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Why is there still no explanation of the alien Warp-Drive?

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posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:01 PM
If there are people who are reverse engineering alien spacecraft, why don't we have a clue about how their method of propulsion works?

All the people who used to work for the military and government (or so they claim) and who are breaking the silence, are just telling us science fiction stories. How about some facts?

How about somebody telling us how the alien tech actually works? There are bound to be people who are working on this stuff, so why is it never them who go public? Why is it always someone who doesn't have a clue about the inner workings of the technology?

My take on it? Everybody can make up a fake military career and tell some stories about crashed UFOs.
But NOBODY on this planet can actually explain how the aliens actually managed to get here and how their propulsion works.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Xenoglossy

The clue to the answer you seek is in the first word of your post.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:09 PM
link's one thing to postulate "warp speed" and quite another to postulate warp speed that somehow manages to avoid space dust/rocks.

Maybe someone has a coherent explanation for that? Otherwise we're left with either fantasy...or something akin to an extra-inter-ultra-dimensional or, possibly, a 'wormhole' concept.

edit on 2-7-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by Xenoglossy

Hate to break it to you. I don't think it exists, nor do I think anyone is working on reverse engineering it.

All logic aside, say they did manage to find some sort of alien technology, which of our brightest minds that couldn't come up with anything like this on their own, is capable of identifying the component, or components responsible for the drive system. Now, if they can even manage that part of the fantasy booger picking contest, do you really think they could begin to understand something likely made of materials they've never dreamed of, in a way they've never ever imagined, with science potentially millions of years above their heads.

Perhaps a flying saucer is simply empty inside. Just a shell, and all that fantastical technology we wish we could steal is actually beyond our physical ability to comprehend it.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 06:46 PM
Asking as we are giving opinions, I think it exists. I believe, again can't prove, but believe that we are being visited by more than one extraterrestrial civilization today. I doubt it took them 40,000 years.

I would theorize that they can travel at faster than the speed of light. Time is an illusion, I have heard many say. Advanced technology may connect space & time in such a way that you can literally jump form one point in space time to another.

Why don't we understand it yet? It could be thousands or millions of years beyond our science.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Xenoglossy

Why is it you assume they need a craft to get here...and that craft has to be "propulsed" by some mechanical engine thru space? Maybe they dont need a "craft. Maybe they teleport.

Perhaps they dont use "propulsion" to be pushed forward thru space...but maybe they use "magnetism" to "pull" or "draw' them to a source-destination.

Youre limiting your imagination here to think someone thousands, millions or hundreds of millions of years ahead of us...would need a "spaceship" and standard...even some exotic...type of engine to get here.

Im using that highly advanced assumption...and giving them that figure that they dont need "ships"...dont need "engines" or "warp-Star-Trek" drives because they are so advanced we would never understand the way they work, where they were produced, never know by what processess either. They are on other planets using tech and materials we probably have no knowledge of, or would even understand.

So, your idea of a highly advanced visiting culture using some kind of warp drive and spaceship? may as well think of that as those ideas as being like "dinosaurs"....and they would be way, way, way beyond needing such things .

We have to stop thinking in terms of movies and video gaming to get these crazy and really limited ideas of what an advanced civilization uses. So theres no "explanation" of warp drives because they most likely dont use them...and I doubt we'd understand what they do use.

I think they are here, have always been here, and will come and go without any knowledge, support or understanding of how they do it.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:42 PM
Check any flaming UFO in hover going under video taping and we hear a orb
just broke off or its multiplying. New ships are flying in a stopping to rescue
the ship. So fast you do not see them and when they stop in hover they glow.
They glow because they stop and the hull gets hit with air atoms and the atoms
light up from the impact. You want a possible warp speed, how about 300 miles
per second once reported by Tesla.

edit on 7/2/2013 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Xenoglossy
My take on it? Everybody can make up a fake military career and tell some stories about crashed UFOs.
But NOBODY on this planet can actually explain how the aliens actually managed to get here and how their propulsion works.

We had one guy like that here just a little while ago, claims he knows and the Men In Black or such were bothering him. He did make an interesting point that if you could somehow nullify gravity from certain sources and not others then you would appear to "take off" quickly when viewed in an accelerating frame (like surface of the Earth) but the craft was just maintaining its original momentum and so the occupants wouldn't feel great acceleration.

The poster wriggled out of answering any more specific physics questions though.

And while nullifying gravity selectively would be a great boon to Boeing and Fedex, it still doesn't explain how to get FTL warp speed or avoid being fried by relativistic dust.
edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Hijinx
reply to post by Xenoglossy

Hate to break it to you. I don't think it exists, nor do I think anyone is working on reverse engineering it.

All logic aside, say they did manage to find some sort of alien technology, which of our brightest minds that couldn't come up with anything like this on their own, is capable of identifying the component, or components responsible for the drive system. Now, if they can even manage that part of the fantasy booger picking contest, do you really think they could begin to understand something likely made of materials they've never dreamed of, in a way they've never ever imagined, with science potentially millions of years above their heads.

If it is made of material stuff, and the material stuff provided the technology to do it, then yes, I think they could.
There has been a profound change in physical knowledge between 1850 and 1950 unprecedented in human civilization.

We wouldn't know how to make another one though, that would be a total mystery. We don't need to capture an ET's flying saucer. We need a flying saucer factory. What's the manufacturing process, that's the true core of the matter.

Perhaps a flying saucer is simply empty inside. Just a shell, and all that fantastical technology we wish we could steal is actually beyond our physical ability to comprehend it.

Beyond our physical ability? If ETs interact in our physical world where we live something about them involves physics that we know about.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by The GUT's one thing to postulate "warp speed" and quite another to postulate warp speed that somehow manages to avoid space dust/rocks.

Maybe someone has a coherent explanation for that?


Use your warp drive to make geodesics outside the craft which connect smoothly to Euclidean space at infinity, inside, make a round warp-bubble so that your ship is living in a really small spherical universe disconnected from the outside. So when the warp drive is on, the space dust just continues on its normal geodesics unaffected by anything and not feeling anything. From the outside the starship looks like it just disappears. From inside the starship, the universe outside looks like it just disappears and if you look outside you see the other end of your ship.

Somehow this warp drive can propel this topological bubble in geodesics through space and then when you get there you de-energize your warp drive and connect yourself back to regular space-time. That reconnection might be the tricky part of the trip, needless to say.

Another corollary of this warp drive scheme. You can't see out. You can't navigate at all, you would have to propel yourself with 'dead reckoning'. Just go and guess and hope you can figure out where you are when you pop out. If you pop out at too high a relative velocity to local space dust, or even the cosmic background radiation which just got blueshifted into fatal gammas, well, oops you just won a heroic Darwin award instead of the Zephram Cochrane medal.

Flying through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy. Without precise calculations, we'd fly right through a star, bounce too close to a supernova, and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

Also, if warp drive required some exotic matter and engine, then maybe galactic ET civilizations could fly FTL, but they couldn't send signals FTL. Politics would be more like the 18th century. There were ships which could travel interstellar distances, and all news had to go on them. You wouldn't find out about events on other systems for months perhaps. Maintaining an empire could be tricky. You could go out and find that one of your colonies was obliterated by the Romulans (or nobody you could figure out) a few radioactive months previously.

In this scenario, offensive military actions could be far more successful, because an attacker could warp in a large fleet by surprise which overwhelms the planetary defenses. No help could come until too late. Remember if the ship is in a warp bubble of the sort above it is literally like a different universe and can't be detected until it's back in normal space.

The politics would then be like the Cold War with ICBM's, which are similarly impossible to defend against: threats of Mutually Assured Destruction. The weapons would be trivial and civilization-exterminating: put an asteroid in a warp bubble, de-warp at a high relative velocity and skedaddle. What damage would a modest 100T asteroid do at relativistic velocity? It would be INSANE. Like maybe 50T of antimatter's worth of energy.

Any warp drive ship is a weapon of obscene planetary destruction.

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel
Somehow this warp drive can propel this topological bubble in geodesics through space and then when you get there you de-energize your warp drive and connect yourself back to regular space-time. That reconnection might be the tricky part of the trip, needless to say....

"Somehow,"...that's nice MBK. "Somehow" is an excellent answer for "anything." "Somehow" I don't feel your 'answer' is particularly revealing or even coherent.

Nice try, though!

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Jchristopher5
I would theorize that they can travel at faster than the speed of light.

And therein lies the first problem. Simply traveling faster than light is meaningless, when the infinite mass before you coming right at you, hits your spacecraft instantaneously and head on.

I think the first step, is to understand what happens at the speed of you can toss that silly notion out the window and start thinking about the physics of it all, and how the other options (Opening wormholes which would take an unbelievable/infinite amount of energy to bend space-time etc) and how unlikely it is that aliens are casually visiting earth just to look in windows and abduct hillbillies.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel
Somehow this warp drive can propel this topological bubble in geodesics through space and then when you get there you de-energize your warp drive and connect yourself back to regular space-time. That reconnection might be the tricky part of the trip, needless to say.

And what would the source for the energy needed to create an ongoing bubble through space-time be? Surely you've thought about the issues with the ship ALSO being inside this theoretical bubble? I've heard that theory countless times and it is riddled with problems.
edit on 2-7-2013 by WilliamOckham because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 09:15 PM
The thing with extraterrestrials coming to this planet is: they don't need a warp drive to get here.

Its already possible for us to get to other planets. Its just infeasible.

Perhaps for extraterrestrials they don't break or bend any of the laws of physics as we currently understand them and put up with the long infeasible journey to get here. For them it may be worth it. We can't presume to understand the mentality of off-world intelligences.
edit on 2-7-2013 by Frith because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 09:36 PM
The technologies surrounding making a warp drive haven't been invented yet and need special equipment to develop, like certain capacitors that might only be made in a zero gravity lab. There are also likely at least a dozen ways to make a warp drive depending on the math foundation, on how the developing group likes to split their prime numbers.

Explanations get censored quickly (faster than light quickly) by the groups with the advanced technologies. It's as though they can see the comic thought-bubble over the head getting to details about beam splitting and semiconductors, and they reach in from another place and pop the bubble.

You might as well be asking for the blueprints of a stealth jet, even that isn't going to be disclosed to the general public. A warp drive is much more sensitive than that at the moment.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 01:23 AM
Well I'm not a scientist but understand the journalistic write ups and meanings behind types of energies, ie explosive and implosive, scarsity and abundance, fission and fusion. To get a handle on the advanced tech you need to follow the path of Keely, Walter Russel, Tesla, but as to black ops, running around on the forums and exposing the tech, doubt that is going to happen just yet. But we can keep asking them, for their souls are at stake. By harming and enslaving people, they're taking the long, suffering path home.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 02:46 AM
I dont know .
why dont you as the OP explain it to us

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by paradiselost333
I dont know .
why dont you as the OP explain it to us

That's pretty much my point.
All those "whistleblowers" like John Lear and others are just telling us science fiction stories.

NOBODY so far revealed anything that would surprise scientists or even make them scratch their heads.

I am waiting for somebody who was (or is) involved with the black projects to explain some kind of alien tech. That might not count as evidence (he could have invented it himself after all) but it would get some attention - even from mainstream media.

Just imagine someone explaining in detail how a warp-drive (or whatever you can use to travel the stars) works in a YouTube video.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Xenoglossy

If there are people who are reverse engineering alien spacecraft, why don't we have a clue about how their method of propulsion works?

Imagine a caveman trying to reverse engineer a found and broken television and get it to play a TV program.

May take a while....

I am waiting for somebody who was (or is) involved with the black projects to explain some kind of alien tech. That might not count as evidence (he could have invented it himself after all) but it would get some attention - even from mainstream media.

Well, there is Bob Lazar. Sounds like just the guy you are looking for.

Also, Google on Twining's Air Accident Report. That too should give you an account that is up this alley.

Whether you believe them or not..... *shrug* But, they are what you are looking for.

We've likely been at it since at least 1942 or 1947, and aren't yet traveling the stars, so that should give some idea of the challenge (assuming we actually did recover something....which I think we did).
edit on 3-7-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by mbkennel

Also, if warp drive required some exotic matter and engine, then maybe galactic ET civilizations could fly FTL, but they couldn't send signals FTL.

Why not? If we could send matter FTL, surely we could send data FTL as well....

You could go out and find that one of your colonies was obliterated by the Romulans (or nobody you could figure out) a few radioactive months previously.

So, it would be inconvenient (communications having to be sent via a ship)...still wouldn't keep us from exploring. Didn't prevent our ancestors from doing it.
edit on 3-7-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

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