posted on May, 30 2013 @ 11:36 AM
Ouch! This is a major thing. So rather than in-house Photo Journalists with in-house training, accountability and long term reasons to have integrity
within an organizations? They'll use stringers.
The Chicago Sun-Times has laid off its entire photography staff, and plans to use freelance photographers going forward, the newspaper said.
About 20 full-times staffers received the news Thursday morning, according to sources familiar with the situation.
The newspaper released a statement suggesting the move reflected the increasing importance of video in news
No what is a Newspaper without photographers? A newsletter? I don't know how reliable we can take anything they produce for imagery now that they'll
be paying outsiders on the hope that the product meets their standards ..whatever those were to begin with.
What's next? Layoff the writers and use bloggers to fill content? Why not.....since profit to circulation seems far more important than high quality
product to build and maintain reader loyalty. At least they'll still be around to supply puppy training pads in a pinch, eh?
*Watch for over-use of file photos and internet stock images is my major thought here.