Satan hides in our language, and permeates our mind through belief in lies.
Subscribing to lies and forgetting the truth, like believing in religious text, we give our minds and imagination over to those whos belief pattern we
have subscribed to.
All religious text is written by man, and gives many a core belief system, and they live their lives according to the doctrine. This controls how they
live their lives, how see themselves and how they treat others. It also steers their unlimited imagination into the limitations written out for them
about who, and what god is.
Words made of sounds, are called speech. The first words spoken would have had no meaning except to those that spoke the words. This is known as
neologism. Our language comes from neologisms, words made, and we are taught them.
A neologism (/niːˈɒlədʒɪzəm/; from Greek νέο- (néo-), meaning "new", and λόγος (lógos), meaning "speech, utterance")
Believing the meaning of the words and how they relate to other words controls our mind and makes us think using the meaning or words as our logic.
The creators of language knew this.
I will attempt to undo some of this mind control, by reverse engineering words introduced that we would except and believe. At the same time I'll show
exactly what the words are trying to make us forget.
if we believe we are, and claim to be a man, we are submitting to being a creation of the creator of the word, which was a man. The point being...
Words are tools, for learning and understanding so we can grow spiritually while taking the lesson of expeirience.
Man is trying to make us like them, a creation of "theirs". Whoever is behind this are very patient and clever, they work over generations sticking
to the plan of disconnecting us from the truth like this...
Creator> God/Hu> human> man.
Their is indeed a battle on for our minds, the manipulation goes back as far as the first words grouped together and shared in the hope of gaining
attention. It was proberly a song or tune. It would have to have been really catchy. Lol.
>same, wise. > one intelligence.> Creator (true god)
Sapiens> wise.
Let's look at the word god...
The English word God continues the Old English God (guþ, gudis in Gothic, gud in modern Scandinavian, God in Dutch, and Gott in modern German),
which is thought to derive from Proto-Germanic *ǥuđán.
These days we are mostly known as human/man. I tried to find out where the "Hu" came together with the word man, I found this....
*ǥuđán and its etymology is uncertain. It is generally agreed that it derives from a Proto-Indo-European neuter passive perfect participle
*ǵʰu-tó-m. This form within (late) Proto-Indo-European itself was possibly ambiguous, and thought to derive from a root *ǵʰeu̯- "to pour,
libate" (Sanskrit huta, see hotṛ), or from a root *ǵʰau̯- (*ǵʰeu̯h2-) "to call, to invoke" (Sanskrit hūta). Sanskrit hutá = "having been
sacrificed", from the verb root hu = "sacrifice", but a slight shift in translation gives the meaning "one to whom sacrifices are made."
Hu means sacrifice. Here is where the word man comes from.
The term man (from Proto-Germanic *mannaz or *manwaz "man, person") and words derived from it can designate any or even all of the human race
regardless of their sex or age.
Human is derived from man, and came after, so I'll use mankind to describe man unanimously.
Sacrifice mankind> offering man to god (false god)
from the verb root hu = "sacrifice", but a slight shift in translation gives the meaning "one to whom sacrifices are made.">
god = Hu.
Humans have evolved from homosapiens. Possibly hybrids, between man and homosapien, But the words [human "derived" from man], has a different
meaning. It confirms the hybrid theory, and a tolal understanding of the meaning of the words could literally mean, "god being, possessed or marked by
the character of man".
derived: being, possessing, or marked by a character
Man is not a thing, it is not a being, man is a term. It is a word made up to deceive. It's a lable. It's a mark in our minds. It's a barrier we must
overcome. It places limitations on what you see yourself as. It's a lie.
What I'm trying to show here is the deprogramming of our Devine heritage through words that are given to us and we believe. Separating the truth of
the oneness by giving everything labels and names. I'm not saying we should not do this. We must do this if we are to learn, experience, and grow. But
when we believe these lies, and buy into these names and labels, we forget the truth and live the lie. We become controlled and lable ourselves as
"things" we are not, and become a creation of "someone" else.
Transhumanism has been going on for thousands of years, slowly disconnecting us from the hu- and turning us into man.
Remember HU!.... YOU ARE.
Hu>god or Hu>sacrifice?
More on who "man" is to coming soon.
( all definitions come from Wikipedia or, free online dictionary)
edit on 27-6-2013 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)