already.

Then again, maybe you are right:

Tunisia's biggest trade unions have threatened a wave of strikes that could cause chaos in a country already braced for widespread demonstrations.

It follows the assassination of opposition leader Mohammed Brahmi, which threatened to plunge Tunisia into fresh political turmoil.
edit on 26-7-2013 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by ArtooDetoo

first of all, i dont think 500 prisoners are going to make such a big difference

These are not just 500 regular guys.

Many of them are senior members of Al-Queda. the Majority of them were sentenced to die. Many of them no doubt suffered torture and abuse as they were locked away in a cage for years with no trial or due process.

how many of the prisoners received a fair trial, where is the proof that they belong to Al Qaeda other than some American installed pawn telling us that they are ?

There is no trial for prisons like Abu ghraib. I am sure there are many more prisons in the ME just like that one that people have no idea about.

And even if these guys were not involved with terrorism. It does not matter now. after years of torture and abuse at the hands of the US they are probably hardcore militant now.
edit on 26-7-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by texasyeti

In the article they explain how many of them were on death row.

Its the same as in America, we have people sitting for years, sometimes decades on death row before final execution.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Yes, its been going on for quite a while.

I just have a feeling that the scale of things is going to escalate even further than what most people are used to seeing.

Which sucks. A cousin I grew up with is stationed in the green zone right now.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by nenothtu

I'd just like to point out that Europe has been over=run with islamists, also.

No doubt. I really believe that the caliphate is intended to include al-Andalus (Spain to the rest of us), but limited my estimate of the borders to Gibraltar because mentioning a re-reconqusita is usually met with catcalls of the "nevah gunna happen" variety. Time will tell what happens, and folks are often caught by surprise when the "nevah gunna happen" does happen.

You might not agree, but this ludicrous administration has been over-run with muslims, also - and with an open border from Mexico - they are just pouring in.

As far as the administration goes, there are of course Muslims in it, but I wouldn't characterize it as "overrun".

The southern border is a separate issue - jihadists are pouring through it, but not to join the administration. They have other goals entirely. Last I heard, AQ was offering coyotes 25k a head to infiltrate operatives, and business was booming.

First, I have no problem with muslims - I work with a lot of them that have immigrated legally from Africa -

I do have a problem with all of the "jihadist" - see Chechnya bombers from the caucaus's.

I have no problem with Muslims, either. I married one. It so happens that SHE is virulently set against jihadists as well. Her take is that they are perverting Islam, and that doesn't set at all well with her. It is disturbing, and ultimately maddening, to see so many people who cannot discriminate between the two, and automatically assume on some level that ALL Muslims are jihadists.

I'd tell you an amusing tale of someone trying to paint ME as a jihadist in a recent court proceeding, when I'm not even a Muslim, but it's so funny it devolves into the sad. It's sad that people are conditioned to think that if they can possibly paint you as a Muslim, in defiance of all logic, they can create a jaundiced view of you that might allow them to prevail when facts and truth won't work.

No, they didn't win. I think my thick hillbilly accent during my own testimony sort of threw their argument off the rails, and demonstrated what they were really up to with their perjury..

As far as the Chechnyan "bombers" goes, I'm not entirely convinced they were not merely scapegoats for some other operation by non-muslims. It doesn't make sense to me that Chechnyans would waste a bomb on a US target when their beef is with Russia, and it has been demonstrated that they have actually been to Russia. Why not bomb their avowed enemies?

The western financial system is going down.

I can't argue with that. I watch it swirling down the drain daily.

Convince yourself that any of the "western leaders" are using any kind of common sense when pursuing thier "strategies" in any of the financial, or "military conflicts" out there.

I can't convince myself of that. there is not a shred of evidence to support it, and an embarrassment of evidence to the contrary. I've not caught any of them, in either arena, employing the least bit of common sense.

The PTB want a one world gov't run from the "UN" idiots stationed there - that seem more determined to destroy every "peace process" they get involved in.

Our job is to disallow that.

See albert pike's WW3 written many years ago to see where TPTB have us headed.
edit on 26-7-2013 by Happy1 because: (no reason given)

I don't need Albert Pike's ancient writings to look around me and see what IS, NOW.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:26 AM
You don't say? The Middle East is going to explode into violence?


No, the first thing on the minds of these people will be getting back to thier families, getting a good night's sleep for the first time since thier incarceration, eating good food that hasn't been spit in, and trying to put the shreds of thier fractured psyches back together, wondering if they will ever stop the shaking and the screaming that comes on without warning after being waterboarded for months.

Then, when some semblance of order is restored, they may want to join in one of the many battles going on in the dozen or so countries the the West has destabilized or is trying to. But they will not just immediately get weapons and intel from "Al Queda" because such a thing no longer exists. There is not some terrorist infrastructure somewhere with Walmarts full of weapons and a bomb-making college.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Happy1

Not to derail the thread.

Albert Pike was a good man and the disinformation that has been spewed about him all over this website is sickening.

Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong. I am currently reading morals and dogma. Its a tough read, but I wanted to read the words of the great Luceferian myself.

See albert pike's WW3 written many years ago to see where TPTB have us headed.

I constantly come across statements like this on this board claiming that Albert Pike was some sort of evil man, a Satanist, a Luciferian, that he believed the devil was the true god, etc etc ad nauseam.

So what about statements like this?

Albert Pike - Morals and Dogma, Chapter Three

States are chiefly avaricious of commerce and of territory. The latter leads to the violation of treaties, encroachments upon feeble neighbors, and rapacity toward their wards whose lands are coveted. Republics are, in this, as rapacious and unprincipled as Despots, never learning from history that inordinate expansion by rapine and fraud has its inevitable consequences in dismemberment or subjugation. When a republic begins to plunder its neighbors, the words of doom are already written on its walls. There is a judgment already pronounced of God upon whatever is unrighteous in the conduct of national affairs. When civil war tears the vitals of a Republic, let it look back and see if it has not been guilty of injustices; and if it has, let it humble itself in the dust!

Or this.

A war for a great principle ennobles a nation. A war for commercial supremacy, upon some shallow pretext, is despicable, and more than aught else demonstrates to what immeasurable depths of baseness men and nations can descend. Commercial greed values the lives of men no more than it values the lives of ants...

Yeah, he sounds like a satanist totally hellbent on WWIII.

edit on 27-7-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by Snsoc

You don't say? The Middle East is going to explode into violence?

No. I said it was going to explode into EVEN more violence.

No, the first thing on the minds of these people will be getting back to thier families, getting a good night's sleep for the first time since thier incarceration, eating good food that hasn't been spit in, and trying to put the shreds of thier fractured psyches back together, wondering if they will ever stop the shaking and the screaming that comes on without warning after being waterboarded for months.

Unless their homes have been bombed and their families have been killed along with the hundreds of thousands+ (personally I think that number is far higher) of civilians that have died since the initial invasion. Maybe they will just quietly back off as you say. But its my belief that its a natural human thing to want to hurt those who have hurt you. And many of these guys are going to embrace that side of their human nature.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

One Thousand Inmates Escape From Libya Prison.

Inmates have staged a major jailbreak at a prison in the east Libyan city of Benghazi as the facility was also attacked from the outside.

Security official Mohammed Hejazi said the prisoners staged a riot inside Koyfiya prison as an attack took place outside the facility.

Gunmen fired into the air outside the prison as inmates began setting fires inside, suggesting the escape was pre-planned.

Looks like you were right!

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