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I'm In Turkey: "Turkish Spring" Starting?

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posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:49 AM
seems that the protesters are now to be coincided Terrorist, if they enter Istanbul’s Taksim Square from the link

Police to consider protesters in Istanbul’s Taksim Square terror organization members: Minister

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Egemen Bağış has been very critical of foreign media reports of the ongoing protests in Turkey. DHA photo

Egemen Bağış has been very critical of foreign media reports of the ongoing protests in Turkey. DHA photo
Everyone who enters Istanbul’s Taksim Square, the heart of nearly 20-day-long protests against the government, will be considered a member or a supporter of a terrorist organization, Turkey’s European Union minister said in a televised interview late last night.

“I request our citizens who supported the protests until today kindly to return to their homes,” Egemen Bağış said in an interview on broadcaster A Haber.

“From now on the state will unfortunately have to consider everyone who remains there a supporter or member of a terror organization,” he said. “Our prime minister has already assured [activists] about their aim with the protests. The protests from now on will play into the hands of some separatist organizations that want to break the peace and prioritize vandalism and terrorism.”

High-ranking Turkish officials have been posting warnings on the issue and everyone should act in a sensitive manner, he said.

Clashes between the police and protesters in Istanbul continued around the square along with some other parts of the city until this morning.

Bağış repeated his criticism of foreign media for exaggerating the protests in Turkey.

“Unfortunately, the foreign press has made a big mistake on this issue,” he said, saying that they wanted to reflect Turkey as a country where life has halted.

“Hours-long broadcasting that is even not interrupted by commercials has damaged Turkey’s image,” he said.

“But these long broadcasts surely have a financial reason, and this will be revealed. International channels such as BBC and CNN never do such broadcasting without any advertisement. Somebody somehow financed these broadcasts. Like our prime minister said, the losses of the interest rate lobby due to low interest rates have exceeded $650 billion in Turkey,” he said, adding that this was a result of the government’s dedication. “This drives them crazy and they are doing everything to disturb the calm in our country and win back their losses.”

seems to me that the "Spring" has sprung in Turkey.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:09 PM
oh this is getting to be much like Egypt its not funny

Army may step in to stop protests if need be: Deputy PM Arınç

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Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç has given almost unconditional support to the police, adding that the remaining protests will be suppressed immediately by the police. DHA photo

Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç has given almost unconditional support to the police, adding that the remaining protests will be suppressed immediately by the police. DHA photo
Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç has given almost unconditional support to the police, while affirming that environmentalist protests have ended and the remaining protests will be suppressed immediately by the police. He added that if the police do not suffice, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) could take on the responsibility.

“What is required of us is to stop it if there is a protest against the law. There is the police, if that's not enough there's the gendarmerie, if that's not enough there is the TSK. These authorities exist in the laws,” Arınç said today in a televised interview.

“They [the police] will use all the authority given to them. Nobody should complain about the police,” Arınç said in a live show on A Haber new channel, while claiming that those who criticize the police are the ones who vandalize cities.

“Demonstrations have gone out of a Gezi protest. They have gone out of being legal. These can continue on the streets, in districts. They will be immediately suppressed and legal process will be commenced about those responsible. I think the innocent demonstrations that began 20 days ago have completely ended,” Arınç said, hinting at yet more police intervention.

I have not called military for support: Interior minister

Meanwhile, Interior Minister Muammer Güler said the military had not yet been called to help end the 20-day-long street protests in Turkey.

“I have not called on the military for support,” he said.

The minister was responding to a question about gendarmerie support of police forces during the protests. Technically, the gendarmerie operates under the Interior Ministry, unlike the rest of the military forces.

Güler also said that using the gendarmerie in such instances was "quite normal."

think not yet or not so ? think again from the link

Merkel: Turkish response to protests 'much too harsh'

BERLIN - Agence France-Presse
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Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel gestures during a meeting with representitives and heads of Germany's 16 regional states on June 13, 2013 in Berlin. AFP photo

Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel gestures during a meeting with representitives and heads of Germany's 16 regional states on June 13, 2013 in Berlin. AFP photo
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday that she was shocked by Turkey's violent crackdown on protests in major cities, saying it "was much too harsh".

"There were horrible images in which one could see that the approach was much too harsh in my view," Merkel told commercial broadcaster RTL in reaction to news coverage of riot police breaking up demonstrations in Istanbul and the capital Ankara.

"What is happening in Turkey at the moment does not meet with our ideas of freedom of assembly, (or) freedom of expression," she said. "I am in any case shocked." Merkel called on the Turkish government to respect basic democratic liberties.

"That is part of a developed society," she said, adding that she hoped opponents of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan would "find their place in a Turkey that is moving into the 21st century". She urged a peaceful dialogue between the two sides but dodged a question as to whether Turkey's negotiations on becoming a member of the European Union one day should be affected by the authorities' reaction to protests.

On Friday a German foreign ministry spokesman insisted that Ankara's response to the demonstrations had no direct bearing on its bid to join the European Union.

But earlier last week a source close to the ministry had said that there was now greater scepticism on moving forward with accession talks with Turkey.

Two of Turkey's main trade unions began a nationwide strike Monday to protest at police violence against anti-government demonstrators, a day after Erdogan defended his crackdown on an Istanbul protest park.

Riot police were still firing volleys of tear gas and water at pockets of demonstrators in Istanbul and Ankara early on Monday, after a weekend of clashes sparked by the eviction of protesters occupying Gezi Park, the epicentre of the protest movement.

say this is just one sided no not true

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:20 PM
still nothing from Obama either which is understandable he's damned no matter what he does.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 12:20 PM
still nothing from Obama either which is understandable he's damned no matter what he does.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 12:00 PM

Obama's Answer

Turkey has announced plans to purchase 100,000 gas bomb cartridges and launch a central cyber security agency, local media report. This comes after protests across the country which also saw a series of attacks on government’s websites.

The order for the 100,000 new cartridges will be accompanied by an order for 60 water cannon vehicles, the daily local newspaper Milliyet reported, also stating that the excessive use of gas bomb cartridges meant that Turkish riot police used up some 130,000 units across the space of a mere 20 days.

The excessive use of force by the police has turned this issue into a security one,” said Galip Dalay, a research assistant with the SETA foundation.

This is how democracy handles their problems in a civilized manner. Rubber bullets and water pressure. Ever burn your skin from a pressure washer?

Not as bad as water boarding but I m sure all these democratic and civilized tactics to disperse terrorist on home soil have the McCain stamp of approval. The guy did spend years in a prison camp so you know he knows the line on corporal punishment.

What this article does not answer is who is supply these weapons to turkey. They are used against the public so they are weapons regardless of how the GOVT classifies them. Lets see the receipt....

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 10:49 PM
Buy mentos and pop to counter act the pepper spray.

just a suggestion

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 08:46 PM

On Friday, the Turkish publication Hurriyet reported that Ankara spent $8.5 million on purchasing gas grenades and rubber bullets from an American company in Pennsylvania over a 15-month period between October 2011 and December 2012.



posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:05 PM

Turkish court scraps plan to redevelop Taksim Square


posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by whatzshaken

From what I'm reading, Erdogan is accepting that decision for now.

This weeks' events put a big damper on Morsi and Erdogan.

I wonder how much fallout we'll see from Al Qaeda over it.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Deetermined

All eyes should be set on America. obaMABUSh empire falls, their allies will follow suite, and the people can clean up govt of their corruption

posted on Jul, 7 2013 @ 01:45 PM
here is the redundancy of GOVT democracy or capitalism.

"The Constitution says that anyone can stage a demonstration without giving notification, but the legislation says that applying to the authorities for permission is mandatory. So nobody can say they exercise their constitutional rights. This is unlawful," Gov. Hüseyin Avni Mutlu had told reporters in response to news of the protest.

Its hypocritical and contradictory to say its in your constitutional right to demonstrate BUT you need GOVT approval to protest against the GOVT. Corruption done democratically. Tyrants elected unofficially.

Civilization needs rules and laws to abide by what we do not need is GOVT promoting hate democratically.

Yes hate

what is in the water to make it red?
See how civilized it is to make your own people cry with tear gas?
Can you feel the LOVE?

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:18 PM
rt live feed

you can tell where the spirit of the nation is when comparing both protests live. The Muslim brotherhood lacks passion although they have supporters, the people of Egypt truly support the ousting of Morsi.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by whatzshaken
That and the makers of water cannons are making a killing, from the link

Turkey Riot Trucks Spur Share Gain for Ex-Lawmaker’s Katmerciler
By Taylan Bilgic - 2013-08-14T21:14:02Z

Turkey’s anti-government protests are providing a boon to Katmerciler Arac Ustu Ekipman Sanayi & Ticaret AS (KATMR), the producer of water cannon-armed trucks whose shares are beating Istanbul’s benchmark index.

Images broadcast worldwide of Turkish protesters fleeing the vehicles since demonstrations swept the country in June may help generate business for the Izmir-based company in nations from Brazil to Libya that face social unrest, Chief Executive Officer Mehmet Katmerci said. Sales of dispersion vehicles will rise six-fold this year, he said. Shares have gained 14 percent since the first trading day in June, compared with a 1.8 percent drop in the Borsa Istanbul 100 (XU100) index.
Egypt might be on the steeps of a full blown civil war then Syria is in for a long fight , Hamas Iran going upon Israel from the link

Hamas, Iran Putting Aside their Differences to Fight Israel
Public dispute over Syrian civil war has not prevented cooperation when it comes to attacking Israel, according to a recent report.
I would say the Arab spring has sprung .. wouldn't you?

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