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Gaz's Hurricane Supply List

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posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 11:32 AM
Having lived in Florida for many, many years....I've been through countless storms and hurricanes. My list will no doubt contain the same items as many, but hopefully, those in areas likely to be hit by these, can look and find maybe one thing they didn't think of before. I also break this down by categories, so you can ignore some if they don't apply.

As a rule, I recommend planning for at least TWO WEEKS without power. I actually prep for far longer, for other reasons, but based on what I've seen and known others to experience, two weeks should be a great goal.

WATER - Essential, after 3 days without it, well....

Well Water - Nice if you have it, but chances are, you have an electric pump. If you do, there is a well bucket (bullet-shaped) you can get for about $45 that you can use to manually access the water.

Bottled Water - 1 gallon, per day, per person is great, but often a lot to store. We personally have rain barrels and potable water drums, but even if you are filling milk jugs and soda bottles, it's better than nothing. I recommend getting the big square containers of water from the supermarket, as they are cheaper per oz. and easy to store.

Water for Washing - Fill bathtubs, sinks, and make sure your water heater is full, just before the storm hits. Any other buckets or tubs you can fill are great to have.


Canned Food - Is great, as long as it is stuff you actually eat. Most is already cooked, you just heat and serve. Anything that doesn't even need heating is even better (like tuna, add some mayo and relish and you have tunafish).

Instant Food - Anything you just add boiling water to is great to have on hand. (dried pasta, beans, rice, etc.)

PB&J - a great standby (Peanut butter and Jelly) that doesn't require a fridge.

Freezer Food - If you have a grill, and expect the power to be out for a while, thaw and grill up some meat you have in the freezer. Better than it going bad. Eat this before you go to your canned food.

Snacks - You'll be bored. You'll want to eat. Any non-refrigerated snacks are great, cookies, crackers, chips, etc.

Babies - You know what you need in this regard. Don't forget their special needs if they are in the home.

Paper Plates, Cups, Plastic Utensils - The last thing you want to do is manual dishes.

Fridge - Limit how often you open it, and the food will keep longer. The insulation will still keep the food fresh for a while, but fridge and freezer food is the FIRST you should eat after the power is out.

POWER - A generator is great, but not practical for many. Even then, knowing how to use it safely is important.

Batteries - Have lots on hand, but mostly, make sure you have the RIGHT ones for the things you'll need to power in an emergency.

Propane/Charcoal Grill - Great backup for cooking when the power is out, especially if you have one with a burner. If you don't have a gas grill, getting a small propane powered one burner is a pretty cheap investment.

Fuel - Before a storm, gas up your vehicles, (and get a spare gas can filled, if you have them). Never know when your local service stations will be back up after the storm. Remember any fuel for chainsaws and other power tools also.

Sterno - Slow, but an effective way to heat things up for cooking. (especially if you get a cheap little folding panel stove to hold it)


Oil Lamps - I've found these to be economical, bright, and simply easy to maintain, and you can adjust the light level. Also, wall-mounted, they can be decorative (and in place already, when a storm comes)

Flashlights - A must for finding your way around the house after power goes, or if you need to go outside (and all the streetlights are out). Get brightly colored ones, as they'll be easier to find than a black maglite when you drop it.

Cap lights - I love these, a light that can go on your head (or baseball cap) is nice for keeping your hands free. Can't say how many times this has helped.

Candles - Not much light, but cheap, and kind of romantic, especially for dinner. Again, you can have these for decor too already, so already in place.

Matches/Lighters - Don't forget these!

THINGS TO DO - You will be bored, so need info and distraction.

Radio - A battery powered radio is a must for storm info. They sell emergency ones that can be cranked, and even have a port for charging your cell phone! This is what we have. (also, you can use your car charger in your vehicles to keep cell phones charged up).

Cell Phone - As mentioned above, a cell phone is handy if you can keep it charged. Much better weather info, and of course games and contacting others.

Board Games - These always help, but make sure you have enough light to play.

Books, Magazines, etc. - Another good distraction.

Land Line Phone - If you have one, great, as these are generally working throughout the storms, and can be used to contact relatives, friends

Booze - I don't know of any time we've had a storm where we didn't grill some meat, drink some booze, and just party a bit just to have something to do. Not to excess mind you, but c'mon, you have to unwind.

PERSONAL INFO - Be sure to have all of your info (Insurance, medical, identification, account numbers, etc., in a waterproof container and some place you can access them if needed).

Insurance Pics - Take pics and/or video of your belongings, as it will make replacing them (if you need to) so much easier, and easier to prove to insurance companies.

Cash - With electronic methods down, cash is king. Get some out before the storm.

Camera - To take photos of damage as you discover it (so you don't forget)

MEDICINE - If anyone in your home takes medicine or other support (such as oxygen), try and have at least a two-week supply on hand.

First Aid Kit - You should always have this, but especially during storm season. if you buy a premade one, OPEN it, and familiarize yourself with it. Personally, I may buy them, but then add my own items I feel are missing, such as more large bandages, ointments, etc.

PETS - If you have pets, consider them in your water planning. Also, have two-weeks worth of food.

QUICK REPAIR & CLEANUP - I like to keep plastic sheeting, painter's tape (as it won't destroy the paint) and duct tape (for when you just need something to hold) on hand for quick fixes for any damage caused by the storm.

Chainsaw - Not essential, but damn handy
Tools - To turn off utilities before the storm hits

KEEPING COOL-Battery powered fans are great, and in hurricane areas, you're going to have heat, humidity, and without AC, this is not fun. This is probably the suckiest part of dealing with the storm. Open your windows (once weather permits). Stay hydrated. Coolers with ice can really help too, if you were able to stock up before the storm. Crank the AC down before the storm hits.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but just thought I'd share my own insights and preps.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Gazrok
Having been in a few big ones myself I must add to your list. Keeping a few boxes of baking soda on hand is a smart thing to do. If electricity is out for an extended amount of time (ours has been out for over a month following a storm) you can't cook and eat everything in your freezer and/or deep freeze fast enough to keep things from going bad- especially if you chose to evacuate. Even after thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting these appliances an odor remains, and the baking soda helps tremendously with this. Baking soda is very cheap but it's as scarce as hens teeth after a major power outage.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 01:12 PM
Excellent suggestions Gazrok, S&F! I linked this thread over in the Hurricane Watch for you.

One thing I tell anyone who is making any type of emergency kit regardless if it is for Hurricanes, TSHTF, Red Dawn, Aliens, or any type of survival emergency is to never ever forget one of the most important things that most people, and survivalists seem to forget... Socks!

Several pair of socks stuffed in a plastic bag do not take up much room and are seriously needed. Here are some uses:

- You can collect water with them like a sponge (I've done this before)
- Can be used as an emergency tourniquet (Also did this once while on a camping trip)
- Can be used as an emergency sling for broken limbs (Never done this one even though some friends of mine have)
- Can be used as a choking weapon (large socks) (mmm, no comment)

And most importantly, if your place gets destroyed, and you need to bug out...Clean, dry socks can protect your feet.

If no gas, or the roads are too congested to drive, and you must get must protect your feet. ANY old soldier like myself knows that dry socks are critical when walking mile upon mile. Wet socks can cripple your feet and prevent you from escaping.

Some people laugh when I go on my sock rant, but do yourself a favor a stick several pair in a water proof bag. It just might save your life.


edit on 11-6-2013 by lasertaglover because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 01:17 PM
What about a Canoe or Inflatable Raft if some serious flooding occurs... Hate to see a Hurricane with major flooding strand you as in... Being up $hits creek without a paddle...

Just a thought... If I missed it in the OP my bad, and great list btw~

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 01:21 AM
Nice list, using yours as a template I made my own for when a typhoon hits here:

Here's my list of supplies needed for a typhoon in rural Philippines =D

WATER - We use gravity and spring water to keep tanks full. If your tank is empty, put a storage container under the overhang of a roof and collect rainwater for use.


Be sure to harvest (if ready) all food before the storm hits. Keep 1-2 days of food in the house, whch is enough for the storm to pass. After the storm passes, go find/buy more food.

Fridge - If you have a fridge, limit how much it is open. If power is out more than 2 days - have a party and start eating the stored food in the freezer.


Batteries - If needed, but not necessary

Propane/Charcoal Grill - We use LPG cylinders to cook with, or wood. Make sure your wood is dry and inside before the storm.

White gas Lamps - These are very bright, but the fumes can be bad. Good for many people hanging out together.

Flashlights - Good to have for short term situations. I recommend ones that are self chargeable with a crank or some other way.

Candles - Most common form of light besides wood. Get used to them =)

Matches/Lighters - Don't forget these!!!!!!
THINGS TO DO - You will be bored, so need info and distraction.

Radio - Not needed. There will be no radio reception

Cell Phone - Only for playing music, there will be no reception

Board Games - These always help, but make sure you have enough light to play.

Books, Magazines, etc. - Another good distraction.

Booze. Lots.
PERSONAL INFO - Not needed

Camera - To take photos of damage as you discover it (for fun)
MEDICINE - If anyone in your home takes medicine or other support (such as oxygen), try and have at least a two-week supply on hand.

First Aid Kit - Handy, but we don't run around outside during a typhoon
PETS - Bring them inside, or let them hide under the house

Chainsaw - Really helpful after the storm to clear fallen trees on the paths/road

Bolo - Heavy machete like blade used when you don't have a chainsaw


After a typhoon the temperature drops. Especially 1000m+ elevation. I recommend a blanket or a woman

I think there is more, but will get back to you after this seasons first storm. I like the peace and quiet they bring after them

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 10:25 AM
I purposefully left out things most likely already have in their home, such as clothing, socks, jackets, etc.
(I do keep two pairs of socks in my BOB)

One thing I would definitely add though, is a Bug Out/Overnight Bag if you live in any kind of evacuation zone. I don't, personally, but I used to, and it sure saves time (and fighting traffic) if you already have one packed for each person in your household and you can be one of the first to leave (you'll also get the best spots at the shelter). It should have whatever you think you'll need if going to a shelter (changes of clothes, toiletries, diversions, info). This could be VERY individualized, but think of the same categories as above.
edit on 12-6-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

48-24 hours before storm hits we freeze as many 2 ltr soda bottles that we have cleaned and filled with drinking water and individual bottles of water as we can. We then place them in fridge and leave them in freezer. (Saved entire contents of freezer in a four day power outage after Irene) After bottles melt you have cold drinking water which becomes a luxury

Know what you have in fridge and where it is in there before opening it, A written inventory on door will help. That way you will reduce amount of time it will be open.

Something to Do- DECK OF CARDS

Machete- to chop all that junk that blew into your yard and anything in yours that used to be standing and now isn't
edit on 13-6-2013 by IslandGirl because: forgot to add something

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 09:20 AM
Pre-Storm steps, Post-Storm steps are also a good thing. Probably a thread topic all its own.

Ours are:

Gas up vehicles, get spare gas.
Remove or secure loose items on the grounds.
Put up plywood over windows (use pre-mounted bolts with wing nuts and pre-cut pieces, makes it real easy).
Get any last minute supplies (check on batteries, lamp oil, propane, etc.)
Get cash
Get ice for freezer
Top off water storage tanks (not only do we need water for us, but for all the animals too)
Get extra horse feed and hay (feed stores may be closed a while)
Shutter up the stables
Invite any good friends or relatives worried about where they are
Close the main gates and lock them

I love the freezing water bottles idea, that is a good one....
Our bags of ice solution is for a similar thing (but we also use that for coolers)

Make sure nobody or no animals are injured
Inspect grounds (call any utilities for outages, fallen lines, etc.)
Inspect house/stables/buildings for any damage
Inspect vehicles for any damage
Clean up debris (chainsaw, machete come in handy here, as do the trucks)
Dump any standing water (mosquitoes)
Check on friends, relatives
Check to see if neighbors need any help

Light oil lamps to help navigate the house
Put a bag of ice in the bottom of each fridge
Check to see if land-line is still working
Take some meat out to thaw for the grill (or if meat in the fridge, grill it first)
Fill a cooler with ice (and drinks)
Power up generator as needed (mostly AC and well pump)
Ready emergency well access also
Radio in kitchen always on for updates.
Check with neighbors, see if they are ok or need anything
edit on 14-6-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

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