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Anonymous release EDL member information

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posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:03 AM

Anonymous release EDL member information

A list apparently showing the contact details of English Defence League members has been published online.
In a video posted on YouTube the group says the EDL has used Drummer Lee Rigby's death as an “another excuse to further spread your campaign of hate, bigotry, and misinformation. Under the guise of national pride you have instigated crimes against the innocent and incited the subjugation of Muslims. We will not allow your injustices, your lies, and your stupidity, to further radicalize our..
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:03 AM
the story continues with further quotes and what the cyber attack is in relation to.

it's true when an incident happens like the one last week, radicals go out and target innocent people just because of their nationality.

While I do understand the reasons behind this cyber attack im unsure of what the release of EDL member information will accomplish. It would just incite other people to then go out and target the EDL for targetting muslims which is a slight contradiction. and im not sure this will help the situation.

I've always been in agreement with anonymous and their principles and am in favour of their methods of tackling high up corruption and creating transparency but I dont think their actions targeting the EDL is the correct route to take.

thumbs up for the motive but thumbs down for the method
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 29-5-2013 by Silicis n Volvo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:07 AM
I'm sure Anon would have loved to disclose the names and addresses of all muslim extremists too, if they were dumb enough to provide such details and leave them in an easily accessible database.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:09 AM
Wish they would spend their time gathering information on radical Islam terror cells and releasing that to the relevant authorities. That would be much more productive and SAVE LIVES. As far as i know, no EDL member has yet blown himself up, shot a soldier, blown up buses trains or crashed planes into civilian structures.

Talk about having the wrong priorities, this sums up what's wrong with the world today.

I am NOT a member of the EDL or even an advocate of them, but this seems petty and pointless.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by expatwhite
Wish they would spend their time gathering information on radical Islam terror cells and releasing that to the relevant authorities. That would be much more productive and SAVE LIVES. As far as i know, no EDL member has yet blown himself up, shot a soldier, blown up buses trains or crashed planes into civilian structures.

Talk about having the wrong priorities, this sums up what's wrong with the world today.

I am NOT a member of the EDL or even an advocate of them, but this seems petty and pointless.

I agree, they could at least tackle both issues since the EDL are a far less dangerous group than many terrorist cells around the world.

Summing up what is wrong with the world is a bold statement and I think the EDL plays a bigger part in that respect rather than anonymous who usually fight for a positive cause. their latest action I believe are just pointless and i think they have got their priorities mixed up
edit on 29-5-2013 by Silicis n Volvo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Silicis n Volvo

I already started a thread on this hereHackers post 'EDL members' contact details' online,

I think this is very irresponsible of anonymus this could stir up tensions again
It was a week ago today Drummer Lee Rigby was murdered, and of course the EDL where bound to stick there ore in, which weather you agree wih them or not they have rights I believe all who have attacked the mosques have been caught, good justice is working fine the murderers are in detenion the police are clearly talking it seriouse as they have arrested 10 people in conection with the Woolwich murder I thought things had started to calm down
but now we have the possibility of further attacks on civilians and defenatley cause for certain groups to jump on the band wagon again
well done anon (Not)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:42 AM
So yet another activist group falls for the divide and conquer tactics the government employ, they go after other groups created either directly by, or as a result of the government's policies. All the while deflecting attention away from themselves and keeping everyone at each others throats. But just like the EDL thugs looking for a fight, so are certain people who claim to be Anonymous looking for a fight.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by expatwhite

I get what you are saying specifically regarding the EDL - they have not done those things, at least yet. But these people are moronic bully thugs who like to get tanked up and beat up people different to them. They probably dont have the mental capacity to string enough thoughts between them to plan such an attack.

Also, if you are implying that muslim extremists are uniquely responsible for such attacks then I think you might be disappointed to realise they are not. Our own government has perpetrated far far worse both at home and abroad, and ours is not the only one. There are many many topics with more than enough clear cut evidence on this very site. So why do the EDL not go after those people, who are much more of a danger to us all? The corporations and the governments they bought out are the real terrorist organisations that need to be eradicated.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Firefly_

The term "usefull idiots" springs to mind,
The EDL dont just have muslims as enemys

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by expatwhite
Wish they would spend their time gathering information on radical Islam terror cells and releasing that to the relevant authorities. That would be much more productive and SAVE LIVES. As far as i know, no EDL member has yet blown himself up, shot a soldier, blown up buses trains or crashed planes into civilian structures.

Talk about having the wrong priorities, this sums up what's wrong with the world today.

I am NOT a member of the EDL or even an advocate of them, but this seems petty and pointless.

None of the british soldiers who slaughtered unarmed indian women and children with machine guns during the "salt stike" in India, SAS who do things like get caught dressing up as Iraqis while laying IEDs or MI types found to have planted bombs attributed to the Irish belonged to this..."defence league"...?

you sure of that?

after the terror caused by british racism around the world since the 16 hundreds
that is just Hitlarious

edit on 29-5-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-5-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Silicis n Volvo

While I do understand the reasons behind this cyber attack im unsure of what the release of EDL member information will accomplish.

Another example of how corrupted our culture has become.

The moment one can justify (or 'understand') the violation of one person's (or group's) rights to exist safely and without fear of attacks such as this, is the moment the condone attacks upon anyone... including ourselves.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:35 AM
Hasn't someone already started a thread on this?

Anyway yay Anonymous! We don't agree with you so we'll spread your details everywhere! We don't think you should have a right to privately think what you want or belong to a group we disapprove of so we'll make it easier for people to harass you until you stop thinking those pesky things we don't think you have the right to think!

Yay for Anonymous! They're so brave and great!

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 09:51 AM
AGAIN yet ANOTHER organisation that goes after the weak instead of those that can make a real change, OI Anon, what purpose will it serve to release the information on a few idiotic people who are brain addled and too stupid to think for themselves?
Why not go after the real problem makers?
The politicians, media whores, and extremists who cause the problems, UNLESS Anon is a government department designed to facilitate division in society?
In which case something like this is authorised and wanted.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by redoubt
reply to post by Silicis n Volvo

While I do understand the reasons behind this cyber attack im unsure of what the release of EDL member information will accomplish.

Another example of how corrupted our culture has become.

The moment one can justify (or 'understand') the violation of one person's (or group's) rights to exist safely and without fear of attacks such as this, is the moment the condone attacks upon anyone... including ourselves.

exactly the same could be said about the EDL and If you would put that sentence of mine you quoted back with the rest of the OP and into its correct context then you'd have seen i do not condone it. I understand motives of anonymous since the EDL are a violent racist group. but i disagree with their methods as it doesnt help the situation and could only cause more of what they are trying to stop.

the corruption lies not with me, which you would know if you read all of my OP. Neither does it lie with Anonymous. It unfortunately lies with the suits who make you think its Anonymous and within your side of society who cant open your ears and eyes because at the moment its too easy being spoon fed BS from the government. untill one day, maybe not in your lifetime but maybe in your kids or your grandchildren's it will be impossible to say no to that spoon without being thrown in prison.

and before the discussion drifts too far off topic my OP was about what anonymous have recently done and how I do not condone it.
edit on 29-5-2013 by Silicis n Volvo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by IvanAstikov
I'm sure Anon would have loved to disclose the names and addresses of all muslim extremists too, if they were dumb enough to provide such details and leave them in an easily accessible database.

Doesnt "Al Qadea" mean the database??...

just sayin'

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by cartenz

Originally posted by IvanAstikov
I'm sure Anon would have loved to disclose the names and addresses of all muslim extremists too, if they were dumb enough to provide such details and leave them in an easily accessible database.

Doesnt "Al Qadea" mean the database??...

just sayin'

Not quite, it means The Base.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:35 PM
It would not surprise me if I learned these particular anons were a group of angry muslim
youths or left wing fanatics.

This looks bad for Anonymous.


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