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Lunar surface objects in plain sight.

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posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by LABTECH767
This video on you tube has some interesting insights and is of interest, a former NASA Employee talks about the air brushing and a former Air Force member talks about the base on the far side of the moon. F&view=detail&FORM=VIRE4

I have to disagree. This is two people desperately trying to fill an hour of airtime. I got bored after 10 minutes of them saying pretty much nothing and skimmed the rest, and unless they were on very briefly not one other person appears and no concrete evidence is presented. It's an opinion piece peppered with second hand unverifiable waffle.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by onebigmonkey

You may very well be right at with all such we take what we are given to some degree for granted but I have seen a UFO so sorry if you do not believe in them as I happen to believe in them, weather they are alien or our own tech or even from another dimension I can't even begin to guess but what I saw was a metallic domed circular or spherical object moving silently under the cloud layer in the opposite direction to the cloud and the ground level wind which was gale force, about 1995 at 2 to 3 am as I walked home from a shift in one town to another close by where I live it was heading in the direction of pilkingtons laboratory (Where I know for a fact as I once handled a reject one as a child that the NASA space shuttle tiles were partially developed - that's right in England now weather they were the ones that eventually were used or just blank test production's I do not know) I was passing through the village of west head in west Lancashire and the sodium street lighting we had at the time illuminating the roads was clearly reflected from the under surface of it, there was no noise and no light emitted other than the reflection.
As the debunkers say it must have been swamp gas (like methane would form a optically opaque object with a metallic surface the argument always was a flawed one).
A star though as I must agree a lot of that video was suspect but it does open up new thoughts about the possibility that some UFO may actually be a quasi energetic life form (not as we know it captain).

edit on 27-7-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

You shouldn't call it an UFO, since you could assert that it was a metallic object (a craft) you should update your observation to something other that reflects that you could indeed have identified some characteristics of it.

Call it an exotic unidentified craft or advanced plane, depending on the exceptionality of its airframe or propulsion you can provide a more complete reflection of what you observed.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Panic2k11

You are right of course but it was at an approximate altitude (and this is unreliable due to it being night) of 800+ feet it was dark circular with a definite convex reflective under surface and no other identifiable features.
The wind was very high and I was squinting as I looked at it, I do not know why I looked but I just felt something and looked directly at it, it was about my 10 o'clock from my direction of looking and 10 degree's in front of me moving the direction of Liverpool or Wales to Pilkington laboratory's (the office complex) over west head.
To Me it was unidentified but it is possible that as we have the likes of RAF Warton not too far and there was a sighting of a metallic silver aircraft that was called a ufo in the 1990's that was a clone of the stealth fighter, Remember that a lot of the corporations such as BAE systems also do work for the states and it may have been some kind of test craft So ??.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by arianna

Oh, I see it! A little impression in the middle of the surface, looks just like a small "grey" alien....

He's either sitting, or kneeling down (facing sideways-- to the left) with one arm held up over his head, and it looks like he's about to bash in the head of some small creature he's holding in his other hand, with a rock.

Wait... this isn't like one of those ink-blot tests, is it? What does that say about me?

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by iwilliam

Actually there are two things that I see as unusual though I have difficulty seeing much there, one is the obvious high regularity of even small sized craters (and the heavy cratering (though it is probably natural) and the other is the linear structuring of those craters (which is unlikely to be natural) forming lines that like the famous face on mars are not visible with the light at twelve o'clock.
Most airial archaeologists in the world use the base relief of the sun at an angle to identify ruin's that may lie near or under the surface and that technique would apply to the moon just as well, remember you are being fed only what they want you to know and there are some of us whom are more awake than that.

To me this image is an enigma but I believe the Poster has put a good one up here, if you are looking for bright shiny new sci fi structure's then I am afraid you may have to go back a very long time.
If this is not ruins then some kind of industrial activity may have taken place there, I recommend you look up carpet bombardment,

edit on 27-7-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:47 PM
Too bad John Lear and Richard Hoagland are not here to blow the debunkers out of the water.

Anyone that still believes the NASA story after reading "NASA: Dark Mission" and looking at the pictures with enhanced data should just quit. Find a diiferent profession, one that makes sense.

Is what ATS has come to? Everything is a damm rock???

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Very well said, I have been wrong many time's but there are definitely ruins on mars, I have no doubt and there are some whom have put themselves in danger of prison to claim that there are ruins or an alien base on the dark side of the moon, I can only wonder even if aliens were there now if perhaps we or another terrestrial race built those structures and did we lose a war.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by LABTECH767
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Very well said, I have been wrong many time's but there are definitely ruins on mars, I have no doubt and there are some whom have put themselves in danger of prison to claim that there are ruins or an alien base on the dark side of the moon, I can only wonder even if aliens were there now if perhaps we or another terrestrial race built those structures and did we lose a war.

What if I told you the moon was hollow with most of its mass located near the surface, it was put into orbit many thousands of years ago by the orion group aliens, has a very thick crust made of special matterials that resists deep penetration of asteroids, has a breathable atmosphere, has 60% of earths gravity, purposefully shows only one side of itself, has aliens on it right now that dont like humans much, we dont go there because we are not wanted, has a nuclear fusion reactor that powers everything, has a soul collector that picks up souls from dying people on earth, only masons went to the moon to gather artifacts.

Would you or anyone else believe me? I guess not. But maybe its good to be blissful or so they say. It helps people sleep well at night, have fun at nights, work like crazy for money.

(sorry bit bored tonight, ignore me)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

Here you go brother, sorry for my bs'ing.

It explains it all quite nicely with facts!

Forget NASA, they are proven liars.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I have read the theory's but though they are intriguing I suspect the moon has been integral to life on earth, even woman's menstrual cycles are governed by it, it regulates the earth's rotation and prevents the axis from swinging to 90 degrees.
The Russian scientist whom seriously proposed the idea thought of it as an ancient ark that may have wandered between the stars for an unimaginable time, there is as much evidence for as against it as it remains a theory but I believe the moon to be natural though the internal structure may be odd, But whom knows, imagine flying a moon through space.
Yes they are proven to lie on more than one occasion, "Houston there is a santa clause", remember how Apollo 13 made it back by the skin of it's teeth and somebody let slip they may have had help.
I need more info before I totally believe that the moon could be a spacecraft but if it was imagine the ancient and possible now gone civilisation that could build such a thing. Have you ever looked at the anomaly's about Iapetus.

But the moon is in a near perfectly circular orbit of earth, is just the right distance to appear to be the same size as the sun to our eyes (were our ancestors telling us to explore when we achieved the right level of technology), has a crater pattern of mare and highland that looks like a face to our eyes (An even bigger face on mars that we now take for granted), So if the ark theory is right could a dying civilisation have made it here and seeded the earth, and is someone else now squatting on our moon like interstellar pirates stealing a more advanced technology than there own.
Who knows were such an investigation would go but is so I suspect the moon would have a defence mechanism unless it has been knocked off line and only there descendants would be allowed or what state was that civilisation in, it may have been at the arrival of such the mars as well as earth may have been seeded and did the same origin civilisation seed any other stars out there.

edit on 27-7-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

To be blunt I think we are a slave race for the reptillians and grey aliens. They harvest our souls and steal our gold. Have you watched any of the ancient alien series on history channel? Mighty frightening but still entertaining.

The pyramids on earth, the pyramids on mars, the obelisks, the ancient gold and silver mines discovered all over the world, the caves that go on forever all the way to hell(literally) on earth, the nasca lines, ufo underground and underwater bases, etc.

But I think there are also good aliens at work. I am not sure which is more powerful, the federation of light(elohim) or the orion group(nephelim).

I dont believe everything myself. NOT because people intentionally lie, but because there is still too much exploring to do, and so very little interest by the public, which means hearsay and facts could be at odds with each other.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

And a race that has been bred to have an inbuilt reality filter so that it would not see it's own slave status.
This I can believe but I do not accept that they created sentience on earth, more likely they conquered it and that could also explain the ruins on mars, the ruins or base on the far side could have been that pure origin race of man's defence base or deep space communications array.
The likely existence of alien intelligence is for me a forgone conclusion and there possible visitation of the solar system is also a likely hood, the ruins indicate a highly evolved civilisation that must have existed for several thousand years at the least and they may have done the same silly thing we are by blurting come visit me messages into deep space.

I like the principle ideas of the federation of light but they are too new age for me and more dreamers, still there hopes are good but the overthrow of any evil regime must come from ourselves as an alien intervention would likely be unlawful by any interstellar accord made by the dominant races of the local cluster.
Likewise the Orion lizard men if real would be waiting the inevitable intergalactic censure (be returned to there world of origin and be deprived of the ability to travel in space outside there own system) unless the universe is a wild chaos.
War inevitable breeds treaty and treaty breeds pecking order as on earth so in heaven.

edit on 27-7-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

I think we have been controlled from day 1 going back to genesis of the bible.

As for the artifacts on the moon and mars YES someone lived there and was obliterated. That is what it seems to me after reading richard hoagland's work.

Most likely the federation of light is human aliens and the orion group conquered them in the past. We are descendants of these aliens and still a slave race. But if that is the case then how could nephelim and elohim coexist? Have they declared a truce?

I dont know. Gets confusing.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Read this and go a few paragraphs down, read about the 1947 crash on an Indian reservation and the alien called star elder or bak'ti as it broadly conforms to your own belief and may have true validity but note what he says of the earth before humanity and the war that exterminated the previous human/alien race.
This last one is the one you want to read.
Have you ever heard the phrase "The great enemy has returned".

edit on 27-7-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by LABTECH767
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Read this and go a few paragraphs down, read about the 1947 crash on an Indian reservation and the alien called star elder or bak'ti as it broadly conforms to your own belief and may have true validity but note what he says of the earth before humanity and the war that exterminated the previous human/alien race.
This last one is the one you want to read.
Have you ever heard the phrase "The great enemy has returned".

edit on 27-7-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

Thanks for the links. I will read each one of them when i get a chance.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 11:59 AM
The image shown below of what I think could possibly be a crashed ancient flying craft was shown earlier in the thread but I forgot to include the coordinates should any member wish to investigate the object in question.

Lat: 11.599817 South
Long: 76.573306 West

The current Google Earth imaging is not as clear as the imaging I used to make the capture but the unusual shape on the mountain top can still be easily observed.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by arianna

It definitely seems to be an impact of some kind, and it has come to a rest with a wave shaped mound of debris were is has finished it's crash landing or oblique impact (Wonder why the new image is lower quality - Maybe you are not the first to detect it), the way it has crashed through the ridge after it's initial impact would suggest an object of some mass and the fact it has continued after such an impact with still enough force to form that gauge would suggest that there is indeed still something there that has not vaporised on impact, great find and image, despite what the accepted story of the Tunguska event is there were witness's whom observed it and two different headings were reported from different places like it was under control, in some rocks from the site metallic objects have been found that are not tektite's or meteor fragment's and it was as though it deliberately avoided human inhabited regions (maybe to save lives), I wonder if this you have found may have been something similar, or is it an ancient structure.
I suppose we will likely never know but it does look a little like a cylinder buried there and buckled by the impact with a v shaped mound in front, the rock around it looks vitrified and may be due to the impact heat forming the bald area free of the green.
It may be worth while searching old satellite images of that area and cross referencing.
I used to have the old analogue satellite TV and in England we also received a lot of German channels which though not intelligible to me had an interesting night programme on one channel of rolling footage of the earth from space taken with VIDEO on the shuttle and the Space station and on one occasion as I have been a long time believer in ancient civilisation as I watched the programme it showed a view of south America looking down from the shuttle and there was an imprint in the jungle with the andes clearly visible and the pacific, it looked like the mother of all Hydro dams but buried and the bulge of curve was away from the andes so that would mean if it was a buried damn in a sedimented up valley it was built to catch a river that flowed in the direction of the andes and there fore was older than the andes (Greater than 20 million years), now just closer to the andes was the imprint of two lines side by side of what looked like pyramids but to be visible on that resolution those green marks must have been huge though moved possibly by geological activity over time they would look just like the power plants near hoover damn but scaled up to an incredible degree, somewhere I have the VHS tape but no longer have a video player as I used to record it which is how serious I was about this subject, google earth has a lot of things blurred off or outright false.

I actually do not ascribe to the story about the alien Bak'Ti but still if there was any validity other than a reimagining of Star Wars (unless that is were George Lucas got it) then it would be interesting to ponder.

edit on 30-7-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by LABTECH767

Many thanks for your comments.

The more I look into this ancient feature leads me to believe that there is something of major archaeological significance which is currently undiscovered. I would like to visit the site but I do not think my health would stand the change in altitude as the location is 4725m (14,567ft) above sea level. I think I will have to contact some of the universities in Peru to see if they know anything about the anomalous features at this location.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 07:58 AM
Google's current view of that hill looks fine to me:

The area is geologically active, and the red material on the summits look like mineral deposits. They can also be seen on adjacent summits, Highyl unlikely that anything is undiscoverd there, given the large number of well worn footpaths.

Looks like it's just rocks again!

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