posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74
Was this helpful brown baby a monkey butler by any chance? Just teasin'
I've had a lot of first contact type dreams over the years; some peaceful and beautiful, others violent and terrifying. I think these dreams are just
a way to keep us entertained because Hollywood sure ain't doing it anymore. Or possibly some expression of ennui to dramatize the boredom in our
lives? Perhaps some latent desire?
This is my most memorable alien-related dream, though I've had dozens. Dream starts now: I was up late at night watching TV while my dad slept on the
sofa next to me. As I watched the TV, I saw a starfield with a bunch of UFOs slowly creeping closer. A voice said, "This will be unlike anything
humanity has ever seen." It looked like some kind of alien convoy/ or invasion maybe?
Still in the dream, I wake up the next day and my dad asks if I had trouble sleeping. I told him yes and that I stayed up late watching TV. He says,
"Yeah, I always have trouble sleeping too. Those little people never let me sleep."
I looked at him incredulously. "Yeah," he said, "You know, the little people that visit us at night." It was at that moment that I had a flashback of
little aliens coming into the room where I was watching TV and my dad was sleeping.
Weird dream!
edit on 19-6-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)