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Are Reptilians Real? I Think I Had An Encounter With One

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posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 12:43 PM
About a year ago some crazy crap went down for a 3 week period and I saw things unexplainable. One of the things I experienced was a confrontation with a Reptilian?

I always thought the guy was just demonically possessed, but now that I've come across a few descriptions of Reptilians, I think he may have been one.

I was at a hospital and had met this 19-year old guy there. He was there for his "vampire disorder", claiming that he drank animal's blood and sometimes human. Of course I thought he was just exaggerating and being "weird", clearly having a mental disorder.

Well I told the nurses in the hospital that this guy had a razor blade on him that he showed me and maybe they should get it from him, not wanting anyone to get hurt.

He finds out that I told on him and becomes FURIOUS. I pass by the room he was in and he was standing at the window with the sun shining through, and everything was DARK wherever he was. It was like something out of a movie. No light was shining past him, and he was looking at his nails as I passed by in a snarky way.

Later that night I'm alone in the hallway when I look down on the ground and see a HUGE WET/SLIMY HOOF print on the shiny tiled hospital floor. It was shaped exactly like this:

I'm looking down at it when suddenly I feel this huge force run down the hall at lightning speed right at me. I turned around quickly and felt the force of this creature hit me and growl. It was as tall as the ceiling. I'm guessing 11 feet tall.

I freak out and tell the nurses that something weird just happened, and as I'm going past the guy's hospital room, I look into it and see him. He was standing there at the door with SOLID BLACK EYES. Like the typical demon eyes look.

I just recently read that Reptilians' eyes turned black and they were very tall, so I'm guessing if this guy was anything.. it was a reptilian.

Crazy, but true story. Ever since I was born again from the Holy Spirit I've experienced many things like this. This was the most confrontational, face-to-face experience by far though.
edit on 5-6-2013 by ApokalypsisRising because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 12:51 PM
Forgive this obvious question, I ask it with the upmost respect: Were you taking any medications at all during this hospital stay? Sometimes even routine medications can cause hallucinations.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 12:52 PM
Sounds like a BEK..

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by ApokalypsisRising

From what I read in your Lizzard-article, you seem to suffer from a Dissociative disorder. One that makes you hide from the "evils of the world" by inventing your own crazy interpretations of your closest surroundings.

My advice is that you seek psychiatric help or this will get worse as you get older, and in a worst case scenario end very badly. Just a thought.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 12:55 PM
Reptilians aren't real.. where on Earth would you come up with a crazy Idea like that?

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by ApokalypsisRising
About a year ago some crazy crap went down for a 3 week period and I saw things unexplainable. One of the things I experienced was a confrontation with a Reptilian?

I always thought the guy was just demonically possessed, but now that I've come across a few descriptions of Reptilians, I think he may have been one.

I was at a hospital and had met this 19-year old guy there. He was there for his "vampire disorder", claiming that he drank animal's blood and sometimes human. Of course I thought he was just exaggerating and being "weird", clearly having a mental disorder.

Well I told the nurses in the hospital that this guy had a razor blade on him that he showed me and maybe they should get it from him, not wanting anyone to get hurt.

He finds out that I told on him and becomes FURIOUS. I pass by the room he was in and he was standing at the window with the sun shining through, and everything was DARK wherever he was. It was like something out of a movie. No light was shining past him, and he was looking at his nails as I passed by in a snarky way.

Later that night I'm alone in the hallway when I look down on the ground and see a HUGE WET/SLIMY HOOF print on the shiny tiled hospital floor. It was shaped exactly like this:

I'm looking down at it when suddenly I feel this huge force run down the hall at lightning speed right at me. I turned around quickly and felt the force of this creature hit me and growl. It was as tall as the ceiling. I'm guessing 11 feet tall.

I freak out and tell the nurses that something weird just happened, and as I'm going past the guy's hospital room, I look into it and see him. He was standing there at the door with SOLID BLACK EYES. Like the typical demon eyes look.

I just recently read that Reptilians' eyes turned black and they were very tall, so I'm guessing if this guy was anything.. it was a reptilian.

Crazy, but true story. Ever since I was born again from the Holy Spirit I've experienced many things like this. This was the most confrontational, face-to-face experience by far though.
edit on 5-6-2013 by ApokalypsisRising because: (no reason given)

You say he was hospitalized for "vampire disorder", an obvious mental disorder. You say you were at the hospital too
when you met the guy. Not to break any HIPPA confidentiality provisions, but were you being treated at the hospital or just visiting? Your answer could clear things up.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 01:03 PM
This was a one time event, and it happened. I don't suffer from any disorder like that. I know myself well enough to know if I am hallucinating or not.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by UnBreakable

I was staying in a hotel in Austin, TX for a week without much sleep because I was so excited to finally be in my "dream city", and I flipped out in a public place.. but I never hallucinated anything. I did have some delusion, but I know what my eyes see and what my body feels. I'm sure "all the others say that as well", oh well. I put my life on it.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by ApokalypsisRising
This was a one time event, and it happened. I don't suffer from any disorder like that. I know myself well enough to know if I am hallucinating or not.

But you said in your OP that you have experienced many things like this, so it's not a one-time event...

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by ApokalypsisRising
reply to post by UnBreakable

I was staying in a hotel in Austin, TX for a week without much sleep because I was so excited to finally be in my "dream city", and I flipped out in a public place.. but I never hallucinated anything. I did have some delusion, but I know what my eyes see and what my body feels. I'm sure "all the others say that as well", oh well. I put my life on it.

I didn't mean any offense by the question. I take a half dozen meds for physical (not mental) conditions and some do affect various senses at times. For instance I take a blood pressure med where one of the side affects is "can cause vivid dreams". I've had dreams at times like I had dropped a couple of tabs of acid.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by ApokalypsisRising
This was a one time event, and it happened. I don't suffer from any disorder like that. I know myself well enough to know if I am hallucinating or not.

But you said in your OP that you have experienced many things like this, so it's not a one-time event...

Things similar to it, like dreams. Not anything as extreme as this.

I understand why people would think I hallucinated it. If anyone had told me this before, I'd be the first to think that that were seeing things. But after going through it and talking to another person who had a Satanic friend saying that he saw crazy stuff too, I believe in these rare occurrences.

His friend was doing a ritual and lit a flame over the top of a candle, and the guy saw a spider drop from inside the lighter with the Satanic guy saying "he wanted to give his life as a sacrifice"

He would have no reason to lie, and he has no mental illness. He is also a "born again Christian", so I guess situations like this only happen to people who are either purely evil or purely born again. I never saw anything before I was saved last year, so I know how I sound. I'm just asking to see what the description of this guy would be in a conspiracy definition. Not if it happened or not.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 01:21 PM
What kind of hospital were you in
I thought the government quit funding those kind of hospitals.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 02:31 PM
I'm not saying I believe you but I believe in the possibility of what you say you encountered. American Indians claim that there are many types of alien entities visiting the earth and even impersonating humans and mixing in with our populations. It's possible you encountered something like that though I don't think they usually make such a scene.

Either way. Whether it's just you and you're screwy or the guy is you should probably try to avoid it or at least not antagonize it. Just a thought.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 05:08 PM
well, the closest i've come to seeing reptillian creatures is at church, so your 'born again' theory may not hold water.
your the one who knows what you have seen/ felt, so ultimately, it's up to you to figure it out.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by ApokalypsisRising
This was a one time event, and it happened. I don't suffer from any disorder like that. I know myself well enough to know if I am hallucinating or not.

The thing about delusion is that the person experiencing them doesn't know that they are delusions. For them it's just as real as reality is to everyone else. Just sayin'

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by ApokalypsisRising

but I never hallucinated anything. I did have some delusion, but I know what my eyes see and what my body feels. I'm sure "all the others say that as well", oh well. I put my life on it.

As you rightly admit.....every single person hospitalised for delusional hallucinations is convinced that what they see is real....that is why they are hospitalised in the first place.

I'm glad you are feeling better now though.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 09:56 PM
Certain bloodlines and people born at certain times are prone to seeing the entities beyond the veil.
Other people who are not of these afflicted ,will not be able to 'see', unless they take something-hint.

I have seen a BEK up front.

One of my children has seen a reptile tail of a man appear, after she did the breathing technique. This is where you fill yourself up with love and breathe out this love whilst saying 'Yehovah'. The man was really

Many people have not seen this stuff so don't expect them too.

I have also been to Heaven and seen angels as people-just search my name and posts on ATS.

If you can see them, you will be marked by them, monitored and if possible eliminated as a threat. Be aware. And pray to God for angels to protect you and the ones you love.

Revelations 9 is all about these beings.

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 10:11 AM
Reptilians and other species including hybrids, are not only VERY REAL, but many are here, and not all good. Draco, vampire, sucking energy from others, sounds like the bloodline royal families to me, don't you think? Slavery is the fundamental level of Vampiric Draco demonology.

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Reptilians and other species including hybrids, are not only VERY REAL, but many are here, and not all good. Draco, vampire, sucking energy from others, sounds like the bloodline royal families to me, don't you think? Slavery is the fundamental level of Vampiric Draco demonology.

Just remember my friend never judge a book by its cover. 1 understands your feelings about the nefarious acts... But remember there are good and non good behaving attributes in many if not ALL* CREATOR Creation Energy Groups Unity_99 and so its logical to carry a level of compassion with discussion of the subjectively known materials shared. Be well my friend...

To respond to OP Yes, 1 believes there are EA*RTH, CO terrain CREATOR Creations with reptilian based physical attributes as well as non terrain existing of the more Metaphysical with Cosmic physical response abilities and technologies...


posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Reptilians and other species including hybrids, are not only VERY REAL, but many are here, and not all good. Draco, vampire, sucking energy from others, sounds like the bloodline royal families to me, don't you think? Slavery is the fundamental level of Vampiric Draco demonology.

Love how these threads always bring out the crazies. So...slavery is what they are after? Ok...why don't they just make us slaves then? And if slavery is what they are after then what are they getting us to do for them?

There are no reptilians.

To the OP...I would have to agree with others in the thread....delusions. And why was there only one footprint?
edit on 6/6/13 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

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