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65% of USA residents are ILLEGAL ALIENS...are you included?

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posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 10:40 PM
I have Cherokee and English ancestors, wonder where that puts me?


posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

A faulty premise? Check.

White Guilt Propaganda? Check.

A thread created solely to stir the pot? Check.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Pladuim
I have Cherokee and English ancestors, wonder where that puts me?


You are chenglish!

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Thorneblood

Typical thief mentality. You didn't win anything you STOLE land that wasn't yours. Being a bully does not make it right.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Nope stating what has been conveniently forgotten. The forefathers of this country were the criminals of England and all they did was come here and steal some more and murder Indians.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

There is this reasoning in the USA that illegal immigrants have no business being allowed to exist; that anyone who entered this country under the false pretenses should be deported and have all rights removed from them.

Yes, they should not mess up those native's land, or move them to "reservations", then after killing most of them, try to "preserve" their culture, but at the same time try to make everyone forget about the past and just move on, just like the pioneers !!

They could also introduce weird customs, sickness, viruses and even tacos or burritos, or sichuan, who knows..
edit on 13-7-2013 by Kaifan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Pladuim

That puts you in a group that has the right to be here and should be ashamed of how they got here. Clearly, you are not privy to the circumstances surrounding your heritage, you may have bits and pieces, but if you have Cherokee blood then you are not at fault for the misgivings of the European settlers and their atrocious behavior.

Those that have ancestry from European settlers are also not responsible for that behavior, but they are still illegal.

edit on 13-7-2013 by soulpowertothendegree because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

I'm an ilegal alien in "America", due to my family, and i guess i have nothing else to say, except, i wasn't there at the time, and i would like to apologize for the idiots these days that believe they have some kind of right over a land taken by force and massive manslaughter, all why the previous owners still live on that same land.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Pixiefyre

Fruits of the poisonous tree applies to any descendants of European or Asian ancestry; the premise of my thread was to demonstrate regardless of the time that has elapsed there is no statute of limitations on murderous thieves that just took over land they had no right to. This does not mean those alive today are responsible for the actions of criminals from the past, merely that they are guilty by association and therefore illegal.

That means every politician or judge or lawmaker or citizen of European/Asian descent that proposes limitations on immigration are the biggest hypocrites on this planet, along with all the religious fanatics that think they are so righteous.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

That is exactly the faulty reasoning that I am talking about. We are indigenous to this planet and have the right to live where we choose to live; the Indians were here first, the European settlers did not have the right to murder them to take the land.

It wasn't that they came here it was the premise that they decided the Indians were not worthy of being here and KILLED them. Do you not get it? You are condoning behavior that you deplore today in this world, yet it was okay to do it to them?


posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

You're the hypocrite unless you move from the US, if you do, please provide evidence, if you don't, you should shut your cakehole.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 02:29 AM
To the victor go the spoils. The Native Americans were and are not a monolithic society. They warred and conquered and enslaved each other, wiped out entire tribes..... don't whitewash their background before the Europeans arrived as though they had a perfect society. What country does not have a background of conquerors or being conquered? But it is under the current rulers that laws are made so they determine who is legal and who is illegal. South of the border? The Toltecs, the Mayans.... North of the border? The Anasazi...... "Indians" are just as guilty of genocide as the Europeans. And for that matter, African Americans saying how terrible the European Americans have been to them when not only did numerous African tribes enslave each other (and sell slaves to European and Arab Slavers) but many of them STILL enslave each other in Africa today! Forget the guilt trips.... its Hypocrisy in a Very Large way.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Well, I have a wee bit of an issue with what is going on in regards to the undocumented immigrants within this country. But it has nothing to do with racism, or trying to prevent people from improving their lives or anything that I would consider harsh and unreasonable towards any group of people.

Here is my issue. I am a legal US Citizen based on the laws that have been in effect since the US was formed, one branch of my family entered the US in the 1600's and lived peacefully as settlers with Pocahontas's great grandson, so it doesn't appear from my research that my family line arrived, killed the natives and raped the land, but then that was a long time ago and I could be wrong. issue.

I have been married since 2002 to a man I met in Canada, I was completely naive regarding the immigration laws in the country because I like many people who have never had to deal with it thought that marriage automatically granted the spouse lawful status and we just needed to let the government know, file a paper or something. When I went to do that we were unpleasantly surprised at what was required. Reading through the process I discovered that I could not meet one of the requirements at that time. I was in the process of changing careers and my income was not sufficient for the required proof of support, which would automatically trigger a denial if we tried to file anything at all at that time. So he left until I was able to meet the requirements, filed the application for a K3 visa for him, and waited as he went through the background checks, medical exams, biometrics, police reports and eventually a consulate interview granting him a visa. He finally was able to come home in 2006, in 2008 we had saved enough for him to apply for an adjustment of status application $1020.00 so we did and waited for the interview date. Unfortunately I ended up suffering some health issues and when our appointment letter arrived I was in intensive care with a broken hip, and we missed our interview so they denied our application as abandoned, so we had to file a motion to reopen, which was I think $585.00 and then wait. In 2010 they approved the motion and scheduled a new biometrics check for my husband, then we waited for the interview. All this time he was not allowed a valid work permit so if he did accept employment anywhere it would trigger an automatic ban on our petition so like good law biding citizens we waIted, and waited and waited. calling around every 6 months to check on the progress all the way up to January 2012 when I requested a status update so I would have some tangible paperwork on this and we were informed that our case was still being processed try contacting them again in 6 months if we heard nothing so we waited and at the 7 month mark we got 3 letters from them, one reopening our case?? one denying our motion to reopen since that did it one their own, and one denying our petition because they supposedly scheduled an interview in 2010. We presented them with the paper work showing that in Jan 2012 our case was still being processed and applied for another motion to reopen and they denied it stating we could reapply. By then those fee's were up to 1070.00 and we're still waiting, and if he works they will deny our petition and ban him from the country.

It's not fair that I have had to go through all this, prove I made enough money to ensure he would not be dependent on public benefits, spend well over 2000 in fee's for forms and processing, he is unable to works so my income is it so at times things get tough like when the car died.

Because we are going through the legal process, had my husband ever entered the country without documentation our application would have been denied on the basis that illegal entry made him inadmissible, and the only option we would have would be to plea for a waiver of inadmissibility around 585.00 and wait and hope and pray for a positive response.....there are no guarantee's at that point. I have spoken to people who have faced this and ended up with a negative response and were forced to either end their marriage or leave the country to live together.

So at this point, what it comes down to is those who diligently adhere to the legal immigration process and try to do what is considered right, are being held to higher standards than those who don't, have less rights then those who don't, and face having our spouses found inadmissible and banned from the country if they have previously entered the country without documentation, or worked without a legal work permit. (Not something I've gone through but there are many who have.

Do you understand why I have an issue with this, I'm being punished for obeying the law. I've been married for 11 years now and we're still waiting.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 02:46 AM
Would I be consider illegal if a person is of multiracial ancestry? My family ancestry is composed of Italian, Mexican, Russian, Greek, and Cuban. I have been told there is possibly English, Irish, German, Native American (Blackfoot and Cherokee). I wouldn't be surprised if there was various Native American ancestry in my family. However, I only know so much and feel I would never truly know. My skin color is white and if I worked out I can have light olive skin. My dad is brown and my mother is white. I don't know if skin color has anything to do with race. But it is affected by genetics.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 03:52 AM


posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

OP, I feel ya
But one just cannot expect everyone else to bite the hand that feeds them. It's been said in this thread numerous times before, but I think the best way to atone for the mistakes of the past--and yes, the brutal genocides and ethnocides committed were a travesty in the eyes of anybody with a soul--is to live a future of conscience and compassion. I just hope we all get around to doing this someday.

Living with goodness in your heart today is the best way to acknowledge the sins of the past. Holding grudges helps no one.

edit on 13-7-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Sorry... But that's totally off base. No one today stole anything. It's over. It's been over longer than this current generation has been alive.

Do what you want, but i don't feel wronged by the current society. I actually hate the stereotype i have to deal with because im native. Alot of people assume im anti white, and bitter. But im honestly not. Im proud of being native. Nothing wrong with that. But seriously why do people feel the need to go on about how wronged we were when not all of us want your pity or implications.

I feel more discriminated by how people treat me like a victim based on stuff like this.

Also just one last point....

Who said the Native Americans had dibs on this land? I've been taught that we didnt place ownership on things like that.
edit on 13-7-2013 by GreenManXphile because: Forgot something

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by Pixiefyre

Your story is like many stories I have read or heard about...People who think "government works efficiently" are day dreaming or never need them to do something... Renew drivers license is about it....

From the stories I have heard some of the people waited past 12 years. We waited 8 months for them to just process our application (for my wife) at the government lock box....yet the check was cashed in no time??

We were lucky when compared to others but I sent about 3" of forms and paperwork not to mention money.... ($1065?)...... above and beyond the call of duty was my thinking and it took me three weeks doing the paperwork because I was paranoid about not crossing the "T"s or not insuring everything was up to government paperwork standards..A reject cost and delays..Hassles I do not want.....Work permit, social security number, etc etc even though she will never work in the states; but you need for year end taxes.

Good luck on your Visa app for your husband....

One of the worse cases I can think of off the top of my head was an American who while stationed in Germany married a local girl and after separation from the service they stayed in Germany... he had a good job there.

His brother got sick and he and his family (two kids and wife) came to the states to help take care of the brother....Brother went to ICU and the family overstayed the wife's and kid's Visa requirements...They were actually captured and handcuffed (Florida if I remember the story) and are not allowed back into the states for 10 years?.....The husband and family live in Germany an I doubt they will return...if the story is as I remember..happened around 2007-2009?? but again I do not remember all the details. Tried to find the story but failed... sorry...However the bottom line is since 9/11 many things have changed...

I have friends overseas who used to come to the states on holiday at least once a they go someplace joke.

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

That is exactly the faulty reasoning that I am talking about. We are indigenous to this planet and have the right to live where we choose to live;

Humm.... I say the world has many examples of the strong or smart taking over (micro to macro) and you come back with.?? Also my line of reasoning is not reasoning, it is history and fact on every scale you look at on planet earth.... so fine, a simple experiment for you.... walk or drive to a neigborhood you want to live in, find a house and tell the owner it is your right to live there...get back to us and let us know how that worked out for you. Maybe go to Mexico or Central South America and try what you preach..

Actually any country I can name will have their own rules and regs but feel free to point out the errors in their line of thinking; maybe they will listen maybe the won't..but go ahead and try for it might be a learning experience for you. I wouldn't even get dressed up just go stake out where you wanna live and set up shop...send us a travel card and pics or it didn't happen....etc etc

I travel and live outside the USA several months a year...Never been to a country where your line of reasoning works.... they put people in jail or worse, surprise!.....let me know if you find such a place....Just because someone wants something to be a certain way does not mean the world majority or government accepts their way of thinking...If you have it in you change the world; more power to the meantime I will respect the laws of each country I visit and try to stay away from any domestic entanglements for the consequences of me not doing so are not something I want to put up with..... but I am old, and you must be young, so again you don't like the ways of the world feel free to try and change it.. I suggest you start with a virus or bacteria and work you way up; probably easier than trying to change international law......

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 06:48 AM
I'd up the anti and say that perhaps even 65% of residents are ALIENS!

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