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World War 3 Plan Explained

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posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 03:40 PM
This is a pretty good video possibly as near the truth as it gets?

Im NOT making a statement, but share this to get ATS members view of the situation of a possible ww3 as it is, Hope to get a civile debate and learn something of those who have real knowledge and interest in this.

if link failed:

edit on 27-6-2013 by Minus because: edit link

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 03:55 PM
A summary would be appreciated.

Not all of us can video.


posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by MichiganSwampBuck

Im sorry

ill cope paste the voice into text below;

Why did United States attack Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan... Yemen?
Why are U.S. covert operatives helping destabilize Syria?
And why is the United States government so intent on taking down Iran in spite of the fact that Iran has not attacked any country since 1798?

When you look at the trajectory that we are on it doesn't make sense at all if you evaluate it based on what we are taught in school.
In fact it doesn't even make sense according to what is being presented by many in the alternative media.
But it makes perfect sense once you know the real motives of the powers that be,

In order to understand those motives we first have to look at history...

In 1945 the Bretton Woods agreement established the dollar as world reserve currency which meant that international commodities were priced in dollars. The agreement which gave the United States a distinct financial advantage was made under the condition that those dollars would remain redeemable for gold at a consistent rate of $35 dollars per ounce. The United States promised not print much money, but this was on the honor system, because the Federal Reserve refused to allow any audits or supervision of its printing presses.

In the years leading up to 1970 expenditures in the Vietnam war made it clear to many countries that the U.S. was printing far more money than it had in gold, and in response they began to ask for their gold back. This set off a rapid decline in the value of the dollar.

The situation climaxed in 1971 when France attempted to withdraw its gold and Nixon refused. On August 15th he made the following announcement:

This was obviously not a temporary suspension as he claimed, but rather a permanent default and to put it bluntly it was theft.

In 1973 President Nixon asked King Faisal of Saudi Arabia to accept only US dollars as payment for oil and to invest any excess profits in US Treasury bonds, notes, and bills. In return Nixon offered military protection for Saudi oil fields. The same offer was extended to each of the world's key oil producing countries, and by 1975 every member of OPEC had agreed to only sell oil in U.S. dollars.

The act of moving the dollar off of gold and tying it to foreign oil instantly forced every oil importing country in the world to start maintaining a constant supply of Federal Reserve paper, and to get that paper they would have to send real, physical goods to America.

This was the birth of the Petrodollar, Paper dollars went out, everything America needed came in and the United States got very, very rich as a result. It was largest financial con in recorded history.

Through 70s and the 80s the U.S. used the financial power gained by the petrodollar arrangement to build the most powerful military in the world,
and when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 the United States was left with no rival.

Many hoped that at this point the U.S would start to reduce its military presence across the world, and that a new era of peace and stability would follow...

Unfortunately there were those in high places which had other ideas

Within that same year the U.S. invaded Iraq in the first Gulf war, and after crushing the Iraqi military and destroying their infrastructure, crippling sanctions were established which prevented that infrastructure from being rebuilt. These sanctions which were initiated by Bush senior and sustained throughout the entire Clinton administration lasted over a decade and were estimated to have killed over 500,000 children. The Clinton administration was fully aware of these figures.

Mrs. Albright what exactly was it that was worth killing 500,000 kids for?

In a final act of resistance Iraq began selling it's oil exclusively in Euros November of 2000.

This was a direct attack on the dollar and on U.S. financial dominance, and it wasn't going to be tolerated.

In response the U.S. government, with the assistance of the main stream media began to build up a massive propaganda campaign claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was planning to use them. In 2003 the U.S. invaded, and once they had control of the country oil sales were immediately switched back to dollars.

This is particularly notable due to the fact that switching back to the dollar meant a 15 - 20% loss in revenue due to the euro's higher value. It doesn't make sense at all unless you take the petrodollar into account.

General General Wesley Clark: March 2, 2007

This interview was filmed in 2007 and yet almost all of what General Clark described has come to pass.

In Libya Gahaffi was in the process of organizing a block of African countries to create a gold based currency called the Dynar which they intended to use to replace the dollar in that region. U.S. and NATO forces helped destabilize and topple the Libyan government in 2011 and after taking control of the region U.S. armed Rebels executed Gaddafi in cold blood and immediately set up the Libyan central bank.

Iran has been actively campaigning to pull oil sales off of the dollar for some time now and has recently secured agreements to begin trading its oil in exchange for gold; In response the U.S. government with mainstream media assistance has been attempting to build international support for military strikes on the pretext of preventing Iran from building a nuclear weapon. In the meantime they established sanctions which U.S. officials openly admit are aimed at causing a collapse of the Iranian economy.

Syria is Iran's closest ally, and they are bound by mutual defense agreements. The country is currently in the process of being destabilized with covert assistance from NATO, and though Russia and China have warned the United States not to get involved, the white house has made statements within the past month indicating that they are considering military intervention.

It should be clear that military intervention in Syria and Iran isn't being considered, it's a foregone conclusion, just as it was in Iraq and Libya. The U.S. is actively working to create the context which gives them the diplomatic cover do what they already have planned.

The motive for these invasions becomes clear when we look at them in their full context and connect the dots.

Those who control United States understand that if even a few countries begin to sell their oil in another currency it will set off a chain reaction, and the dollar will collapse.

They understand that there is absolutely nothing else holding up the value of the dollar at this point, and so does the rest of the world.

Rather than accepting the fact that the dollar is nearing the end of its lifespan, the powers that be have made a calculated gambit.

They have decided to use the U.S. military crush each and every resistant state in the middle east and Africa.

That in itself would be bad enough, but what you need to understand is that this is not going to end with Syria, Iran and Yemen.

China and Russia have stated publicly and in no uncertain terms that they will not tolerate an attack on Iran or Syria.

Iran is one of their key allies, and they understand that if Iran falls

then they will have no way to escape the dollar without going to war.

And yet the U.S. is pushing forward in spite of the warnings.

What we are witnessing here is a trajectory that leads straight to the unthinkable.

It is a trajectory that was mapped out years ago in full awareness of the human consequences.

But who was it that set us on this course? What kind of psychopath is willing to intentionally set off a global conflict that will lead to millions of deaths just to protect the value of a paper currency?

It obviously isn't the president. The decision to invade Libya, Syria and Iran was made long before Obama had risen to the national spotlight, and yet he is carrying out his duty just like the puppets that preceded him.

So who is pulling the strings?

Often the best answer to questions like this are found by asking another question: Qui Bono? Who benefits?

Obviously those who have the power to print the dollar out of thin air have the most to loose if the dollar were to fall and since 1913 that power has been held by the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve is a private entity is owned by a conglomerate of the most powerful banks in the world, and the men who control those banks are the ones who pull the strings.

To them this a game. Your life and the lives of those you love are just pawns on their chessboard.

At like a spoiled 4 year old who tips the board onto the floor when they start to lose the powers that be are willing to start world war three to keep control of the global financial system.

Remember that as these wars extend and accelerate. Remember that when your son or your neighbors son comes back home in a flag draped coffin. Remember that when they point the finger at the new boogie man. Because the madmen who are running this show will take this as far as you allow

What are our chances? Can we change course?... also the wrong question.

The odds don't matter anymore. If you understand what we are facing then you have a moral responsibility to do everything in our power alter the course we are on regardless of the odds. It's only when you stop basing your involvement on the chances of success that success actually becomes possible.

To strip the ill begotten power from the financial elites and to bring these criminal cartels to justice will require nothing less than a revolution. The government is not going to save us. The government is completely infiltrated and corrupt to the core. Looking to them for a solution at this point is utterly naive.

There are 3 stages of revolution, and they are sequential. Stage one is already underway.

Stage one is the ideological resistance. In this stage we have to actively work to wake up as many people as possible about what is happening and the direction we are headed. All revolutions originate from a shift in the mindset of the population, and no other meaningful resistance is possible without it. Success in this stage of a revolution can be measured by the contagion of ideas. When an idea reaches critical mass it begins to spread on its own and seeps into all levels of society. In order to achieve that contagion we need more people in this fight. We need more people speaking out, making videos, writing articles, getting this information onto the national and international stage, and we especially need to reach the police and military.

Stage two is civil disobedience, also known as non-violent resistance. In this stage you put your money where your mouth is, or more accurately you withhold your money and your obedience from government, and do everything in your power to bring the gears of the state to a halt. Practiced in mass this method alone is often enough to bring a regime to its knees. However if you fail at this stage, stage 3 is inevitable.

Stage 3 is direct physical resistance. Direct physical resistance is the last resort and it should be avoided and delayed as long as possible, and should only be invoked once all other options have been thoroughly exhausted

There are those talk tough and claim that they will resist when the time comes, but what those people fail to realize is that if you are inactive during the first two stages and save your efforts for violent resistance then you will fail. When the Nazis were moving door to door dragging people out of their homes in Germany that was the time to fight back physically, but due to the lack of ideological resistance and civil disobedience leading up to that moment even an armed uprising would have likely failed at that point. An armed uprising can only succeed if the people have established an attitude of active resistance, and active resistance is only possible after their minds have broken free from main stream propaganda.

If you want to fight back it's now or never. You're not gonna get another chance, and the stakes are much higher than they were in Nazi Germany.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:16 PM
The first part of this (up until the resistance bit) is right on the money.

We didn't go to war for oil....we went to war to protect the sanctity of the dollar. If you read any of my posts on the Gulf Wars, or other major conflicts, you'll see that theme repeated enough. And, it makes sense. However, as an American, I can't say I disagree with them. Syria is still a question though. Has Syria made some move to devalue the dollar? Not seeing it. So, I fail to see what we have to gain there. Still, no doubt it is tied into all this dollar business. That's why we've done EVERY major military action we've undertaken recently.

Thing is, the analysis is flawed in places. China has a vested interest in ensuring the dollar remains stable. Simply put, not only are we their biggest customers, but as owners of large pieces of America, they would stand to lose a lot. Russia, on the hand. We need to watch. I have a feeling that within a decade, they will once again have Superpower status (as will China). Russia still has some vested interest in us as well though, as food producers, but you never know.

Still, WW3 wouldn't really profit anybody initially, or even in the middle run (long run, to the victor maybe, but ruling over what?) Then there is the EU. They'd love to see a switch to Euros.

If you want to fight back it's now or never. You're not gonna get another chance, and the stakes are much higher than they were in Nazi Germany.

Please, it'd be like shooting rubber bands at tanks. As for the civil disobedience, yeah what? And starve? Stop things, and within 3 days, stores run out of food. This isn't decades ago when you could just go harvest crops. A starving populace would be incapable of organized revolt. They'd be slaughtered, likely by cruise missiles and drones without ever seeing the enemy.

edit on 27-6-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:20 PM
Wow. Good summary.

Thanks again.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:31 PM
Did some more reading on it, and seems BRICS too is really pushing to go off the dollar. This "plan" may be more accurate than I originally thought. WW3 may be inevitable. The US can't afford for those nations to ditch the dollar, and we won't go down quietly. Russia and China aren't about to let us overthrow Syria. We really could be on the cusp of this, and not even know it until we see mushroom clouds.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

That actually make pretty much sense with the china part, then its just a question if they would loose more but not standing up for Iran/syria and that would russia as well.

I agree with you on the russians, the are comin out strong lately, they have also had a huge training exercise in syrian waters, dont know if they actually still there, but looks more like they a show off in power.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Minus

They don't want to lose their naval base there, that's for sure. It's their toehold in the Middle East.

All we can really do is hope for some diplomatic solutions here. Unfortunately, a lot of crooks set a lot of this in motion DECADES ago, and it is only now really coming to an inevitable head. I'm amazed it actually took this long.

edit on 27-6-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Its a really tense situation (i dont ever hope you are right bout the mushroom cloud part) and could easy get very ugly if US insist on attack syria.
Im pretty sure both parts - west and east - knows this could lead to a massive war, so hopefully they can solve it diplomaticly.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:45 PM
Pretty interesting. When I was in the Army in 88 or 89, they told us the next war would be with Iraq or N. Korea. In 91 we went to war in Iraq. I have always wondered how they knew 3 years in advance that we were going to war in Iraq when at the time they were not even a news story and were supposedly a US ally. This can explain that.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Why Syria? First of all, I agree about the US protecting the dollar, but I'm sure there were other profitable reasons to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq does have a lot of oil and Afghanistan has a lot of opium.

Taking out Assad in Syria makes going into Iran easier or softer. Plus the oil plus the control. Plus the spending.

Ultimately, I think we need to spread truth around more than ever, and the federal reserve bank has to be stopped.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by spirit_horse

Thats pretty amazing to know where the next war is 3 years in advance, sounds alarming to me. So something like this could indicate they actually have a long sighted war plan.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 04:59 PM
You're both wrong I was a Scout then.We went in to protect the saudi oil fields, we set up Saddam by telling him we didn't care about his adventureism into Kuwait before he did it.He then drew up plans to hit Saudi who called us in to stop him.We now had the excuse to do so and keep the machine in play.The 4th largest army in the world (Iraq)was destabilizing the middle east and we already had a problem with Iran.
That is why we didn't invade,just kill that capability of his army.
As to the second fight I don't know,I never knew how many chems we gave him in the first place. Intell and Gen Macinernie claimed SPETZNAZ transported them out but of course it is unconfirmed.

Nice scenario about a staged civil war.It's just another plan and they don't expect millions to fight,we will, but put your guns away for now.
I happen to know what happens to the simplest of plans when fighting starts. The troops are agile enough to adapt and compensate in the field command...not so much.POLITICAL COMMAND now they implode and start to panic,after all they aren't war fighters,the military is.
Exactly what percentage of beer drinking combat arms troops love Obama? Enough to counter those who don't?
How about MILLIONS of traditional Americans who are watching their country fall apart,do you think that I believe government will show up to help?
We DO NOT know it all but I know this.They move first.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by cavtrooper7
Nice scenario about a staged civil war.It's just another plan and they don't expect millions to fight,we will, but put your guns away for now.
I happen to know what happens to the simplest of plans when fighting starts. The troops are agile enough to adapt and compensate in the field command...not so much.POLITICAL COMMAND now they implode and start to panic,after all they aren't war fighters,the military is.
Exactly what percentage of beer drinking combat arms troops love Obama? Enough to counter those who don't?
How about MILLIONS of traditional Americans who are watching their country fall apart,do you think that I believe government will show up to help?
We DO NOT know it all but I know this.They move first.

I think your very right bout the last part, that They move first but they do seem to be ready for a massive civil unrest and have planned ahead just in case.

for those without vids, voice to text translation below:
The following video details the contents of a Department of Defense document entitled "INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS" or FM 3-39.40. The document is 325 pages long and is signed by JOYCE E. MORROW Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army. It was created in 2010 however it has just recently been leaked to the public via the internet and can now be downloaded from multiple sources. In the description below you will find a download link for the document. I encourage you to download it yourself and verify everything that is being said here.

The document outlines military procedures for internment and resettlement of civilians and it describes the layout and administration of interment camps. It clearly states on page 38 that it applies within U.S. territory and specifically addresses the detainment of U.S. citizens as is indicated by the identification procedures for new prisoners on page 146 which states that social security numbers are to be recorded along side their photograph and fingerprints. Included in the list of organizations which may be involved in these internment operations are the Department of Homeland Security, the FEMA, the Department of Defense and the United Nations.

On page 56 the document outlines the responsibilities of Psychological Operations officers within the camps among which it states that a Psyop officer "Develops and executes indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes. and Identifies political activists." On page 281 the document goes into more detail regarding the role Psychological Operations within the camps specifically in regards to pacifying the population and insuring cooperation.

On page 238 it gives the conditions for the use of deadly force in such camps, among the justifications for lethal force it includes to "terminate an active escape attempt". That point right there should make it clear that these camps are not benevolent disaster relief type facilities.

On page 244 the document calls for the use of snipers during riots to quote "scan a crowd and identify agitators and riot leaders for apprehension and fire lethal rounds if warranted".

On page 260 it shows the basic layout for a facility focusing on detainment. It is depicted with interrogation areas, tribunal areas and mortuaries. Each detainment facility is designed to hold 4000 prisoners and they are depicted with multiple levels of barbed wire separating compartments within the facilities with a double barbed wire fence enclosing them and 24 guard towers.

On page 261 it depicts the layout for what they call civilian resettlement facilities, which are designed to house 8,000 people. And though it uses the word resettlement the plans show multiple levels of barbed wire dividing the sections of the facility and double barbed wire fencing on the outside as well as 16 guard towers.

On page 262 the layout for facilities designed for what they call non-compliant prisoners is shown. These camps are designed to hold up to 300 prisoners, they have 3 interrogation centers and are guarded by 13 guard towers.

Now if there is any question whether these plans are active or are just theoretical this should settled by the fact that the U.S. army has been running ads for job positions in these camps since 2009 and apparently they are still hiring.

If you look in the description you'll find all the links you need to verify this information.

It's important to note here that this document was created in 2010, which was under the Obama administration, and it predates the NDAA of 2012 which authorized military detainment of U.S. citizens. This clearly shows a long term agenda at work.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 06:22 PM
When cities black out then it will be on. They have to disable ALL commo and media before they can do anything drastic.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Minus

Yea, I would imagine it takes a bit of time when planning to mobilize that much equipment and man power halfway around the world. Plus they have to get all the other countries on-board. I remember the soviets always had their 5 year plans. This was probably out of necessity. So, it isn't too far off to think the US would also have plans far into the future. That video you posted with Gen Wesley Clarke talking about going to the Pentagon and whoever he was talking to that pulled the sheet with the plans for all those countries out says it all.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Did some more reading on it, and seems BRICS too is really pushing to go off the dollar. This "plan" may be more accurate than I originally thought. WW3 may be inevitable. The US can't afford for those nations to ditch the dollar, and we won't go down quietly. Russia and China aren't about to let us overthrow Syria. We really could be on the cusp of this, and not even know it until we see mushroom clouds.

Highly doubt this...

It's nothing more than a song and dance to encourage "lesser" nations to create the pretext for war with the USA realistically of those leader thought they were going it alone they would never dare stand up to the USA and the rule of the day is Globalism which means elimination of ANY small state including possibly Israel that doesn't walk the global walk....

I agree the basic premise

of this video is correct, but the piece everyone is missing is just how deeply ingrained Russia and China actually are, not because their political leaders are all behind it, you have to have plausible deniability which means the majority even of the body politic are not in the "know"

But the same bankers, and actually more important at this time International corporations are at work within Russia, China, the EU and the USA

Global Currency + China then India's 2.5 Billion People = Consumers and car buyers.

Only thing that matters here,

The US Dollar will likely be replaced, but not UNTIL every nation is on it.

In a way this stuff becoming widespread about the FED is just part of the plan, there is not much left for them to do... The "global order" can go through without North Korea and Iran, Cubas in the bag of it's own nature with castro gone...

They could collapse he dollar and move to their NWO tomorrow if they want to, The real question is what will replace the FED on a global level to "bail out the world economy in crisis"

I'm suggesting the "politics of the day" are no longer relevant... bluster from Russia over Syria, Individuals or groups in the US.... there is a reason for it being legal to predator strike our own people...What i'm saying is... The Day of the Nation State is over. Russia wont do much other than make it messier selling missiles and stuff. Our country is controlled by LOBBY, Russia is not so bad off but all nations have to handle their economy, you just don't gave one if from the top your energy and food supply is controlled outside the body politic... Russia can't stand up to the multinationals and Bilderbergers and the rest either.

We have entered the Dystopian sci fi future of multinational corps controlling the world, Russia will have it's Tantrums about things like Monsanto and get away with it, make Syria more messy than it needs to be, but in the end they go to far they will be put in their place. Not by bombs by food and other purchases.

The NWO has already won.

The resistance phase wont even begin for another 20-40 years at best whatever there is now will get smacked down with little attention paid. The method of fighting back isn't guns, we are in one of those periods where technology is on the side of the oppressors. Like the story of Robinhood, it took the invention a new bow string to pierce the Spanish Steel the Brits were using, there was no fighting back until the peons had a way to pierce armor from a distance... Likewise, we are screwed until such a time as "free energy" reaches the public... It will take EM and Lazers to stop the police and Trillion dollar military complex... ability to stop the radio, ability for a thug to take out a drone, the population will need to be more tech savy... likewise no NATION of people has hope, while the taxes that pay for them come from the corps, particularly while the "energy" is "private" or in the hands of the real power brokers in the world...they get more laws making them immune every day... They are all but untouchable and like nonlinear terrorist groups like alqueda the multinationals fully are like a hydra... take 5 people down 50 new heads spring up...

Stupidest thing the Russians did and the Chinese was go free or freer market in things like energy or food...

It ended their sovereignty, they can't do much

"dirty bombs... nuclear attack" There is one real threat there... Multinationals, who owns all those reactors around the globe? The nation who chooses not to play ball with those who control the federal reserve, well, you get Fukushimed...(just made up a word there lol) or worse... The Chechens could just as easy fall into having that bomb as al queda if you piss off the right people globally...

Politics on the news mean nothing.... old men spewing old crap

The 5 members of the UN security council and ALL their patron states and allies are under the control of a global order of business now, Banks, Multinationals, Globalists, 2.5 Billion + Asian consumers need oil... to drive and buy crap and be consumers.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:27 PM
The Tywin Lanisters of the world run things for the moment is what i'm saying... "Kings are dropping like flies" America... heck America is bought and paid for...

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by cavtrooper7
You're both wrong I was a Scout then.We went in to protect the saudi oil fields, we set up Saddam by telling him we didn't care about his adventureism into Kuwait before he did it.He then drew up plans to hit Saudi who called us in to stop him.We now had the excuse to do so and keep the machine in play.The 4th largest army in the world (Iraq)was destabilizing the middle east and we already had a problem with Iran.
That is why we didn't invade,just kill that capability of his army.
As to the second fight I don't know,I never knew how many chems we gave him in the first place. Intell and Gen Macinernie claimed SPETZNAZ transported them out but of course it is unconfirmed.

Nice scenario about a staged civil war.It's just another plan and they don't expect millions to fight,we will, but put your guns away for now.
I happen to know what happens to the simplest of plans when fighting starts. The troops are agile enough to adapt and compensate in the field command...not so much.POLITICAL COMMAND now they implode and start to panic,after all they aren't war fighters,the military is.
Exactly what percentage of beer drinking combat arms troops love Obama? Enough to counter those who don't?
How about MILLIONS of traditional Americans who are watching their country fall apart,do you think that I believe government will show up to help?
We DO NOT know it all but I know this.They move first.

I don't think we can thank you often enough, trooper.

Same old standoff. Flipside, I'll bet a sandbag full of gold nuggets each
one of those guys has at least a 16 handy, and his boots on in there.

Plan We... I don't givea tink's if it isn't televised, but we're potentially
twenty times the meat grinder Afghanistan could ever get. "Lotsa Luck,
Zbignew. You'll need that and all the toys in the box to just pitch tents."
For everything and then some, thanks again.
"The waiting is the hardest part."Tom Petty

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Has Syria made some move to devalue the dollar? Not seeing it. So, I fail to see what we have to gain there.

I think it is a indirect provocation against Iran. I think they know how difficult Iran will be and the political backlash from Russia China. That said, controlling Syria may be their last shot at getting Iran to "play ball."

Thing is, the analysis is flawed in places. China has a vested interest in ensuring the dollar remains stable.

True, and that is the reason US is still pushing their agenda. But there is a event horizon to that pushed agenda for China. They may lose on their loans to US if she falls, but they may stand to make that much more when they liquidate USA after we fall. You can imagine the type of asset grabbing foreign countries that we owe money to will push for. Nazi Germany times a million.


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