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Obama says - Increase in domestic terrorism fueled by Internet and we reach out to Muslims

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posted on May, 27 2013 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by loveguy
reply to post by esdad71
Could this "be-friend your local Muslim" actually be used as a way to affiliate yourself with known terrorists?

Isn't there a terror watch list on the internet I can click-on so as to avoid any type of affiliation?

edit on (5/27/1313 by loveguy because: enquiring minds want to know

ya know, the regular joe in this country used to understand what the word "privacy" meant.

I guess if its for the greater good, we can all get the endoscope.

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 06:59 PM
He has a point, that could happen. But then are acts of terrorism fueled by alciada or are they just random acts of violence from people whom went postal?

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Merinda
He has a point, that could happen.

He has a point? Oh, no. Never just give a man like Obama a point. He doesn't get a point from me. He holds the world's most powerful office and he has an agenda to undermine freedom and therefore, his points are just propaganda. They should be flatly rejected as long as his goals are as patently obvious as they are.

These people will destroy freedom in the end but we don't have to make it easy for them by just swallowing whatever they try to feed us. The least we can do is refuse to believe the lies.
edit on 28-5-2013 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-5-2013 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Merinda

This thread may help...


The war right now in our government is between the CIA and the Progressives in office. This is why they were kept from Benghazi and Petraueas was told to step down.

Too many lies...

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 05:34 PM
Man .... he's blaming the internet AGAIN? You'd think that he would have learned his lesson the last time he used the internet as an excuse for radical Islamic terrorism. :shk: He got caught in the lie. Some people never learn.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

So if he is blaming the Internet, does that mean it is all Al Gores fault?

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 06:59 PM
I think he means that there is information on the internet beyond his control to screen, vet or otherwise we should disregard it.

I've also never understood how this logic works. The moderate Muslim community does, by and large, reject terrorism. If it weren't that way, we'd have a fight with over a billion people. However, the Muslims which make up the community available to reach out to are not the Jihadi fighters who will cut my head off and then laugh about the experience they had while doing it.

I think someone needs to help our President understand that there are Muslims and then are are Jihadi Militants. They aren't the same thing. We aren't complete buffoons, and we DO understand that perhaps he can stop having several speeches a day (Every single day, it seems) and work for a living so we don't have to worry about this stuff for generations more to come. Just my two cents.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I think he means that there is information on the internet beyond his control to screen, vet or otherwise we should disregard it.

I've also never understood how this logic works. The moderate Muslim community does, by and large, reject terrorism. If it weren't that way, we'd have a fight with over a billion people. However, the Muslims which make up the community available to reach out to are not the Jihadi fighters who will cut my head off and then laugh about the experience they had while doing it.

I think someone needs to help our President understand that there are Muslims and then are are Jihadi Militants. They aren't the same thing. We aren't complete buffoons, and we DO understand that perhaps he can stop having several speeches a day (Every single day, it seems) and work for a living so we don't have to worry about this stuff for generations more to come. Just my two cents.

He is making us all terrorists with his comments on the Internet. This is a slippery. slippery slope. Also, he is referring to domestic terrorism. This is a guy who would refer to Ft Hood as workplace violence but he wants to tell me the definition of a domestic terrorist. Someone who can find info on the web. We ALL can, so if we all have access, we should take it away or we are all, by definition F'n way. A slippery slope.

As far as the Muslim or Islamic community this is a tough one. You have to look at history. the way I see it now is that they will never adhere to Western culture if they are true Muslims. They are simply fooling themselves. The US is the land of the free and the gluttonous. We do not see Christians and Catholics in other countries or in southern Georgia or Texas fighting and killing each other because one is Southern Baptist and one is Protestant. You do in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya...etc..everywhere...

However, I see tribal conflict in every Middle Eastern country that it over flowing into Europe and has finally hit US shores. Why is it in the US it is always the imam that says, 'after the fact', they were spouting about jihad? I understand the correlation you were going for but it does not apply. Do I hate Islam. No. Do I trust Islam. Not when they are trying to instill Sharia law in the US. it is not longer a religion of peace.

edit on 28-5-2013 by esdad71 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by esdad71

Hmmmm... I'm getting a something, somewhat different out it. From the source in your OP.

Obama warned Americans that materials on the Internet could influence people to commit terrorist acts. “Today, a person can consume hateful propaganda, commit themselves to a violent agenda and learn how to kill without leaving their home,” ...

This is the at least the 2nd time he has blamed things on the net (if not more).

Here is what I'm getting out it what's he's saying. Frogs translation of Obama's comments...

"I'm gonna try my best to convince you the internet is really dangerous and a threat. That way you won't make a fuss when I try to monitor, censor and regulate out the yazoo. Remember, we are your government and we can never have enough information on you or exert enough control over you because we are here to help! Really! Trust me!

Its really the same spiel and speech he did on healthcare, guns, and everything else he has done or tried to do.
Step 1. First convince the public they are in danger because of X
Step 2. Implement policies and laws about X in a way that gives the government more control and power.
Step 3. Find another X and repeat step's 1 and 2 until total control and power are gained.

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