posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 02:45 AM
I think there are two forms of racism, hateful and ignorant. Am I right?
So I've been watching the Paula Dean scandal (is it really a scandal?) and I have some questions.
Here's what I know about her. She was born in Georgia (Deep South) and is 66. She would have been around 20 during the '65 civil rights issues.
She has bi-racial nieces. She used the n-word and laughed at a "plantation theme" wedding with an all black staff.
This is what I know from my own experience growing up in the south around older folks, and why I think she falls in the "ignorant" category of
racism. The folks I grew up around freely used the n-word, but made it clear that it was for degenerate low class blacks. As Chris Rock explained
it, "you have blacks, and you have n******". They weren't hateful, and thought the klan was stupid. They lived through Jim Crow, and thought
blacks were equal. They told racist jokes. Thing is, there was never any hatred or ill will involved, except for the low-class blacks, yet they had
the same reaction to low-class whites. They would call them "red neck" and "cracker" just as fast. It was just a casual thing they were brought
with, I suppose.
I grew up around that, but being of a much younger generation, I knew that they were wrong so I didn't imitate them. I can excuse an older person
being an "ignorant racist", but not any one under 45.
The above I call "ignorant" racist, cause they just don't know any better. They grew up that way, but there's not malice or hatred behind it. A
black in their social/economic circle is equal. They see the person, not the color.
I contrast this with groups like Stormfront and the Klan. Those guys are just hateful. They see the color, not the person.
Of course, I could be completely wrong. What do you think?
p.s. Growing up, gays were closeted and demeaned. You told jokes and ridiculed others (dont be a sissy, gay, faggot, etc) Those of us that grew up
at this time will probably make those jokes in the future. However, our children wont. They will be raised that gays are equal and not to be
demeaned, made fun of, or used as a demeaning remark to others. In this way, we are the "ignorant racist" simply because of the times we were born
in. We say the words and jokes, because we don't really see anything wrong in it (even though it probably is). We have gay friends and support gay
rights. Yet, we still engage in bad behavior.