In the beginning there were many gods. Each culture believed in nature gods of their region. Through the stories of the escapades that were spun,
certain groups were put together in their meaning or deeds and the old gods were born. These gods became deities like Zeus, Jupiter, Odin, and Ipilya
which is where the worship remained for quite some time. Then one day, a man sitting in prayer, had an epiphany. There was only one god, one creator,
and all the other gods were simply parts of him. We shall call this man, Adam, just for arguments sake. The belief of one god spread fast through out
the known "civilized" world. The stories of the one god continued to compound the acts and passions of the old gods as they all became one. Then one
day, a man we shall call Abraham put it all together and declared there is one god by the contract(Is) between the Sun(Ra) and the creator(El),
basically, follow these rules and you shall receive life/blessings. The land of Israel was formed through its people, but the ground was quickly taken
from them and they were scattered. Until they finally got a decent foothold in Rome.
This group grew and began to long for a place to call home where they could be left alone to live life as they wanted, but through their passiveness
they were taken for granted and or used. After some time they had begun to obtain a certain amount of control over their surroundings and became
comfortable, shall we say. This little sect within the community(Essenes) attempting to keep alive the idea of a Massiach(Savior) and thus the
bloodlines of David were followed. This is where the contest begins. Rome says, "you can hang with us and have some power, but you must extinguish
this idea of someone coming to save you, this is Rome, you are saved" or something like that. So the majority of the faith was split. The Essenes were
shunned and basically secluded themselves to little towns, but some Romans just had to make the bloodlines end before prophecy was fulfilled, out of
paranoia I think, so the bloodlines were hidden.
Then along comes John, he turned out to be inconsequential, save for one story and soon after Jesus(Yeshua). He began to act like a King to his people
and drew a lot of attention to himself. Fortunately, Cesar, at the time, didn't really care too much and allowed it to become a Jewish issue. When
Jesus became too popular with his teachings of "Give that which is Cesars to Cesar" meaning let go of the money, the life style, the "Civilization"
and give yourself to God, The Sanhedrin plead with Pilot to get him out of the way because he is going to mess up the contract between Jews and Rome
for position. And the story plays out to his crucifixion. He was discarded as the Massiach and called a prophet splitting the Jews into another sect
which became Christians. So, yes he was the King of the Jews but by the time he was actually born the throne was all but gone. Yet another sect of
Judaism was created with the teachings of Mohammed which grew into what is Islam today.
Continuing on, Christianity soon took over and began to dominate the World through forced conversions and extreme conditions, but Judaism held on and
got into banking and moving money, which they soon learned that control was for their taking and they did. The Catholic Church still ran things for
the most part, but the Jews began to control under the sheets until business, through banking, all but eliminated Roman Church power and have been in
control since. As it looks, the Muslim sect is attempting to shut down the machine that is money and greed and to take their turn in running things
their way. All my opinion of course.
edit on 11-7-2013 by Agarta because: Missed a word.