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Breaking News! George Zimmerman found not guilty.

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posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by shells4u
I dont mind being threatened as a cracker so if my monkey metaphor got you feeling butt hurt...I feel ya...

Don't worry, it didn't. I just wanted to point out to you that your intent to push the race issue makes your opinions weak and discredits you immensely.

Good luck with that.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by Rocker2013

So, with that logic, just being outside at night is now justification for being deemed a criminal and gives permission for an armed vigilante to pursue you?

You dont need permission to do that, day or night. You surely can follow others, and you can carry a weapon in the US. From that follows that you can follow others with a weapon. Thats not illegal. In fact, it is something I would expect from a neighbourhood watch to do.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:18 AM
Although the race card is always popped out if its white against black, was it ever considered that it might have been man against youth?

The other day I had a white spotty big youth in my garden with his dog. He had deliberately walked past two no admittance signs and jumped over a chain across the driveway saying No Admittance, yet there he was beligerent, staring at my house and the dog on my driveway. Now when I asked him why he was there he was aggressive and the dog by the way it reared up towards me was not a person loving pooch.

I was lucky because I faced him down, but it could have led to a very different scenario because I think he weighed it up as to what his + pooch's chances were against me.

The aggro of youth is well known as it stretches across the spectrum of rich to poor. Its only a thought.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
reply to post by Rocker2013

Here, a quote from your signature:

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

This certainly applies to someone being proclaimed guilty. And the amount of evidence in this case is insufficient to prove much.

It's not an extraordinary claim to state that an armed man chased an unarmed kid through a neighborhood and that child ended up dead at the hands of that man.

There is enough evidence to show that Zimmerman had decided the kid was guilty of a crime (vigilantism) and pursued him against the advice of the police. He was armed, the kid was not. There was a confrontation, and the armed man shot dead the unarmed kid.

If Zimmerman had not taken the law unto himself like some wannabe superhero, an innocent kid would still be alive. He chose to actively chase an innocent person, and when that innocent person confronted him he shot him.

There is certainly enough evidence to say that the armed man chasing an unarmed and innocent kid through a neighborhood before shooting him dead is guilty of at least manslaughter.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:24 AM
In the end when alls said and done I hope we all find and get

edit on 7/14/13 by shells4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Rocker2013

There is certainly enough evidence to say that the armed man chasing an unarmed and innocent kid through a neighborhood before shooting him dead is guilty of at least manslaughter.

That alone does not prove manslaughter, unless he was grossly negligent in some way. And since following someone with a weapon is NOT grossly negligent, but even expected from neighbourhood watch, this does not apply here. And I am not aware of any proven gross negligence on Zimmermans part.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:34 AM
Good to see our beloved Republic is still working...
We are after all a "Rule of Law" nation.
The lynch mobs want this to be a democracy and a "Rule of Man"

Yes his life is screwed, but Justice has prevailed.

The charges could not be proved and once again Florida's prosecution has failed to charge correctly as they did with the Anthony case.

Why do the masses want to label this as a Race Case?
Where I live we have had, 2 black teens try to rob a white lady and when she said NO, they shot and killed her baby in a stroller....

Then last week we had 4 black men confront a white guy pumping gas, they beat him and pushed him into oncoming traffic killing him.

Have you heard about these? NOPE

This race card is old and worn, and it seems to go only in one direction.

edit on 14-7-2013 by DogMeat because: More to say...

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:36 AM
I knew Zimmerman was going to get off. Insufficient evidence. The jury has ruled, and now it is time to move on. The whole situation was blown out of proportions by none other than the politicians, activitists, and the lame stream media. Now, people are seething at the mouth, and hinting at violence. Shame on them all! Shame on us all for accepting the shoddy reporting, demagoguery, and race baiting. Many have been bamboozled. Don't be led astray!

All I am going to say about the trial is, the prosecution presented their case in defense of Trayvon Martin, but the evidence did not prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The simple fact remains, we will never know what happened that night, but only George Zimmerman and the deceased. I'll chock it up as the universes collide and two people were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Lets not throw salt in the wounds. I do not want to hear about cities being destroyed, and innocent bystanders getting killed.
edit on 14-7-2013 by Jakes51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:39 AM
THE VERDICT - It was the correct verdict. The state failed to make it's case.

THE PROSECUTION - Should be ashamed of itself. They had nothing. They either did a lousy job OR they didn't have anything to work with. Either way, the Murder 2 charges never should have been filed against Zimmerman. It should have been Manslaughter to begin with .. or nothing at all. And there are a lot of allegations against them for activities that weren't on the up & up. Withholding evidence .... Crump messing with witness' ... etc All should be investigated.

'BERNIE" - Prosecution lawyer Bernie ... (he looks like a 'Bernie") at the after verdict news conference he kept going with the 'poor scared little child alone in the dark with a bag of skittles' bunk ... he just kept going with it.
And he said that this all started because Zimmerman got out of his vehicle. That was proven wrong by Lead Detective Serino who said Zimmerman did nothing illegal by getting out of his vehicle to observe Martin. 'Bernie' either doesn't know the law or doesn't care about it.

MR. GUY - Prosecution lawyer. Insulted the jury with his closing rebuttal remarks. He basically told them to ditch the law and vote with their emotions. He hammered that for 45 minutes. Shame on him. Oh .. and he was bright red at the after verdict news conference. He's going to pop someday.

THE DEFENSE - They did a great job. Obviously. But they shouldn't have kept arguing with the judge after she ruled on things during the trial. The knock knock joke was seriously out of place.

THE JUDGE - Totally biased against the defense. This is curious because when she was running for office, both defense lawyers (O'Mara and Wolf) donated money to her campaign war chest. Maybe she was coming down hard on them so that people wouldn't say that she was favoring them because of campaign contributions? I don't know why Florida allows lawyers to donate to a judge's campaign fund.

BEST WITNESSES - The black fuzzy mannequin and lead investigator Serino.

WORST WITNESSES - Rachael Jeantel and Zimmermans best friend who wrote that book (based on one conversation with Zimmerman in which he didn't take notes and admitted that he got things wrong. Total opportunist. )

TRACY "JUICE" MARTIN - Lied on the witness stand when he said that he never said 'no' about identifying his sons voice on the tape. He has his own issues ... information that was suppressed during the trial is coming out that he was having gun running conversations with his son Treyvon. Illegal activities. There may be more coming out on this later.

HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION - Probably kicking themselves for having payed he Martin parents a million dollars in settlement.

NAACP - Five minutes after the verdict they released a statement saying they were 'disgusted and broken hearted' and that they would be going after a civil trial with Holders (in)justice dept.
The Martin family itself said this wasn't about race. So they are out of line. Although, since Holder is racist this law suit will probably have legs.

ERIC HOLDER - When the NAACP request for a civil trial comes in he should dismiss it. But he won't.

NEW BLACK PANTHERS - Bussed people to Sanford Florida to cause trouble after the verdict. The protestors exercised their first amendment rights ... got rained on ... went home. However, I'm sure that sometime in the future, the hateful rhetoric of the New Black Panthers will get someone who is unbalanced to go and try to take out Zimmerman. That's my prediction.

TRAYVON MARTIN - He had every right to be walking through that neighborhood. But he wasn't a 'scared little child alone in the dark with a bag of skittles'. He was a fully grown man who was legally a minor. He loved getting into street fights and waving guns around. He went looking for trouble and he'd find it.

GEORGE ZIMMERMAN - He had every right to be walking through that neighborhood He had every right to want to look into law enforcement for a career. That's not a bad thing. He'll be hounded for the rest of his life by people who want to kill him because of the rhetoric that was used against him. He won't be able to get a good paying job. He'll always be looking over his shoulder. I"m sure some people will say 'good' .. that's the least he deserves since he (in their opinion) murdered Martin. Whatever.

BOTH - had attitudes. Both made bad decisions. We have a case where two men, both who had 'attitude's, came together on a dark rainy night in Florida and they both made bad decisions that night. Attitude meets attitude in the rainy dark. Not a good situation.

WHO IS REALLY GUILTY? .... We don't know. We will never know. Whoever threw the first punch that night is the one who started this and who is guilty of manslaughter of Martin. Either Zimmerman is guilty of manslaughter or Martin is guilty of causing the situation that lead to his own death. We will never know.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
Obama Files Federal Charges Against George Zimmerman Following Acquittal in Shooting Murder of Trayvon Martin


Looks like Obama and Holder want their pound of flesh regardless of the law. Though I guess you can understand why they want to keep this going with all the scandals the Obama administration is involved in these days.

The Detroit Free Press is reporting that the community leaders there are calling on the Obama Administration to file federal charges against Zimmerman.
Can you imagine this being done when OJ Simpson was acquitted?

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:42 AM
Too many arm chair legal experts on here. Watching too much Nancy Grace I guess.

The funny thing is, blacks kill blacks in record numbers in this country and major media says nothing. If a "white hispanic" is involved it's front page news for a year.

That's another thing that pissed me off. The media just foaming at the mouth to frame this as a "black/white" thing to stir up racial tensions and increase ratings. What the hell is a "white hispanic"? If you're hispanic, you're hispanic. If you aren't, you aren't.

They found out Zimmerman had a white relative and they jumped all over that angle, boy. The only thing that could've been even better was if Zimmerman was a rich white man.

Anyways, none of us know what happened. And if you're going to try somebody for murder, you best be coming with more than circumstantial evidence.

That's how OJ and Casey Anthony got off.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by Rocker2013

There is enough evidence to show that Zimmerman had decided the kid was guilty of a crime (vigilantism) and pursued him against the advice of the police.

What evidence would that be?
I haven't seen it. One would think that the prosecution would have presented it, and got an easy conviction.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:49 AM
It is interesting how engaged and how active people are with regards to this situation, while other topics can barely a fraction of the attention they should.

Though the lose of life is always a tradegy and the perceived success or failure of the justice system is certainly important, there are other situations that affect millions, while others can impact generations to come..

Did you know 20 Iraqi civilians died last week in bombings. Where are the threads of 45 pages?

I think this farce of a trial has been mor of a distraction then anything.

Maybe I am venting, but in the grand scheme of things this trial was just a side show compared to the real issues out in the world. All this case did was increase racial tension and further divide groups of people, regardless of what side you fall on.

edit on 14-7-2013 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by Maslo

That alone does not prove manslaughter, unless he was grossly negligent in some way. And since following someone with a weapon is NOT grossly negligent, but even expected from neighbourhood watch, this does not apply here. And I am not aware of any proven gross negligence on Zimmermans part.


The only question that mattered was the one thing the prosecution had no evidence to prove. Who initiated the physical confrontation? Up to that point, neither broke any laws. From there, it becomes a matter of self-defense and ultimately, justifiable homicide.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by shells4u

Your peace sign is upside down, it used to be the tree of life but someone decided to up turn it for the CND and it is no longer a tree as the branches are in the ground. I guess they killed the tree...

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

BEST WITNESSES - The black fuzzy mannequin and lead investigator Serino.

Good one.

OK, on to the next public lynching and national humiliation, wonder who the news media will pick next for their twenty-four seven non stop whipping boy,

while the world goes to hell in a hand basket.
edit on 073131p://bSunday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy

Originally posted by MidnightTide
Obama Files Federal Charges Against George Zimmerman Following Acquittal in Shooting Murder of Trayvon Martin


Looks like Obama and Holder want their pound of flesh regardless of the law. Though I guess you can understand why they want to keep this going with all the scandals the Obama administration is involved in these days.

The Detroit Free Press is reporting that the community leaders there are calling on the Obama Administration to file federal charges against Zimmerman.
Can you imagine this being done when OJ Simpson was acquitted?

As long as they can keep this story alive and on top, the longer the Obama administration can keep their misdeeds swept under the carpet.
edit on 073131p://bSunday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by litterbaux

Posting late in the thread - from the hip.

Is this nothing more than the current justice system; doing what it has evolved to be... ie; law 2.3 .

( sorry if already put forth. ( or fifth

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:12 AM
I was shocked to hear one of the TV "show-hosts", make the statement that "many of those people in the crowds are Journalists". lol.

Are you kidding me? They dare call themselves 'journalists'?

News is Entertainment now, and so-called "TV Journalists' are nothing more than yappy magpies; as much 'show hosts', as the Entertainment Tonight show hosts.

When murders are entertainment (OJ, CA, Arias, and now this), as well as making WARS around the world entertainment, we've got a problem people. I think they have the next real life murder lined up and ready to go, as soon as it starts later this month. It will only become more the norm.

Like a game show, where real people die.

edit on 7/14/2013 by BellaSabre because: (no reason given)

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