reply to post by calstorm
I had a similar thing happen to me on the road.
I was maybe 14 and taking a walk to the shops for a cool-drink (soda). Looked both ways before crossing, one car coming in my immediate lane,
seemingly nothing on the far lane - didn't realize how 'blind' the rise was on the far lane. Start crossing, see that there's actually cars coming
from both directions - jump into uber-super-ninja-mode : star jump into the line between the lanes, toes facing outward. Those cars passed pretty
close and I jumped to the curb. Adrenaline! Fanta orange never tasted so good.
Oh, a friend of mine got hit by a train... she was looking at a bug
Didn't hear the horn nor the train. She was hit around the left temple,
cracked skull, weeks in hospital, but she's better than ever now.
I've also had other incidents, mostly on the road and other silly things. One thing I'll never forget:
Around 16 at the time - friends and I would go walking in the woods, nature trails, etc. We once found this big boulder near the edge of a cliff.
Being the age we were, pushing that of a cliff would be awesome! (we actually did make sure no one was around.) Using brute force and branches as
levers we heaved and heaved.
Everyone started stepping back, thinking we couldn't do it.
Now it was just me and another friend, this boulder was teetering on the balance. My friend released and stepped back, thinking I would to, but I gave
it that last push. The bolder went tumbling forward and I started to go with it, I was losing my balance, I panicked. My mate nonchalantly grabbed the
hood of my jersey from my back and pulled me straight, "Tell your mother I saved your life" he said, and starts walking away. The drop was about
70-80 odd Metres
Needless to say I proceed to thank him with all the panic-stricken gibberish I could muster, "Dude, I almost went over. You
did save my
I'm normally very calm in these situation, but I didn't think I could do anything but break my fall through the trees somehow.