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a posssible (and pretty) WTC2 design? yes.

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posted on Aug, 4 2002 @ 05:33 PM
hey everyone, look at this perfect example of the beauty of steel, glass, nature, and society working together...its called the Cyber City, for resons I do not know, and it is a very, very large building. Not only in height, but in volume. the plan calls for 2833 trees to be planted, one for each of the persons found (i think there should be one tree in the middle for the people not found). I know, Ill give you the link, and copy and paste the feedback message I wrote to the architecture and design firm:

Wow, what a beautiful building...but I have a suggestion. We all know there must have been more than 2833 people killed, and that's why I'm thinking that there should be one tree larger than the rest in the middle of the whole structure to represent the people not found. However, I don't know if the plaque should be left blank, or read, "This tree is dedicted in loving memory to the souls who can never rest in peace.", or something along those lines. Or perhaps that single tree, plaque included, at the top of the tower, or the plaque could be under the flag. To me, the plaque at the top of the tallest building in the world, has a tremendous memorial meaning. So many possibilities. I guess if you like my ideas, it would be for your firm and the other New Yorkers to decide? Who knows, maybe you already dismissed these options. Anyways, great website, and good luck on the project. I sure hope The Widows don't get in your way. I don't live in NYC (but I want to) and I've heard about them. It's sad that those people lost their loved ones, but it's even sadder that they can't just see the other side of the coin...

Im sure that the New Yorkers on this site have already seen or heard about this plan, but not all of us are New Yorkers.

posted on Aug, 4 2002 @ 05:49 PM
that's horribly ugly

posted on Aug, 4 2002 @ 05:56 PM
ugly... and impossibly expensive.


posted on Aug, 4 2002 @ 06:14 PM
i don't think it's all bad, but it looks messy to me. like it was quickly thrown together. i do like the 5 cylindrical towers, but the pyramid at the top seems out of place. and the stuff around the bottom isn't too pretty either. if they cleaned off the junk and made it more elegant, then i think it would look much nicer.

posted on Aug, 4 2002 @ 10:10 PM
Looks to me like the architects forgot all about the KISS method...K(eep) I(t) S(imple), S(tupid).

posted on Aug, 4 2002 @ 10:32 PM
i really like it alot

posted on Aug, 6 2002 @ 12:36 PM
i kinda like it, but yes, it seems like it would be incredibly expensive

posted on Aug, 6 2002 @ 02:43 PM
An overwhelming percentage of NYer's would like to see the towers rebuilt, just as they were, except with a memorial on the floors that were hit by the planes.

Is this too simple?

posted on Aug, 6 2002 @ 03:01 PM
Of course the old ones were too simple. I mean, they didn't look fancy, they didn't have high tech gadgets that short out every five minutes and cost millions to operate and repair and the fee for the people who operate them. Then, old ones didn't look like a building from Mars.

I swear, don't you people want billions spent to those buildings?? Mmmmm, the sarcasm so thick I can smell it.

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 01:46 AM
but they were so ugly...the very epitomy of function over form...

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 07:00 AM
The original WTC towers lacked aesthetic niceties, however, the efficiency of their design allowed for amazingly rapid construction and relatively low-cost maintenance... important factors for any commercial building. And let us not forget how these two towers (two of 7 buildings) became a universally recognized symbol for New York City. What better tribute to rebuild as they were? What better message to terrorists to rebuild as they were?

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 06:49 PM
or an even better message to build it bigger, better, more expesive, did people live in the WTC? or was it all offices? i always wondered...they also lacked asthetic necessities, such as windows that werent hidden between a facade, and color. i persoanlly thought of them as large, drab, grey rectangles...what was the inside like new yorkers? i went to NYC once with school but we never got to go in the WTC...

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 06:57 PM
and i remmeber looking at them through the bus windows...i think i even took a picture...but i lost the pics. i was in awe. there were so large and they had a aura of power and superiority...i sure wish i could fing those pics...

posted on Aug, 7 2002 @ 09:34 PM
You are in no way qualified to provide commentary on what should, or should not happen to this piece of Manhattan.

Few are. However, those that live and work here have very strong feelings and attachments to the site. This is why the city is attempting to gain control of the site.

posted on Sep, 9 2002 @ 06:55 PM
how much is that gonna cost?
5 trillions?

posted on Sep, 9 2002 @ 08:58 PM
there has already been a post linking to that site structure, stop copying

posted on Sep, 10 2002 @ 01:11 AM
Gruesome building. Are those 4 outer cylinders going to house the ministries or are they just going to build 3 more of these ugly things?

I say rebuild the towers as they were, with perhaps a bit more flair, but let's not go overboard. No one proposed building 1,000 golden ships after Pearl Harbor.

posted on Sep, 10 2002 @ 01:18 AM
Or as the Editor of the New York Post (an Aussie, incidentally) said, rebuild them just the way they were, but put the saudi embassy on the top floors

posted on Sep, 10 2002 @ 02:36 AM
I don't mind it, I'm sure there must be better designs out there. However I do think that they should be rebuilt bigger and better than before.

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