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That Chip on your shoulder...

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posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 07:14 AM
That chip on your shoulder acts as an easy trigger for you to become filled with rage and unhappiness. All that is wrong with your life and the world is because of some external enemy that has wronged you from the time of your birth until the present moment. The harmful behaviour of the enemy was not always inflicted directly; much of it was committed through institutionalised means. This has not only made life difficult for you, but it will ensure that life is tougher for your children and their children. How can those living today ignore the plight your ancestors faced all those years before?

That chip on your shoulder absolves you of responsibility for your own lack of development and success in life. It functions as a convenient excuse to blame all the trials and tribulations you face on someone else. Instead of using the opportunity to focus internally at your problems, you choose to place your enemy in the spotlight and blame them. You teach your children to scapegoat the enemy, and deny them the chance to develop as human beings.

It's time to break the cycle. Acknowledge and learn from the mistakes and injustices of the past instead of dwelling on and being consumed by them. Just as you don't want to be judged nor discriminated against based on physical characteristics you share with those who have done bad things, don't expect this of others. We are only responsible for our own behaviour and not those of our ancestors. The past is done. Learn from it but do not sacrifice the present in the process.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 07:30 AM
Yeah I know all too well about the very heavy chip. Maybe Atlas shrugged and his fell off, but not mine. I was born and raised without any bootstraps, much less ones that were almost adequete. I always like to think I have long forgiven (though not forgotten,) but once in awhile, I find a simmering caldron just below my first layer of skin.
Those who came before me came up in and stayed in poverty and ignorance, and those who came before them, came up and stayed in poverty and ignorance.
I decided that I blame this money based matrix we are all kept in, generation after generation.


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