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Wouldn’t it Be Great If We Were Told The Truth?

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posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 11:41 AM
It has been said that Americans are the most lied to people on the face of the planet and if that sounds a little too boastful, we most certainly rank in the top ten.

Of course everybody on this forum knows that US presstitutes regularly filter or edit out anything that doesn’t fit into somebody’s political agenda or none of us would be here looking for the truth and sharing what we find with our ATS friends, foes and passersby. Even when they really don’t really want to hear it.

So we had Egypt and the fearsome Muslim Brotherhood to worry about, except they suddenly became not-a-threat cuz the good guys won and that’s all we needed to know about that. Now we’ve got Snowden, Hastings and Zimmerman to keep us entertained and we’re not being told the truth about them, either. Nor are we being fully informed about the IRS scandal, the reuptake on NSA spying, or the reuptake on NDAA disappearing people off the streets who might tell the unmitigated and unfortunate truth.

In depth investigative journalism went the way of the dinosaur a long time ago and if you don’t believe gutsy writers of the past were taken out in a very similar manner to Michael Hastings, you might refresh your memory on a guy by the name of Don Bolles.

On June 2, 1976, a bomb exploded beneath Arizona Republic reporter Don Bolles’ car. Eleven days later, he died. Today, there are still those who believe Bolles’ slaying is something of a mystery. Prosecutors say he was killed because of his stories attacking powerful Valley businessman Kemper Marley. Others think he died because of what he wrote about organized crime. Still others believe he was done in by a combination of the two. The truth is buried in the minds, or in the graves, of those who were involved.

Of course they didn’t have advanced technology to cyber explode cars back then, it was strictly a hands-on labor of love. But besides effectively shutting Bolles up, the fireball served as an object lesson to others who might try to expose the unfortunate truth. And it had the desired effect.

So stepping back a few weeks, why did you believe the overthrow of the bad guys in Egypt was the whole story? Why do you believe the media on this particular story if you know or suspect that they don’t tell the truth on any other event? We don’t learn anything by osmosis, we adapt certain beliefs that are hammered into our heads over, and over, and over until they are a part of our consciousness. This particular belief has been hammered unrelentingly for a century or so and even Edward Bernays would be astonished at how his manual on propaganda literally caught fire in US media allowing them to sway the minds of Americans in this direction or that, or mostly round in circles.

So I am issuing a challenge to one and all, sort of a double dog dare ya, to climb down into the Egyptian rabbit hole and see what investigative journalism looks like. I’m not even going to post excerpts from the article because investigative reporting can’t be done in small bites.

Well, okay then, I’ll give you a little teaser … remember the gas shortages just before the coup? How incompetent can a government get, the guys with the hammers chortled.

Egypt has 2480 gas stations, with about 400 stations run by the government. The other two thousand sations (sic) are owned privately by business tycoons who were given these licenses during the Mubarak era because they were close to the regime and considered very loyal. Morsi’s government asserted that each station received its share and that there was no reason for the shortages. In fact, a few days before he was deposed Morsi warned gas station owners he’d revoke their licences if they refused to provide their customers with fuel. Khalid Al-Shami, a youth activist who was with the opposition until the military coup, exposed the plot when he announced in public that the handful of owners of the privately-run gas stations conspired to create the manufactured fuel shortage crisis in order to build public discontent against Morsi. The best evidence that the problem of fuel shortage was manufactured is that it evaporated overnight. Since the moment Morsi was deposed there has been no fuel shortage.

Okay, I’ll leave you to it.

Mods, please feel free to move this if Middle East Issues is not appropriate. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by frazzle

Thank you to the mystery star and flagger.

TBH I expected boos on this one. Silence being one step up ~ or maybe down, from boos.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by frazzle

It has been said that Americans are the most lied to people on the face of the planet and if that sounds a little too boastful, we most certainly rank in the top ten.

Ya everone used too call it Fantasy,,industry,,,yeah,,Disney,,and Hollywood,,its a big industry,,just some cant seperate the too.,,if u cant then i guess,, ya its a lie. ok.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by BobAthome
reply to post by frazzle

It has been said that Americans are the most lied to people on the face of the planet and if that sounds a little too boastful, we most certainly rank in the top ten.

Ya everone used too call it Fantasy,,industry,,,yeah,,Disney,,and Hollywood,,its a big industry,,just some cant seperate the too.,,if u cant then i guess,, ya its a lie. ok.

I agree that some, maybe many, have difficulty separating the two.

Did you take the challenge to read the linked article?

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by frazzle

ahh good sir,,a challenge it is,,
,,do we duel at sunset or,,ohhh just read,, ok,,,

edit on 20-7-2013 by BobAthome because: that would be no

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 02:09 PM
Dont forget BP. on going Litigation,,,

Unusual geological event in USA on Saturday, 20 July, 2013 at 04:19 (04:19 AM) UTC.

Country: USA
County / State: State of Louisiana
Area: Assumption Parish

better hurry.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by BobAthome
reply to post by frazzle

ahh good sir,,a challenge it is,,
,,do we duel at sunset or,,ohhh just read,, ok,,,

edit on 20-7-2013 by BobAthome because: that would be no

A duel? Okay, I'll play Aaron Burr. You can be Alexander Hamilton.

Just kidding.

I hope you didn't expect me to list ALL of the lies we've been told, we'd be here for a week and a day just counting the pages of that list.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by frazzle

id rather be Solmon,,the other one.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:07 AM
When your government goes from being offices of humble servitude to the people, to being offices of greed, sex and lies and not necessarily in that order, then you know your nation is about to collapse.

Nothing man made lasts forever, and the faster it corrupts the faster it will fall.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 12:21 PM
I would really like to iknow the reason for the recent closures of dozens of Embassies aross the Middle East..

the best report i heard was from a 2:16 video on this link....

WOW! “NIGHT OF POWER”,Is this the REAL REASON behind the Aug. 4th CLOSING of EMBASSIES?
August 3rd, 2013

see below

the covert or secret reason was not because of impending terror attacks...

see, the night of the 4th or whatever is an emotionally charged anniversary date... the night when Mohammad first wrote the first words of the Koran... and it is thought among Muslims that that Ramadan anniversary night is as strong as a thousand everyday months in the spiritual sense...

Besides it is also the birthday of Barrack Hussein Øbama

so... is this the compound reason for closing all the ME Embassies.... to honor the Koran and president Øbama


...What Would Muhammad Do?

Night of Power, Night of Destiny: Ramadan mysteries and seeking a “Hidden” God(the pagan islamik moon god).

You might notice that many Muslims are spending a bit of extra time in prayer, meditation, recitation of the Qur’an, and other acts of charity in these last ten nights of Ramadan.

The reason is because of the occasion of Laylat al-Qadr, Night of Destiny, Night of Power

According to the Qur’an, the Qur’an perhaps descends down during these sacred nights. While the Night of Power/Destiny is wrapped in some mystery, it is said in the Qur’an to be more blessed than a thousand months

edit on 9-8-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-8-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by St Udio

I would really like to iknow the reason for the recent closures of dozens of Embassies aross the Middle East..

Its probably a lot more complicated than your speculation but one thing is certain, we'll never be told the bona fide truth. This is what makes the US government the illegitimate son of profligate men whose only interests were their own power and wealth. The lies didn't start recently and I'm not singling out the US here, few governments have ever been based on legitimacy or concern for the welfare of the people.

The truth is that if its wrong for a man to break into someone's home, kill his family and steal his belongings then it is thousands of time worse for thousands of men to break into someone else's homeland and kill the people living there to steal their belongings. Its millions of times worse to be so cowardly as to PAY others to do it. That's what the US has been doing since its inception and embassies are the first point of the break in. Egypt is no exception. Excuses are lies.

Close our embassies? The question in my mind is why those countries ever allowed our embassies to be there in the first place because they are a set up for scoping out the weakest points of entry, unlocked doors, a weak guard and such.


posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
When your government goes from being offices of humble servitude to the people, to being offices of greed, sex and lies and not necessarily in that order, then you know your nation is about to collapse.

Nothing man made lasts forever, and the faster it corrupts the faster it will fall.

They were never offices of humble servitude. The US has always used wars and rumors of wars against other people's and nations to prevent Americans from noticing their leader's abject greed, sex and lies. As long as citizens kept believing in and depending on them to "keep us safe" from bogeymen both near and far it wouldn't collapse. The reason it will collapse soon is that people are finally beginning to doubt that their "safety" is what this government is all about. Took long enough.

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