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Spooky Smoke Alarm and Guru

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posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Mr Headshot
reply to post by Willtell

Oh, it's not that at all. That was just a good one liner. The B.S. detector would have been detecting the cultist's bull.

It is quite strange though.

Sorry OP. It was as Mr Headshot describes.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by defcon5

Maybe the guy is next store

Beyond the electronic possibilities, I would describe this guy as a religious egotist, no offense to him.

He has on his table the Bible, Quran and a book he wrote!

That suggests he may have a high view of himself.

Also, I remember a guy named URI Geller use to bend spoons over the TV
This may have something to do with this.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by VoidHawk
Its not a smoke alarm, its a BS detector.


i dont know what it is about today, but ive read a few very funny replies today
it must be the sun (eh?) see?

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by Willtell

perhaps your cultist is using infrasound as a means of manipulating his viewers
and whatever frequency being used is resonating with some element of your smoke alarm

Infrasound was used by the Allies of World War I to locate artillery.[1] One of the pioneers in infrasonic research was French scientist, Vladimir Gavreau, who was born in Russia as Vladimir Gavronsky.[2] His interest in infrasonic waves first came about in his laboratory during the 1960s, when he and his laboratory assistants experienced pain in the ear drums and shaking laboratory equipment, but no audible sound was picked up on his microphones. He concluded it was infrasound caused by a large fan and duct system and soon got to work preparing tests in the laboratories. One of his experiments was an infrasonic whistle, an oversized organ pipe.[3][4][5]

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by TheMagus

Now that sounds possible, I think. Thanks for the effort.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 06:09 PM
BTW You guys could laugh and mock all you want, I don’t care . . . because I know my experience is the truth, I don’t know what the hell it means but certainty through experience is unshakable.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Willtell

I'm not laughing.

Just wondering what it could be.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Willtell
BTW You guys could laugh and mock all you want, I don’t care . . . because I know my experience is the truth, I don’t know what the hell it means but certainty through experience is unshakable.

The first time I posted a thread on ATS I was shocked!!! I couldn't understand why so many people were trying to rip my thread apart. Some called me a liar, others called me names, many said it was a hoax!!
I soon learned that one of the things that keeps this place sane (is that the right word
) is the people who tear into the threads; because if we cant defend what we've written then maybe we shouldn't have posted it.

You can post the most genuine factual story ever, and there will be people in here who will tear it apart. Considering what you wrote I think you got away with it lightly. So dont get upset (I've been there) get even

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

Believe me I have absolutely no problem with those guys, if they were laughing or not, because I know it’s the truth. I am absolutely not upset.

If I were then there smoke alarms would be going off!

Now that in itself is a lesson in psychology

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Willtell
reply to post by Mr Headshot

You guys don't believe me? But this is a true story.

Hey there Willtell ... it doesn't matter if no-one believes you ... you know the truth and if this is the truth then it's definately weird.

Lets for the sake of argument say this is true and is some kind of paranormal occurance ... surely the message is loud and clear that this cultist guy is 'poison'/'toxic' (smoke & carbon monoxide) and should be avoided at all costs.

Just a thought. Woody

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch

Originally posted by Willtell
reply to post by Mr Headshot

You guys don't believe me? But this is a true story.

Hey there Willtell ... it doesn't matter if no-one believes you ... you know the truth and if this is the truth then it's definately weird.

Lets for the sake of argument say this is true and is some kind of paranormal occurance ... surely the message is loud and clear that this cultist guy is 'poison'/'toxic' (smoke & carbon monoxide) and should be avoided at all costs.

Just a thought. Woody

Perhaps some sort of "guardian angel" looking after the OP, indeed.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Willtell

Originally posted by playernumber13
reply to post by Willtell

Not sure but it sounds spooky. I would guess it had something to do with the channel but not if it only happens with one program. Maybe it has something to do with the guys voice?

Possibly. But what in his voice would provoke a Smoke and Carbon dioxide detector I don’t know how many miles away.

I am a pc and electronics expert and mystic, so maybe the gods are playing with me.

One friend suggested my house was haunted

When this first happened I thought it a fluke, but 2 or three other times is a mystery.

And I swear to God this stops every time the show is off.

1) You said you couldn't capture the paranormal event happening, because you don't have a VCR? I'm not sure I understand. Why can't you pull out your camera phone, or use a camera to record? Surely you have one, you are an electronics expert.

2) What do you mean 'miles away'. Are you saying your television and the carbon monoxide detector are MILES away from each other? Just HOW BIG is your house?

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by VoidHawk

Originally posted by Willtell
BTW You guys could laugh and mock all you want, I don’t care . . . because I know my experience is the truth, I don’t know what the hell it means but certainty through experience is unshakable.

The first time I posted a thread on ATS I was shocked!!! I couldn't understand why so many people were trying to rip my thread apart. Some called me a liar, others called me names, many said it was a hoax!!
I soon learned that one of the things that keeps this place sane (is that the right word
) is the people who tear into the threads; because if we cant defend what we've written then maybe we shouldn't have posted it.

You can post the most genuine factual story ever, and there will be people in here who will tear it apart. Considering what you wrote I think you got away with it lightly. So dont get upset (I've been there) get even

Not to mention, when someone posts an experience, and then says "What do you guys think it was?"

then they should be prepared for every response that comes there way. Criticism, skepticism, and general disbelief, questioning, etc only helps to reach possible explanations for things, by challenging us on all fronts.

I might have missed the posts, but I didn't see anyone who seemed critical of the OP in a negative way...just some light hearted jokes, honest responses and questions.

Best of luck OP, I would say to two things:

1) Record the experience. It can ONLY help to solidify your claim of experience, and to give those attempting to help in finding a cause a more solid starting point

2) Start doing more tests, and writing down your results, to help eliminate things it might be, or come up with possible explanations.

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