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Aliens: An apology

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posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by shockedamerican
As a scientologist alien I take offense to this thread!

Who the hell do i talk to if i want to make a #ing complaint?

I've been waiting for this


on june, 10th at 8:47 am there will be an attack at either phoenix, az or miami, fl. if i am wrong you will never read another of my posts. if i am right.....

Your thread I do believe

Just messing

Welcome back


edit on 14/6/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by cody599

Originally posted by shockedamerican
As a scientologist alien I take offense to this thread!

Who the hell do i talk to if i want to make a #ing complaint?

I've been waiting for this


on june, 10th at 8:47 am there will be an attack at either phoenix, az or miami, fl. if i am wrong you will never read another of my posts. if i am right.....

Your thread I do believe

Just messing

Welcome back


edit on 14/6/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

off topic post.....

edit on 14-6-2013 by shockedamerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Malynn
In my mind it's mathematically impossible that intelligent life doesn't exist elsewhere in the universe.

But the bigger question is, does intelligent life exist in Scientology?

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 03:28 AM
A lot of people normally just say "so what" when they hear about Scientology and say well its up to them if they want to believe in that mumbo jumbo, but they should actually delve a little deeper.

Call them what you like, a fraud, brainwashers, a cult etc etc but the most important bit with them is their treatment of their followers, its deeply worrying when the so called followers don't play ball 100%.

Like many belief systems they make demands on you financially but their is one where the more you pay the higher up you go which changes it from a belief system into a scam. What god or alien would need 'money', its the root of all evil if you want to follow other faith systems.

And should you not work to their strict regime you get shipped off to secret locations to be treated like scum so you can be 'cured'.

This isn't just another faith system, its got serious undertones just as much as the Catholic Church has with child abuse, systems like this must never just be treated as a bunch of loons, there are people suffering in there that have been indoctrinated and then when they see the real internal operation and want to leave they are basically terrorised...or possibly MUCH worse.

Just saying to the folk that say 'so what' about them and their system...

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by MysterX

Whys that then mate?

My apologies; I should have made myself clearer, allow me to rectify that. I have no problem with people believing what they will, whether they're Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Pagan, Wiccan, Satanist, whatever. What I take issue with is when the leaders of any organized religion (or any organization for that matter), use their position and power to terrorize others. There are numerous cases where someone has attempted to leave Scientology and been intimidated into staying. Others have tried to expose the leaders for the criminals they are, and been murdered. This aspect of Scientology is what I want gone. The religion itself can stay for all I care.

Don't assume this means I want the government to outright ban Scientology. What I do want them to do is investigate the leaders, and prosecute those who have done illegal things.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:09 AM
The MSN Now has praised The Sun's "high quality trolling".

Now that’s some high-quality trolling — well-done! We always knew you had it in you, Sun editors. Seriously, though, watch out, because Xenu will drop you in a volcano, or whatever it is he apparently did all those years ago to Tom Cruise in prehistory.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 11:17 AM
Lord Xenu was not pleased!

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by yourignoranceisbliss
Except Scientology is science fiction written up by Hubbard. The guy was a hack sci fi writer and his big ticket to fame and money was this sham of a "religion".

Perhaps a chronological review of which came first - Dianetics/Scientology or the Sci-Fi stories. This will give an indication to the intent of Hubbard and the supposed cult/religion.

If Dianetics/Scientology came about first, then I am 'assuming' - (since this seems to be the norm on ATS about Scientology - Fact is its heresay ATM) that Hubbard had either cash flow problems trying to start up the cult/religion/whatever or based his books based on personal experience, or vice versa. (My current book is a thriller/drama based on my life, but not an auto-biography for example).

It's not a religion. It's not even a cult. It's a money making machine that ropes in the depressed, confused and naive, then bilks them of every penny they own. I would suggest you do your homework, but I suspect you already know the truth of what I'm saying.

Possibly right, although not fact, unless they 'really' use top secret brain washing techniques based on their own psychological imprinting to do this. If that is the case - that they have mind-control techniques, then that means they are authoritative on what they talk about correct? So perhaps in their POV (My assumption) Psychiatry is indeed bunk?

It's sad really. Scientology is proof that brainwashing not only exists, but is proliferating.

Yep, totally agree there!

Just a few brainwashed famous Scientologists;

Will Smith and his family
Tom Cruise
John Travolta

You know, I am surprised that Will Smith and his family are Scientologists? Interesting. Usually people whom are enamored with their belief system, usually show signs of admiration to their beliefs in their work.

I just saw 'After Earth' a few days ago. If my assumption is correct, then Will Smiths motive for making such a movie is indeed an interesting one. The concept of fear actually being a made up imaginative process based on the 'unknown' which hasn't actually happened yet, made me think quite hard, and I had a profound moment that, that very message was indeed accurate.

So if that is the case, and Will Smith is a Scientologist, and he promotes Scientology, basing a movie on a concept of 'fear' and how it relates to real life....... what does that then say about how fear is seen within the Scientologist Cult???

What is TRULY scary is not just the rabid fanaticism Scientology breeds, but the attacks they have made on the study of Psychology. Apparently Scientologists FEAR the Psychiatric community so much, that they created an historical exhibit, free of charge for entry, that slams the study of Psychology. This place is located right in the heart of Hollywood, nearby one of their zombie indoctrination centers.

Sorry, that is actually inaccurate. They never target Psychology, they target PSYCHIATRY. Yes I recall the exhibit, and the BBC news story against them, but from what I recall, they were discussing psychiatry, not psychology. If I am incorrect, please let me know or point out where I can find where they target psychology, and I will retract this statement.

Their determination is impressive, but who isn't determined to rape your wallet these days?

Whole heatedly agree. Just as evil as the pharmaceutical industry, Catholicism, Mormonism (10% of wages to go to church), and various other organizations.

On a personal note, I dislike Scientology - however if we were to win this war, then certain areas of fact need to be corrected, and also assumptions need to be stated as such.

Honestly, I don't know if they believe in alien overseers. Could have been a ploy by Hubbard to inject false information as 'secret knowledge' to be released to public, and the real info is really kept secret (my theory). All whilst people fight over the 'alien' theory, the real agenda goes un-noticed. Don't forget, records do state, that L R Hubbard was in the Navy and although Scientology stating he was in the Intelligence service, this could be the real reason behind such agenda by Hubbard himself. Oh... Is he actually dead? or he still alive on some weird org ship somewhere...

edit on 13/6/14 by Im a Marty because: Spelling Aussie Lingo Style

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by MysterX

Originally posted by tebyen
Good for the Sun. Scientology is a plague that needs to be purged.

Whys that then mate?

What possible difference can the patterns of belief held by a group of people make to you or your daily life?

If they want to believe ET created what? If you want to believe God (an ET by definition BTW) created what?

If someone else wants to believe the Great banana tree dropped it's seeds and created human what?

Who cares?

Who said it has anything to do with their beliefs?? I'm more concerned with the way people treat others, especially children! And that is why I am against them. They cruise around in that gigantic cruise ship in international waters where nobody can see what they are doing and there have been plenty of reports from escaped members, so at the very least, a thorough investigation is in order. Also, have you heard of the "fair game" policy they had to change after criticism that sounds much like Islamic Jihad? Or Fatwa or whatever its called...

Their beliefs have not come up once in any of the criticisms I've seen. Other than for humorous reasons which all beliefs are subject to in a world with free speech. I liked the south park episode best out of all humorous criticisms. Anyway, I could go on...but I'm absolutely sure you already have heard and already know that they deserve as much criticism as the next human created religions... What I don't know is why. Maybe you're one of them. Maybe you're just bored and thought you had a clever moment where you found a hole in someone's logic... But no, they had not mentioned anything about scientologists' particular beliefs in that particular post you were replying to.

Other than that you were attempting to call someone out, you were correct. There is no reason to dislike someone because of their beliefs. At least we can definitely agree there

Also, as a sidenote, I'm sure there are very kind scientology adherents out there. And maybe all the hundreds of allegations against them are false. But we can't very well ignore what sounds to be the cries of victims and so a fairnon biased investigation is not asking for too much. One thing to keep in mind during the investigation should be that many may be afraid to admit it if they have witnessed any wrongdoing. They may have been psychologically conditioned with fear for just such purposes. Such is the way of secretive religious groups who engage in wrongdoing. So we must work under the assumption that even potential victims may not tell the truth straight away, even though the casual observer may assume that anyone would want to tell if they were being hurt. This has not been the case in many such similar investigations.

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