posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Dianec
reply to post by Anonbeleiver77
Yea if that happened to me I would spend a bunch of money to be more terrified for another 4 years. Give me a break.
It's a hypothetical...
Read between the lines use your common sense.
What Im trying to portray here is the fact that all this has been going on for a lot longer than Obama has been president and anyone with any sense
will realise that no one man no matter how much supposed power could really be responsible for actions of this magnitude.
You do realise that everything the president all presidents do is vetted by numerous agencies every word spoken to the public is planned in advance,
every policy, every attitude, every idea is subject to the scrutiny of an army of advisors etc...
He is just a figurehead just like the queen of England.
The real power is behind the scenes.
It's show buisness!