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A look into the mind of an EDL supporter

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posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by waynos

i'm not confusing anything, i'm telling you the way it is.

try to open an off license in bournville, it won't be 'local tradition' stopping you.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by bates

So what law, exactly, prevents the opening of off licenses in Bournville? There is only the law of the land. Bournville was a private estate built by Cadbury for its workers, it is a unique case in its restrictions, but none of these restrictions are enshrined in law, they are purely there by the will of the residents and the do-operation of the council. In this event the council uphel local objections to a planning application, just as they have up and down the country for various reasons. You are being disingenuous to suggest Bournville has its own law separate from the rest of the UK. Also, In what way is this representative of Muslim areas controlled ny Sharia Law? You are reaching simply to make a point.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by waynos

You know my point, it's not exactly subtle.

If white christian people don't want drink and prostitutes in their area it's fair enough.

If Muslims don't want drink and prostitutes in their area all hell breaks loose and people kick off.

If a group of muslims got together and wanted to build a model village (or city) and implement their own rules of living would there really be no objection?

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by bates

Are you saying there is no difference between a town preserving rules that existed since it was built and Muslim yobs going round mob handed?

Maybe there would be objections if the Muslim community tried to build a model village for themselves that was dry, maybe not, I cannot say for certain but I suspect there would, but that's not what we are talking about, is it? We are talking about law.

You said;

Originally posted by bates
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

We already have them though, areas bound by religious laws already exist

They've existed for centuries.

Whereas, in reality;

There are three distinct legal jurisdictions in the United Kingdom: England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.[6] Each has its own legal system, distinct history and origins.

Not Sharia Law, Not Cabdury Law or anything else.

edit on 1-6-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by waynos

i think you misunderstand what borunville is, it's a suburb of birmingham. not some small little village in the countryside. it's in the middle of the 2nd biggest city in the uk.

it's no different having christian religious laws at work there than it would be having muslim relgious laws in the some london suburb.

basically, it's okay for white christians to take over an area and impose their laws, but it's dangerous when muslims want to do the same thing.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by bates

Again, What Laws? There are no separate laws that govern Bournville. what does any of it have to do with your statement about religious laws?

You may have missed in the piece I linked to where Tesco had the legal right to appeal the refusal of their application, but chose not to. This deflates your point completely.

basically, it's okay for white christians to take over an area and impose their laws, but it's dangerous when muslims want to do the same thing.

So are you still saying its the same? Bournville was built from the ground up by a Quaker who made it a teetotal suburb in Victorian England, a time when the Temperance movement was at its height. The local people like it that way and so they took the legal path of objecting to a planning application, they did not move into existing populated areas and threaten people with baseball bats to 'Get Out'. I do not believe you cannot grasp the difference here.
edit on 1-6-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by waynos

There is no real difference.

You're happy for one area of a major city to be governed by religious law, you're not happy for an area of a different city to be governed by different religious laws.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by bates

That's very presumptuous of you. I have offered no opinion either way. I am simply responding to your fallacious claim that some areas of the country are governed by religious laws, when they are not.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by waynos

If you weren't bothered you wouldn't have commented.

The only reason you're backing away from offering an opinion because my assumptions of you are correct.

Deep down you know what these Muslims want to do in London is no different from what the Quakers have done in south Birmingham.

You can use google/wiki all you want, it won't make them any less similar.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by bates

Stop deflecting. What areas of the country are governed by religious laws, which laws, and where is your evidence?

I am 'bothered' about you making false claims, that is why this is still going on.
edit on 1-6-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by waynos

As has been said about 25 times.

Bournville is governed by religious laws.

Try to open a licensed premises there.

You won't be able to, because of religious laws in place.

It's quite telling that you claim i was making presumptions about you, yet you haven't chosen to correct them with what you do actually think.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by bates

If you want to know you only have to ask. It's not 'telling' in the slightest. I am simply correcting you on the speific point you made that i am disagreeing with, is that difficult for you? Yet again you say Bournville is subject to religious law, but you cannot support that by showing which law and where it is laid down. THAT is telling.

So you can stop fishing, because you don't have the gumption to just ask flat out, it is my opinion that if people want to follow their own code of conduct, such as living by Muslim tenets, then they should, and do, have the religious freedom to do exactly that. What they should NOT be able to do is create ghettos outside the rule of law within the country in which they live and try to impose their own choice of lifestyle on others by force. I would have the same problem if the residents of Bournville had attacked Tescos headquarters with stones to make their point, but they legally contested a planning application, which is everyones right to do. Do you have a problem with that?

Oh, and you just saying over and over that Bournville is subject to religious law does not make it so. Put up, or shut up, as the saying goes.
edit on 1-6-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:04 PM
Who cares if they are racist?

The UK has always been a white country hasn't it? Why not let it stay that way?

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Rockdisjoint

This isn't about being 'White', its about being 'English'.

Keeping things English.... like our schools for starters.

Many people will say 'The Monarchy' but I'm not too fussed about them, although I do see why many people love them (they don't know the truth).

We never wanted division when we asked people into the Country. We never wanted Separation either but that is what has happened in many parts.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Rockdisjoint

Britain has been multicultural throughout its history, but even moreso since the days of the Empire. It has always been predominantly white, but why does colour matter? British is a way of life, my only issue is with those who want to come here to live but resolutely refuse to become part of the British nation, some even refusing to learn the language. They are the only ones that bother me.

The DWP refusing to provide Big Word translators for benefit claimants might be a start

edit on 1-6-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by waynos

Excuse me, how are you accusing me of 'fishing'?

I posted something where a religious minority had imposed their rules on the land.

I gave an example of how this law was put into effect.

You then posted a link to a story which proved my point (a Tesco not being allowed to open due to wanting to sell alcohol) and yet you're still going on.

Bournville is an example of a religious minority imposing their laws in an area of Britain, you can google and wiki all you want, it's not going to change anything and make you right.

I bet you'd never even heard of Bournville, let alone knew anything about it, until i brought it up.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by waynos

You've made your views on minorities very clear in this thread.

You're pushing it that bit more with each post.

"I've got nothing against them as long as they speak the language and try to fit in"

We all know where you're going with this.

Just leave the bile out, there's too much of it on this board at the moment.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by bates
reply to post by waynos

Excuse me, how are you accusing me of 'fishing'?

In every post, including the last one, where you take a guess at my views and motives, in a clear move to steer the conversation away from the fact that you are full of hot air.

I posted something where a religious minority had imposed their rules on the land.

I gave an example of how this law was put into effect.

You are clearly a bit hard of thinking. I'll try capitals; YOU REPEATING THE CLAIM IS NOT PROOF, any better?

You then posted a link to a story which proved my point (a Tesco not being allowed to open due to wanting to sell alcohol) and yet you're still going on.

No, the story showed how a planning application was rejected following an objection IN ACCORDANCE WITH ENGLISH LAW.

Bournville is an example of a religious minority imposing their laws in an area of Britain, you can google and wiki all you want, it's not going to change anything and make you right.

Fine, I will concede you are correct, when you show which law and where is the statute?

I bet you'd never even heard of Bournville, let alone knew anything about it, until i brought it up.

OK, I'll take the bet, £100 says you are wrong. Now, prove it.

You've made your views on minorities very clear in this thread.

Yes I have, I spelled it out for you from my very first post on page 1, have you go a problem with ethnic minorities in the UK? Well, tough luck, they have been part of the fabric of Britain for centuries and are here to stay. For the most part they contribute positively to the country and probably have a similar proportion of small minded pricks as to what we have, though I confess that is a guess.
edit on 1-6-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by waynos

My proof you'd never heard of it, or didn't know anything about it is that everything you've posted about it has been fresh from the wiki page.

Anyone who knew anything about Bournville wouldn't be arguing this fact.


posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by bates

*cough* despite me not sourcing ANYTHING about Bournville from wiki *cough*.

You do realise that there are people who have studied Britain and its industrial past in some depth, dont you? Night night.

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