posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:50 PM
Nice thread Homer.
Ahh - the good old days. Black and white TV, pay phones, actual mail, we heated stuff up on the stove top.
AM radio, CB radios, Bonanza, test pattern on the telly - all night.
Home cooking, tree houses, bows and arrows - slingshots (homemade), cowboys and indians.
Possibly one of the great parts; was that there was no such thing as political correctness.
Gay mean't happy, a fag was a cigarette, a dyke was something only of concern to Dutch folk.
"Wait 'till your Father gets home!" struck a chord of fear. Milkmen, bakers, sani carters, typists, stenographers.
Cars you could fix yourself etc.
We have moved on. Mostly for the better; yet I can't help feeling that today's kids have missed out on something
intangible that can no longer be found in this materialistic - disposable world in which we now find ourselves ...