posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 12:32 AM
This is pretty cool, I just got home from fishing and was going to post my meteorite story from last night. I was outside laying in one of our field
on my sleeping bag talking to my brother on the phone when suddenly the entire sky lit up like it was dusk out and as I looked up I saw an extremely
bright meteor streaking across the sky at a low altitude.
This could not have been the same one that was seen in Nebraska since it was about 1:30 AM central time. The meteor was low enough that I could make
out the actual meteor "head" and it lit up the sky bright enough that I could see our barn and items such as our trucks and such that is on our
property. My brother had just asked me a question about something and I had began to answer him when I saw it and blurted out "Holy # bro, you should
see the meteorite that just lit up the sky!".
After it went behind some trees I started looking around to establish landmarks in order to determine its trajectory and I noticed that I could still
see the greenish tail or track from it in the sky for probably a minute after it had passed over. Then about 15 minutes later another less bright
meteorite passed over in pretty much the same trajectory leaving a greenish tail behind for a few moments.
I even went on google earth this morning and pulled up our property and used some of the landmarks I had established to get an idea of where it could
have landed though I do believe it also exploded in the atmosphere. Now reading this makes me want to go and stay outside again tonight and see if
there are any others, it seems that last night there was definitely something going on.
I live in central ND about 60 miles east of Bismarck and I just wish now that I would have went outside earlier last night since the one that was seen
over Nebraska would have had to have passed over us if it originated from the same source as the ones I saw.