posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 04:43 PM
It's legacy and it's hard to shed. What many don't know are the good works that the Rev and Jesse started with. Sharpton marched with MLK (he
goes way back) and Jesse freed those hostages. And a host of things they did where they actually did the ring thing and before everything got bog
down in the quagmire of PCness, they fought the good fight.. somewhat heh. And now they are reduced to the same role as the local MSM, which is
obviously under the direction of person(s) with an agenda. They've been seduced by the money and power. It makes you think if they are aware that
they are being "played", a device to keep this vitriol going. Most, too many in my opinion, see these types as crusaders and heroes.
However on the flip side you do have things like Jim Crow and it's legacy. After segregation black business got crushed because they couldn't
compete with their white counterparts who offered the same product, sometimes cheaper and better. They had better connections, they have the better
deals they had the better infrastructure. Black business started to get bought out. Not to mention the busing. How many white kids where bused to
black neighborhoods during desegregation? Black teachers lost jobs in droves, so there you have the foundation of economy and education devastated.
The black base for economic was wiped out. And forcing those with racists views to "do business" (which is what the civil rights act is truly
about) with a group of people they don't like isn't going to solve anything. They don't have to like me but the green in my pocket, they loved
The means for social economic freedom (which is MLK's "Dream!") were blatantly denied back in the day, blatant. They didn't even have to be PC,
it was because your nothing but a 'n-word'. And lets not act like we weren't patriots because Black Americans had to fight.. to go fight too. This
country is as much "ours" as it's "yours".
But now, today? No damn way, not unless you want to get the Paula Dean treatment. Racist is the new scarlet letter. The time has NEVER been better
to be black. Yes it still kind of sucks because you do run into prejudice or heaven forbid racist. Let's not act like it doesn't exists, when you
have the KKK holding rallies (which is their right, i tip my hat to them). But all racists are simply ignorant. When you look around this dirtball
called Earth, you soon realize that the issues affecting the Black American community are the same issues facing the poor and down trodden throughout
the world! The world. So it all comes back to the same economic and social freedoms.
It's hard to "assimilate" within a culture when you have a foundation and history of that culture doing the exact the opposite. Doing whatever
they can to make sure you stay apart... different.
So all in all, i would say yes it sucks, but it's not as bad as it used to be. But here's the kicker, if you are forcing us to look into the mirror
then it's time for you to do the same thing...
I'm out, hoped that helped.