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A strange dream I had.

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posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 07:20 PM
I'm authoring this thread in the hopes that someone may provide some insight, an interpretation, or a similar experience. I am well aware of the possibility that it was all created by my subconscious mind and means nothing, so I would like to keep comments like that to a minimum.

An important thing to note is that the first thing I did when I woke up is write this down. I have added to it after re-reading it and remembering more subtle details, changed a few words around, but I made sure to get the bulk of it out as soon as possible, not that I really think I could've forgotten it anyway. Well, here goes.

God is standing on a seashore culling a great and enormous beast out of the sea. The sky is orange as at sunset, but without clouds. The sea is dwarfed by the stature of Him and also by the size of the beast, so it looks like a pond, flanked on one side by huge mountains and on the other by a long beach. The beast is huge and fantastic, shaped almost like a fish, but it is flying and moving gracefully and quickly in tandem with the movements of God's hands, like He is directing it. It is covered with all sorts of blue and yellow lights along the ridges of its body, it is blue in color and has a wide face.

I'm hiding in a kind of shed/shelter behind God, not wanting Him to see me, lest I should be woke from the dream and cast out of what I perceived as "heaven." While I'm watching, I wonder if I would be allowed to come out of the shelter, and this is when He turns around and sees me peeking out the door. He smiles, as if He already knew I was there and gives a small nod, signalling me to come out.

In my excitement, I run out from where I'm hiding, and as im running i see the beast turn into all the stars in the sky and back into the beast, and I saw the sky darken to emphasize the lights. (I perceived this to mean that the beast was actually a host of angels) I called "Hey, mystic! Please... Tell me who you are." My excitement bled out of me as I finished this question, and knew that no answer could be given other than the one I already perceived. The host recoiled, as if struck, but I felt/heard God tell it not to fear me for I am only being tested and I could not actually harm the beast. I was small, like a child, i had to look up at God to see His "face." The host started to move toward the shore and I ran forward to meet it. As it came toward me, it rose up over me and caused me to be afraid and so I fell to the ground and the host fell upon me, pushing me down into it's stomach which was like a pit full of suffocating water and light.

I remember that I couldn't breathe, but I wasn't afraid. It was too beautiful to be afraid.

God said to me "Why aren't you breathing?" and I replied "Because of the water. I could breathe underwater if you told me I could." and He replied "But there is no water." And after that I could breathe.

And then He took me in His grasp and carried me through heaven back to earth. In heaven, all I could see was a great expanse of light above a darkness which seemed to be filled with trillions of stars.

I noticed He was taking me down to these stars and I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay in His presence and learn everything He could teach me, but He wouldn't let me stay and it was useless to fight. As we approached these stars, I noticed that they weren't actually stars, but sort of virtual reality machines. Every one we passed was filled until we got to mine which was empty. The closer we got, the harder I struggled, but His force was impossible to resist. When He sat me in the machine, it clamped down upon my lower "body" (i put it in quotes, because I felt more like a cloud of energy than a physical body) and wouldn't let me move.

The machine started to pull me down into it, and I was pushed through what I remember now as a tunnel of darkness with faint red clouds of light. And the end of this tunnel was a pinpoint of bright light, but when my "body" came into contact with it, it felt like I was being injected into an ice cube. The coldness enveloped my entire body, and became a sort of numbness, but gradually I became aware of a heaviness in the shape of my physical body and limbs. I realized I was lying in my bed.

This is the only time I have ever gone directly from a dream to a state of wakening. I felt like I was literally gone from my body and watched as I was put back inside. (I'm excluding nightmares in which I've gained lucidity and use waking as a means of escape. This was different than that. I can't explain how, it just was.)

This is everything I remember about the experience, and I'm pretty sure I've relayed at least 98% complete recollection. Has anybody else had a dream where something similar happened? Have you ever seen God in a dream or seen the machines I'm talking about? I know intuitively that a lot of it appeared only as I could relate to it, but I wonder if my experience of being put back into my body rings any bells for anyone.

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by GodIsRelative

Did you actually have communication between you and "god" or was it more like a mental projection of language that had to be deciphered.

If "god" was more of a messenger , that wasn't god, just a guide, that being that seemed to turn into stars and back would be your spirit or soul. This is why you were not afraid but felt overwhelmed, you decided not to breathe to fathom the power and unfamiliarity.

I take that you didn't shy away from accepting whatever your soul wants you to do, that's good, very accepting of you. Hopefully you garner great knowledge after this encounter and decide what your's soul's mission is to accomplish in this "life".

edit: did get a solid nugget of information from your guide, those VR machines....very interesting that it would show you this.

Which of these would you more likely agree with....

1. human being trying to have a spiritual experience
2. spirtual being trying to have a human experience
3. I'm stuck in a simulation that I want no part of.
edit on 10-7-2013 by Knives4eyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Knives4eyes

Thanks for your reply. Very insightful.

The communication was nonverbal, but it required no discernment. It was much like just "knowing" things to each other.

Is 1, 2, and 3 a valid answer? The human side of me definitely wants to have a spiritual experience. The spiritual side of me, in the dream at least, was definitely aware of being intended to have a "human experience." And this "simulation," while not completely unpleasant, definitely doesn't compare to that feeling of potential and power I experienced while in the presence of this entity or projection or whatever you want to call it.

The reason I call it God goes back to a passage in the Book of Enoch, which described God's face as being many faces simultaneously. One face did stand out, and I guess in a sense I could recognize it as some sort of guide spirit, but I also intuitively knew that it wasn't the real face of the entity, and behind the facade I saw a being made of light almost as clearly as I saw the face of the entity.

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by GodIsRelative

Ah interesting, very interesting indeed, it seems like more people are having very similar experiences, I'm just glad I had mine earlier even though I have no idea what to call those entities.....

My guide felt like a warm accepting patient first I thought this was "god" but then I thought "god" would have more important matters than delivering a message to me. After a few questions I decided to probe it deeper and I asked it "who am I".....then it led me to an entity made of blue flames and stars.

The fiery blue cosmic thing just seemed very aggravated and impatient, too powerful for it's own purposes. Initially I thought this was "god" because of the overwhelming power that made me feel like I was trapped under a large amount of gravity. It asked me 1 single question, if I was ready to change the world....

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 08:26 PM
i.m not dampening what u saw but i don,t believe in a god so to me just a dream which i have plenty myself.

i believe that there is things out there we don,t understand but a superior being that created us and nothing to prove it except a story thats developed over thousands of years and still no significant proof

sorry not for me,mean has he went in to hibernation or has he got very shy that theres been no supposed communication for thousands of years?
edit on 2013 by sparky31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by sparky31

Not the place or time for that discussion. I understand that there will be a lot of people saying things like "It was just a dream" but that's a plausibility I've already accepted and wanted to set aside for the purposes of this discussion. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by GodIsRelative
reply to post by sparky31

Not the place or time for that discussion. I understand that there will be a lot of people saying things like "It was just a dream" but that's a plausibility I've already accepted and wanted to set aside for the purposes of this discussion. Thanks.
i apologize,just read the start of your msg again and saw you accept it could be your subconscious mind and you weren,t trying to claim as fact.

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by GodIsRelative
As we approached these stars, I noticed that they weren't actually stars, but sort of virtual reality machines.

Computers. Facebook friends. Get real.


6 = opposition to divine will.

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Miracula

Originally posted by GodIsRelative
As we approached these stars, I noticed that they weren't actually stars, but sort of virtual reality machines.

Computers. Facebook friends. Get real.


6 = opposition to divine will.

I don't understand what you're implying.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by GodIsRelative

These are the only similarities I have had in some of my dreams...

the sea. The sky is orange as at sunset, but without clouds.

all the stars in the sky were hosts of angels

perhaps this may not have been a dream but a vision...If you belong to a church you should talk privately to your pastor and ask for his help in interpreting this dream/vision...If you are into the new age stuff google a dream symbol dictionary...I hope these suggestions help you in your quest...BTW the virtual machines were very unsettling to me...Something else I was just wondering is that they say we do not dream in color, maybe that is some sort of proof that this was not just some ordinary dream...

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 12:59 PM
I think I had a "judgement day" kind of dream while I fell asleep on the couch - for some strange reason I have good dreams on that couch - anyway, it was some kind of "elder" or wise being, I remember that he gave me "insight" into the future - there were basically people suffering from some kind of "evil" - they were covered i darkness, holding their heads in panic and just basically flailing around in general.

He, the being, tried to get me to understand the kind of constitution that is required and the "rules" that must be observed to avoid or generally be immune and or unaffected by this "evil".

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by SystemResistor

Do you remember any of the "rules" he gave you?

The main thing I noticed in my own dream was the lack of any specific information. If it was a vision, it was rife with symbolism. I wasn't taught how, I was only shown what, if you get my meaning.

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