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Do you have the guts to post an open letter to your Senators and Congressman? Here is mine.

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posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:34 AM
If you are afraid to let your representative know how you feel on issues then the NSA and IRS win and our freedom of speech is over, forever. Then we become "Oh say can you see ... the land of the oppressed and the home of the wimp."

I am not interested in your comments on my personal thoughts.

I am challenging you to send a message to your senators and congressman and post it here.
Regardless of what you say, even if it is an Obama love fest message.

Please send the message to your representatives first then post it here to say, I am not oppressed and I am not a wimp.

If you don't know how to contact them, here it is:

Here is my stand for freedom of speech and my fight to keep our nation free from oppression:

I realize you are in the minority, but I just wanted to let you know as my Senator where I stand as your constituent.

The borders must be secured first, amnesty second.

Amnesty should only be granted to those who came unwittingly, anyone who can prove they were under 13 when forced by parents to cross the border illegally before 2012, proven through school records. They must be fluent in English and have graduated high school. Their parents must return to Mexico when they turn 18 or if they are over 18.

The IRS needs to be abolished, the fair tax, or better yet only a VAT tax with no fair or income tax. A bill should be passed to remove the IRS from any oversight of healthcare or at the very least making it illegal for them to access anyone's personal healthcare records.

The NSA needs to have a huge shakeup. A bill should be passed to force the NSA to get a warrant from a local judge in the area where the person being spied on lives, before examining phone and email records. Whoever approved or knew about the spying on congressmen and senators at work should be fired.

The truth about Bengazhi needs to come out, most specifically, where was Obama, what was he doing?

If Obama keeps denying any knowledge of any of these things, he needs to be impeached for incompetence, not knowing what is going on in his own administration. Gross negligence to the point of criminal negligence of his Presidential duties.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by grandmakdw

Good for you.
Everyone should let their representatives know what a miserable job they are doing.

But, I'm failing to see how this requires guts.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by watchitburn

This requires guts because of a post I saw the other day. The person said that because of the NSA spying he/she will no longer be posting because he/she was afraid.

The Senators and Congressman have a "rule of thumb" (true or not), it is also one used by major organizations.....
at least 500 other people have the same concern or idea for every person who has the "guts" to contact them. Why, because the majority of people are silent and just "stew".

So it takes guts just to be willing to post on ATS, most people will just read what we write, but not have the courage to say what they think.

Now that the NSA spying is "outed" and the Presidental "kill list" is public, then it really does take guts to declare you will stand up for freedom of speech.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by grandmakdw

why would you need guts to write a letter to anyone?
if you mean guts to tell them how you feel, then i say you'd want to be some chicken not to.
i mean, come on, its only a letter

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:50 AM
I live in the UK, and this is a letter i sent to the Prime (Reptile) Minister in 2011, and the response i got was derisory, it was two lines.
Here is the letter:
Mr A Wilkinson

Wednesday 23/3/2011

Look at the date i wrote this letter, and the riots here in the UK happened a few months later, how is that for a prediction.

It took me almost 3 hours to type this letter because I've had a stroke so a response would be nice.

Dear Prime Minister

It is not fair that we the British public have to endure cutbacks on an unprecedented scale while this government is sending RAF jets, submarines, and warships over to Libya.

You can try, and justify the cost but it wont wash, the British people are not stupid, you seem to think that we are, you are not in touch with the real world, and are living on a different planet, you personally have a favourite saying which is "I think the country needs this, or I think the country needs that" but what about what the British public thinks?., or don't you care.
It costs 2 million a day to finance this fiasco, and it's all because of oil, you can try to say it isn't but the public know it is, it doesn't matter how much you spin it.
You ought to take the inventions of the shelve that have been on there for years,the world as become too reliant on oil.

What about the millions sent overseas in foreign aid to countries which are our deadliest enemy's, they are laughing at us, and I suspect the money goes to train terrorists, Pakistan springs to mind, England is the laughing stock of the world, that is just my opinion of course but I think it's a lot of other peoples opinion.

Page 2

You go on about the big society, who is it big for?, it certainly isn't big for us.
The long, and short of it, its buck passing onto the local councils, charities, and volunteers, you expect people to do it for nothing while you are saving millions for what? to donate millions for foreign aid to people that just don't appreciate it, and not spending money here on people that need it, remember "Charity starts at home" successive governments seem to have forgotten that, the third world countries ought to have a lesson in contraception, no matter how primitive they are, they should be made to listen, these people need to be dragged into the 21st century, the days of complacency are over, I should re think your stance on foreign policy?
Stop foreign aid, and spend it were it's needed the most, and stop taking the urine out of the British public, how much do you think we can take.

What about the bankers?, It was those greedy reptiles that got us into this mess in the first place by greedy dealing, I mean I don't understand these people?, you can't take it with you.
Are you scared of them?, or is there an ulterior motive why your not punishing them?, they are not above the law, before you say it Labour didn't leave you with this mess the bankers did.
Those that are guilty of wrong doing ought be rounded up, sent to prison for 20 years, and made to break rocks with a toffee hammer, and if they don't do it let them starve.

What about the Expenses of MP's, they have found a way round that haven't they?, it will go back to the old ways, and I suspect that MP's will get even more, they are taking the Urine out of us, shakes head.
I was undecided at the last general election, and against my better judgment I voted for your party, and my local MP "Richard Benyon", I am beginning to wish I had not but I decided to give a chance.

I am disabled, after having a stroke which left me with epilepsy, and speech problems, and several other illnesses, but is hasn't affected my ability to think.What you have done to the day centre's is unbelievable, the new system is not working, and I suspect that in a few years you will return to the old system, and this will just be a waste of time, and money.

I don't recall signing up to a policy that says "You must be part of a multicultural Britain", it's wrong to inflict this upon us.
I am not racist, and I am tolerant of all races, even the Eastern Europeans who have increased the crime rate single handed, and are stealing fish from our Angling clubs, and rely on the old nutshell "I no speak English"
The Asians are breeding 7 to 1, and it's just a matter of time, about 20 years I guess that the white people in this country will be a minority, I mean what are you, and governments that have gone before you thinking of?, do you think that it will all go away, make a cup of tea, and ignore it, I mean come on.
It's a powder keg that is waiting to blow up. Enoch Powell was right I hate to say, and he was shoved off to Ireland to shut him up.
For gods sake sort it out, and you will go down in history as the PM that sorted Britain problems out.

Second part on the following page

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:51 AM
I would do this,of I didnt think the secret service would show up at my door.
I'm at the point where I wouldnt be able to control my ire ,and trash the entire admin ,in a very harsh way ,that could be used against me later.
Ie,I'm a terrorist . I'm now on the no fly list ,etc etc etc.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:51 AM
Page 3

Something wants doing about the crime rate, when people are sent to prison, this should mean prison.
I am sick of hearing about the "Human rights of prisoners" when they broke the law they have given up what rights they had, and when I heard that prisoners have got the vote my jaw dropped, I know this is a bug bear of you Prime Minister, and it's the only thing we agree on.
I don't know what is up with those Euro MP's, they are not living in the real world either, we should come out of the EEC or whatever.

I had a dream a few weeks ago, and it was a very vivid dream in which there was riots, and civil unrest on a scale not seen since the English civil war, or the 20's, and 30's.
I should take note of this Prime Minister because I just maybe right, and it just may happen on your watch.
In this dream the army, and police refused to tackle the rioters, and threw down their shields, CS gas rifles, and the like, I hope it doesn't blow up in your face, and I hope that there isn't a military coup.
I hope it doesn't happen, and I hope you see sense, and listen to what the British public is telling you.

Remember the British people are not as thick, and dense as you think, they have just given up hope, and when people give up hope the next step is, well I will leave that up to your imagination.


Mr Tony Wilkinson.

PS I should do something about The rip off culture that is the pariah of this country.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:52 AM
Oh I have the "guts" to write a letter AND I have the brains to know that McCain isn't going to read it or give a crap what it says.

Now if you have a valid way to make him care, I'd love to hear it. BTW I've been voting against his ass since I moved to AZ and it hasn't done any good either.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by SecretKnowledge
reply to post by grandmakdw

why would you need guts to write a letter to anyone?
if you mean guts to tell them how you feel, then i say you'd want to be some chicken not to.
i mean, come on, its only a letter

It is not "just a letter", it is counted as the voice of 500 people.

How do I know? I have a close friend who spent several years as a Senator's aide.

No letter voicing your stand on issues to a representatives is just a letter.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:57 AM
I think it's awesome that you took the time to express your thought to the government. As long as you don't make any physical threats I don't think you have much reason to worry.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Carreau
Oh I have the "guts" to write a letter AND I have the brains to know that McCain isn't going to read it or give a crap what it says.

Now if you have a valid way to make him care, I'd love to hear it. BTW I've been voting against his ass since I moved to AZ and it hasn't done any good either.

You are right, most probably HE won't read it.

What happens is this: an aide WILL read it.

A daily list is made of all the issues and the letters/emails are categorized and new ideas summarized. Stats are made that summarize the probable number of people in the district/state who feel the same way. The Congressman/Senator will then look at the summary made by his/her aides. Therefore, your voice IS heard.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Pygar


You are now a hero who is not afraid to speak his mind. Hooray!

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:01 PM
It's a great sentiment and I always applaud ANY action which leads people to getting more involved. Writing even DOES help somewhat by being counted far more seriously in their issue counting than an Email or Phone Call. Short of an in-person visit, nothing counts more than a physically written letter.

Just be realistic to know the Representative will never see or hear of it. A Staffer will read it..or more likely skim over it...then add the appropriate hash mark to the appropriate column of count to whatever issue it most closely can be related to, before moving on.

Hate to say it that way...but it's the plain truth of the matter. Since Anthrax scares, the mail doesn't even enter the same building as the people it's being addressed to in many cases...even after screening.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by shockedamerican
I think it's awesome that you took the time to express your thought to the government. As long as you don't make any physical threats I don't think you have much reason to worry.

Until the IRS and NSA are brought under the CONTROL of their true employers, "we the people" who pay their salaries and vote in their ultimate supervisors - then we do have to be concerned and brave.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:03 PM
Nope but I had the guts to email my MP.
Yeah, I didn't get a response.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:04 PM
Adding Benjamin's to their campaign fund is probably the best way to get their attention. Still doesn't mean they will listen to you. But at least you might have a nice little photo as a souvenir.


posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by grandmakdw

Thank you grandmakdw, i've always been the same. I call a Shovel a Shovel instead of a spade.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:05 PM
I would have to agree about appealing to ones intellect over ones fortitude but it does take that courage that is necessary to stand up for what you believe in and against all those who oppose.

I have been monitored by the NSA for years, for what I believe in which is no secret, I am anti tyrannical GOVT and corruption, and have been vocal about it on the internet at least since 2005.

You have nothing to fear but fear itself. Those who are afraid to die, have not realized that death is a new beginning. Once you are aware of that, trivial matters of the everyday life become less relevant to the daily obligation you have to making your experience the best and as happy as you can.

I implore you to write congress, I would Love to see a million man march in my life time and risk going to America just to be involved. I would love to be in Turkey or Brazil right now because as a inhabitant of this planet, living through its daily demise, it makes me sick to see what humans due to one another out of necessity. Greed, money, power, control, blood.

It will end I promise you that and the people are the only responsible ones for what happens to this world.

Whether it takes courage or fortitude to take down the Obama administration, really doesn't matter any more, what matters is if the people truly want to take care of themselves by saving themselves.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Nope but I had the guts to email my MP.
Yeah, I didn't get a response.

Hi Intrepid I email my MP, and the response i get is always in writing, and it's the biggest load of Flannel, and Twaddle i have ever heard LOL

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by jam321
Adding Benjamin's to their campaign fund is probably the best way to get their attention. Still doesn't mean they will listen to you. But at least you might have a nice little photo as a souvenir.


So very sadly true. Why we need what we will NEVER have:

A citizen government (like the founders intended)

with a 2 term limit for all federal elective positions, and an 8 year limit for all SES (top government employee) on the job in a top position.

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