posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 09:50 PM
Despair held inside,
no one wants to hear,
there is no reply.
How many types of pain?
I run and cower from this predator.
I try to curl up in a safe place
but it always finds me.
Joy devoured
hope torn asunder,
the cracking and breaking
of spirit and bone.
Tears only hide my sadness.
My moans are alone.
No kiss of healing,
no words of encouragement.
I have been taken down,
I have been drug
to a dark lair,
where there is only despair.
What sharp teeth it has,
the perfect killing machine,
it’s only purpose to drink our blood,
the very life of our body.
Our bones lie scattered
around it’s domain.
Bleached by sun and rain,
they cover the valley floor.
I am so dry,
so withered by the world.
I can no longer cry,
my tear drops are dust.
Oh God, will these bones rise up again?
Will you gather them
and reassemble them?
Will you cover them with flesh?
Will you breathe life back into them?
Deep inside I hear your small voice,
reminding me who gave me life,
fulfilling your promise
to never leave me or forsake me.
This test will not exceed
the strength you have given me.
I will overcome with your power
and remain safe in your hand.
There is a battle coming
between angels, demons and man,
on a far off battlefield
called Armageddon.