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Nigeria school massacre: 41 children killed, some burned alive

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posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by justwokeup

I will defend religious peoples freedom to hold such beliefs as long as they don't impose them on others. I expect them to defend my freedom to hold my point of view and i will defend thiers.

The perpetrators should all be rounded up and tried according to the customs in their country... for murder, not for being "Muslim".

If they use their religious persuasion as an excuse for what they did, then they should be tried for lying too. Not that it matters...

edit on 7-7-2013 by intrptr because: changed

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by intrptr

The Evil Communist invaders murdering the women and children.

yes they did. In many places. The Russian gulags, Tianneman Square, Pol Pot, The Red Square, Tibet

Need more?

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by undo

personally, i think the US military, unbeknownst to its members, is being used by the obama folks, to carry out the will of wahabbist leaders in saudi. in effect, it's a masquerade where one form of islam is devouring the other form (and killing christians, hindus, pagans, atheists and buddhists along the way as well) using western military might, to do so.

Personally, I think thats dead nuts. Religion is just a distraction from the truth, an excuse if you will to cover for the real reasons behind it. Greed, corruption and power. The Sauds are drunk on all the wealth the west has provided for their oil and that has corrupted them away from their reason. We're all in cahoots.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 01:35 PM
blink blink. what's the significance of holding the sword during the ceremony?

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Misbah
Islamists don't kill children, It doesn't matter what religion they belong to, It's a great sin for a Muslim to child an innocent child. Please stop spreading false reports on Muslims, the incident may have occurred, but there is no reason at all to say that it was "Islamists" who did it, because Muslims don't do such stuff. It doesn't matter where a Muslim lives, they don't kill children and it cannot be justified.

Spreading propaganda on Islam is not going to help you.

I hope this is some kind of satire or sarcasm.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by intrptr

The Evil Communist invaders murdering the women and children.

yes they did. In many places. The Russian gulags, Tianneman Square, Pol Pot, The Red Square, Tibet

Need more?

Wait. i was talking specifically about Vietnam. The Russians didn't invade that, we did. We used the excuse they were going to as our justification. How'd that turn out?

All superpowers have their "empires" at one time or another. The Soviet-- Umm, Russia has backed off of theirs. We are the only ones currently trying to dominate everyone and everything. And yes, we have satellites (collaborators), too.
edit on 7-7-2013 by intrptr because: additional...

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

HOLY # I JUST DISCOVERED I GOT 666 FLAGS!!! Flag me someone for gods sake Or I ll become the beast!!!

Just for you...

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by intrptr

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

HOLY # I JUST DISCOVERED I GOT 666 FLAGS!!! Flag me someone for gods sake Or I ll become the beast!!!

Just for you...

Pheew. That was close, Could almost feel the horns grow on my head
Thanx Buddy.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:00 PM
wall street funded the bolshevik revolution, trained the fledgling soviet military, built their factories and trained them how to use the equipment because they had killed everyone that could operate the factories. US corporations provided the training, machinery, science and technology for soviet military dominance, and then used it as a reason for the advancement of US military weapons. -- -the entire competition between the us and the ussr was a farce, artificially created. the cold war was not real. the soviets communist agenda, long ago were allowed access to our universities and the developing minds of our youth.

i ain't buying the russian thing for five seconds. although putin is cute. lol

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:08 PM
here's the info on the bolsheviks

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by undo
wall street funded the bolshevik revolution, trained the fledgling soviet military, built their factories and trained them how to use the equipment because they had killed everyone that could operate the factories. US corporations provided the training, machinery, science and technology for soviet military dominance, and then used it as a reason for the advancement of US military weapons. -- -the entire competition between the us and the ussr was a farce, artificially created. the cold war was not real. the soviets communist agenda, long ago were allowed access to our universities and the developing minds of our youth.

i ain't buying the russian thing for five seconds. although putin is cute. lol

It gets even juicier... Kind of like Putin's taste in women:

Wall Street’s Failed 1934 Coup


posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:22 PM
This is horrific, my sympathies go out to all who are in any way involved.

Yet another example of why Islam - in its truest fundamental expression (not 'extremist', but simply fundamentalist) - is a blight on Humanity. This is what would happen throughout the entire world if we ever allow an empowered Islamic Caliphate to take shape, with access to modern weaponry and a majority stake in the land of the Middle East.

They would simply expand operations such as these, to include even a MAD (mutually assured destruction) attack using nuclear weapons, and the rest of the Caliphate member states would hail it a victory for 'heroic Jihad' - precisely as many will already be saying (either openly or secretly) with regards to this disgusting attack.

A spade is a spade, ergo fundamental Islam is a scourge.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Misbah
Islamists don't kill children, It doesn't matter what religion they belong to, It's a great sin for a Muslim to child an innocent child. Please stop spreading false reports on Muslims, the incident may have occurred, but there is no reason at all to say that it was "Islamists" who did it, because Muslims don't do such stuff. It doesn't matter where a Muslim lives, they don't kill children and it cannot be justified.

Spreading propaganda on Islam is not going to help you.

So you know these guys?

Just as ignorant, claiming OP is ignorant.

I bet they weren't mormon.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:31 PM
somebody should dig up woodrow wilson and
give him a good scolding.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Misbah

I think we shall blame Islam for school shootings in America, resulting death.

List of school shootings in the United States

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by mekhanics
reply to post by Misbah

I think we shall blame Islam for school shootings in America, resulting death.

List of school shootings in the United States

i think we shall blame christians for _____________ fill in the blank.
i think we shall blame jews for __________________________________________________________________________________ fill in the blank.

i think we shall blame white people for ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ fill in the damn blank.

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by undo

Your response seems invalid !! Can you elaborate? Sorry, I'm not fond of jigsaw.
edit on 7-7-2013 by mekhanics because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by mekhanics
reply to post by undo

Your response looks invalid !! Can you elaborate? Sorry, I'm not fond with jigsaw.

you're not alone in being "stereotyped" friend. everybody is pointing fingers at everybody else, these days, or hadn't you noticed? tunnel vision perhaps?

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 02:41 PM
Islam Religion of Peace my A--

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by johncarter

Frankly, I'm not sure where the topic of sources came into it. RT is the directly owned mouthpiece of the Russian Government though. At least Fox and CNN can say they don't follow the orders of the Government by direct and literal ownership.

If you choose to take one nation's B.S. propaganda over another nation's B.S. propaganda, that't your call. I look at *ALL* the sources available (including RT and and determine my opinions from the combination of the global picture.

Although, Russia still is about the furthest thing from a friend as we've got. You're right. This isn't 1963. Go tell that to Comrade Colonel Putin who is not only modernizing but expanding capability for Submarine, Land Launch and Bomber based strategic nuclear forces and at a very high rate of speed at that.

Here's a hint... psst.... Strategic Weapons have ONLY ONE TARGET. China isn't strategic to THEM.....just us. Only the United States... So each of those 10 new Submarines he's making and each of the MIRV capable warhead's he's producing in new and improved versions for the highway mobile launchers he's also making? Is intended FOR THE UNITED STATES.

I'm shocked I have to explain the definition of strategic in relation to nuclear forces. After all, it's 2013, not 1963. you'd think people knew those things by now. The U.S. reduces it's number and hems/haws about even modernizing...the Russians expand as quickly as possible and as high tech as their money allows, as we speak.


Oh..and America bashing? IS free speech. It's still america bashing. Free doesn't make it any less ignorant, to be blunt about it. It's amusing to see how many new ways people find to play out their hate on a daily basis though. Downright entertaining sometimes.

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