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Kerry on Snowden: Setup for Next False Flag Attack?

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posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:32 PM

In an interview with CNN today, Secretary of State John Kerry said that “people may die as a consequence of what this man [Snowden] did.”

“It is possible that the United States will be attacked because terrorists may now know how to protect themselves in some way or another, that they didn’t know before,” he said.

So now we are charged and primed for another false-flag. They set themselves up perfectly for this, if that was truly the intention of TPTB. Just think - any attack on US Soil would result in officials saying, "SEE?! Terrorists! This is all Snowden's fault. No more whistleblowers from now on!".

On the flip-side, Kerry might actually think that he is now in danger from terrorists that otherwise would have used Facebook and email to plan big-time attacks.
Somehow, I think even real terrorists would know better.

Then again, who are these would-be terrorists? The same Al-Qaeda that the CIA created and funded?

And now we're back around to false-flag!

Round and round in circles we go...

edit on 24-6-2013 by Heliophant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:39 PM
That sounds about right.
I wish we knew who was at the controls, you know, the man behind the curtain.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Heliophant

“people may die as a consequence of what this man [Snowden] did.”

they are serious man..they will do anything to catch snowden

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:43 PM
Oh yes. Even more so, those terrorists may be home grown constitutional loving, freedom loving people who have had enough and who despise privacy invasive, criminal and tyrannical governments such as the USA Government...

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:50 PM
Well they have to do something because they are looking pretty bad at the moment. I read a few articles that had different bits of what Kerry said. I got the impression we must doubling our efforts to make the rest of the world hate us. He was definitely taunting Russia and China.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 08:29 PM

“people may die as a consequence of what this man [Snowden] did.”

If any one dies, it'll be US citizens whom are sick to death of the BS government we have....and the government will have to put its heavy foot down even further.

Edited to add: but I'm willing to die for my country....not the US governments' idea of it though.
edit on 24-6-2013 by Hushabye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Heliophant

The same AQ that we're arming in Syria. See my thread on how stupid they think we are.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Heliophant

In an interview with CNN today, Secretary of State John Kerry said that “people may die as a consequence of what this man [Snowden] did.”

“It is possible that the United States will be attacked because terrorists may now know how to protect themselves in some way or another, that they didn’t know before,” he said.

So now we are charged and primed for another false-flag. They set themselves up perfectly for this, if that was truly the intention of TPTB. Just think - any attack on US Soil would result in officials saying, "SEE?! Terrorists! This is all Snowden's fault. No more whistleblowers from now on!".

On the flip-side, Kerry might actually think that he is now in danger from terrorists that otherwise would have used Facebook and email to plan big-time attacks.
Somehow, I think even real terrorists would know better.

Then again, who are these would-be terrorists? The same Al-Qaeda that the CIA created and funded?

And now we're back around to false-flag!

Round and round in circles we go...

edit on 24-6-2013 by Heliophant because: (no reason given)

Who will die? The 33 year old journalist that was murdered by the spooks last week?

Seriously, screw these sick bastards.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:03 PM
Now the real question is... "Where will it happen and how?"

Independence day is just around the corner... I'm Canadian and i'm tired of reading about this kind of stuff but it has become such a big part of our lives. It's depressing.

This man, Snowden, might even be the "the false flag" . The reason for the States to implement some regime.... I'm usually the kind of guy that sees some good in everything but i have a hard time seeing anything good coming out of this.

edit on 24-6-2013 by FrankLY because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:13 PM
Well, I just lost the last little bit of respect for Kerry I ever had.

I'm hoping the blowback is real and from real 'terrorists' and it targets the people responsible for their disquiet. They live in Washington D.C. and are in their offices a few hours a week, but should be locate-able.

The real fun will be in the next few weeks as more stuff from Snowden is leaked (there's mountains of documents still to be searched thru and released) and we find out more goodies about our lords and masters. There's no way someone as savvy as Snowden left without life insurance of the top secret kind. He may even have alien Disclosure material ready and waiting to be released. What a trip that would be!

Hey Kerry, when Scooter 'Dick Cheney' Libby leaked info, it was reported that undercover people either lost their lives or nearly did! And they got pardoned by our favorite terrist, George W. I'm sure you can find him and arrest him. C'mon! It will make you feel better!

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:26 PM
It's just like 1984 where War is Peace, and Freedom is Slavery.

It's an upside down world!

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:26 PM

edit on 24-6-2013 by cuckooold because: double

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 02:51 PM
Irony of story is that we were told that if we did not do anything wrong and have nothing to hide we should not worry (regarding data collection and monitoring), were they are jumping on someone showing their secrets which implies that they did lots of ....

edit on 25-6-2013 by SuperFrog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 03:40 PM
if not today, then sometime in the future. given that were arming Syrian rebels with weapons, while denying they gassed the people their fighting for, something is bound to come out of this, either here or in eurpore

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 07:13 PM
Yes the government may do a false flag.

but terrorists are not that stupid.
they knew about this before.
Anyone who has read about the government or conspiracies
will know the government listens in to us all all of the time.

so unless they are very stupid terrorists
they will know all about it all.

But the people are stupid and will fall for this.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 08:09 PM
There is not going to be a false flag attack when it has become a household therm. The new/old trend seems to be to find opposition among the natives and arm it. Not that the likes of Assad and Ghadaffi were exactly beacons of human rights and democracy.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Heliophant

In an interview with CNN today, Secretary of State John Kerry said that “people may die as a consequence of what this man [Snowden] did.”

“It is possible that the United States will be attacked because terrorists may now know how to protect themselves in some way or another, that they didn’t know before,” he said.

So now we are charged and primed for another false-flag. They set themselves up perfectly for this, if that was truly the intention of TPTB. Just think - any attack on US Soil would result in officials saying, "SEE?! Terrorists! This is all Snowden's fault. No more whistleblowers from now on!".

On the flip-side, Kerry might actually think that he is now in danger from terrorists that otherwise would have used Facebook and email to plan big-time attacks.
Somehow, I think even real terrorists would know better.

Then again, who are these would-be terrorists? The same Al-Qaeda that the CIA created and funded?

And now we're back around to false-flag!

Round and round in circles we go...

edit on 24-6-2013 by Heliophant because: (no reason given)

No, it isn't a set up for some false flag.

To understand why this language is being have to have been following the Bradley Manning / Wikileaks stuff.

When Bradley Manning was outted by ex-Hacker turned snitch Adrian Lamo....the media, and the government constantly tried to sway public opinion by stating that Bradley Mannings "hands were stained with blood" because he released classified info/secret documents, etc.

The reason WHY they say to influence public opinion. Of course, anyone with half a brain knows that no one actually died because Bradley Manning spilled the dirt on the US.....but since he turned over 70,000+ documents on the Iraq war and whatnot....and names weren't was a pretty serious thing.

Now, Snowden hasn't done anything even CLOSE to what Bradley Manning did (and I support both.....I'm just giving facts)....but it doesn't mean the government and the media won't use the same language to sway opinion.

Kerry is basically trying to stress the SERIOUSNESS of the OFFENSE of what the EVIL MAN Snowden did. Kerry wants to STRESS how many people, GOOD, AMERICAN people like YOU, are going to DIE because of the classified info Snowden released.

Really, it is a pile of horse#.....but has nothing to do with a false flag.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by Heliophant

The war on terror is over.

Obama says so.

Kerry is an idiot he should talk to Obama before he opens his mouth.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by signalfire
Well, I just lost the last little bit of respect for Kerry I ever had.

I'm hoping the blowback is real and from real 'terrorists' and it targets the people responsible for their disquiet. They live in Washington D.C. and are in their offices a few hours a week, but should be locate-able.

The real fun will be in the next few weeks as more stuff from Snowden is leaked (there's mountains of documents still to be searched thru and released) and we find out more goodies about our lords and masters. There's no way someone as savvy as Snowden left without life insurance of the top secret kind. He may even have alien Disclosure material ready and waiting to be released. What a trip that would be!

Hey Kerry, when Scooter 'Dick Cheney' Libby leaked info, it was reported that undercover people either lost their lives or nearly did! And they got pardoned by our favorite terrist, George W. I'm sure you can find him and arrest him. C'mon! It will make you feel better!

...And there you have it. I've been waiting for someone else to say it...Folks, WAKE UP. The last few years of public, horrific slayings are "nice folks" and average citizens. There is a game afoot and those that are playing, sit from the stands and use the people like pawns. Protected by nets and guards and guns...They set it up, and control the herd from afar to achieve...Well...There's the tricky part.

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