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Attention Liberals!! Don't Kill Yourselves!

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posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 08:55 AM
What do those obvious pro-liberal web sites have to do with my bi-partison joke Flash animation?

LadyV, if these are the sites you base your opinions on, I think I understand you and the rest of the people in these forums a bit better

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by LostSailor
LadyV, if these are the sites you base your opinions on, I think I understand you and the rest of the people in these forums a bit better

Whatever......I know you know better than that, drunk or not!

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
For keep yelling "the majority has spoken" is absurd....making it sound like there was a win by like 75% or something, there wasn' was 51% "1%" one kills themselves over an election, music, a movie, or a video game unless they have deep emotional stability problems and mental issues to begin with!

[edit on 11/7/2004 by LadyV]

Firstly, Bush won by 3% and 4.5 million votes. Secondly, you are totally correct that nobody kills themselves because of an election, I am sure that he had greater mental anguish and this was the final straw. However the election was long and dirty from both sides - demonizing both candidates - making the population feel totally threatened and helpless no matter which way they turned. IT IS TIME TO RECONCILE!!! Finally I think that it is time that anew party somewhere between the antiquated Democrats and Republicans was erected. Both parties have outlived its value and have drowned in its need for entrenched power. The American people will always just be a pawn to politicians untill they say "Enough".

I think we should all say a prayer, to which ever God we pray to, for this poor man who felt so lost.


posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
Finally I think that it is time that anew party somewhere between the antiquated Democrats and Republicans was erected. Both parties have outlived its value and have drowned in its need for entrenched power. The American people will always just be a pawn to politicians untill they say "Enough".

I think we should all say a prayer, to which ever God we pray to, for this poor man who felt so lost.


I completely agree on that! Myself for example. I not a liberal and I am not a conservative...I'm in between somewhere, and yes...prayers are in order!

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 04:16 PM
Here here,

I agree totally, enough said.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Mynaeris Firstly, Bush won by 3% and 4.5 million votes.
Well, let's be accurate... the republic was 140,000 votes shy of selecting the alternative. (that's 0.12% of all votes) So the reality is that Bush won by 140,000 votes. Intense personal stress is a likely outcome of the highly divisive rhetoric that came from both parties over the past year or so. Look at the reports of U.S. citizens looking at other countries because of the election disappointment. While highly tragic... I think this may be the "tip of the iceberg" of similar events.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 04:54 PM
Oh come on people.. All we need is another good ole terrorist attack, and a war with the right enemy to bring us back together again.

I hear Bush is the right man for the job so have faith, the cure is on the way!

Anyone know the U.S. dollar exchange rates for Australia?

Sorry I am beyond being upset with the outcome, so why not load up on sarcasm?

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 05:45 PM
Someone say sarcasm?
President Bush is the greatest thing since sliced bread!

Anyway, on a serious note, that is really sad. Killing yourself is never the way out.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 05:57 PM
Definitely not!!! The best is yet to come. I can't wait to see how G. Brish balances the budget, avoids instituting a draft, defeats terrorism and restores America to most loved nation status and at the same time avoid national bankruptcy. All during the campaign I was of two minds. As an intelligent independent (neither liberal nor conservative DEMOCRAT) I naturally wanted John F. Kerry to win the Presidency of the US as this country deserved to survive. On the other hand I hated to see G. Brish hand off all the horrendous problems that his manic mind created to JFK. So, now we can watch G. Brish try to keep his manic smile in place while the chickens come home to roost and the bombs fall on Democrats, Independents, and Liberals alike.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by pbauer
Um, I only quoted two people the whole time I've been a member, and I had 20 points deducted for quoting too much. Perhaps that is just the reason they gave me. Maybe I had them deducted because I'm a Bush supporter.

I know, It's Bush's fault!!!! Hell, all you liberals blame him for everything else, I might as well blame him for having 20 points taken away!

I believe it's a selective ego attack...shame too, because this forum is awesome. Bottom line is there are to many lil Chiefs and not many of them care. (granted there are a couple that seem to be "stand up" guys...but, I've seen people banned for a single mistake in the short time I've been here.

FREE SPEECH! it rocks

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 01:46 AM
OK, so George W. Bush has been reelected President for another four years, and you didn't vote for him and don't like the guy. That's fine -- but it's no reason to panic. The world's not going to come to an end.

I can remember, when Bill Clinton was reelected President in 1996, there were a few conservatives who were in a state of panic then too -- they thought that Clinton was going to sell out the U.S.'s soverignty to the U.N., make religion illegal, that there'd be origies in the streets, that he was going to form a police state, that the U.S. military would cease to exist in the next four years, etc.

Were they being irrational? Of course. Just like there are a few liberals who are being irrational now. Just here on ATS, I've heard charges as ridiculous as a civil war breaking out, Bush opening concentration camps for homosexuals, starting a nuclear holocaust, and forming a police state. (Apparently every two-term President gets slapped with the "police state" charge.)

Look, most conservatives are moderate. Most liberals are moderate. I think that, mostly what we argue here at ATS, are the extremes of both sides.

Just keep this in mind (and breathe slowly to relax) next time you start to panic: Bush has already been President for four years. Can you still buy and wear on the streets anti-Bush memorabelia? Of course. Can you still buy adult DVDs and go to strip clubs? Of course. Can you still watch South Park on Comedy Central? Of course. And so on (these are a few random examples of stuff some people feared a Republican President would make illegal). I can still do all these things, and more, and I live in Texas, the heart & soul of modern conservatism!

Please, again I implore, everyone relax. Yes, the President makes decisions that do affect our daily lives, obviously. But the irrational fears on both sides worry me sometimes. It saddens me when I read about people having nervous breakdowns, or even contemplating suicide, over a political election in the U.S.

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