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They are digitally manipulating photos and video to make it look like the man has bloody hands!!!

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posted on May, 24 2013 @ 04:56 AM
who is that calm lady just walking by a man with a knife and cleaver who just beheaded a man.?????

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 04:57 AM
You lot are so disrespectful it is unreal!!!
Delusional armchair experts....its sick.

There are obvious reasons why the blood is more visible in one video, but im not even going to go into it as clearly they were all actors!! You really should be ashamed of yourselves for jumping on every event and calling bs, im ashamed of you. Your delusions never fail to bemuse me!

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by sd211212
who is that calm lady just walking by a man with a knife and cleaver who just beheaded a man.?????

There was little commotion, there was no obvious signs from behind the guy had just butchered someone in broad daylight, it doenst normally happen in England.
Id have probably walked past too.

He wasnt acting mad, she wouldnt have been able to see the body in the road until she past him, and even then it was not obvious what had happened.

Let me guess...this was set up to

Or do you think the police were in the wrong??? Shooting them for no reason as others have speculated!

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by beatbox

Let's say the man's hands were covered in blood ... why is there no blood on his clothing? After butchering someone, wouldn't you think there would be blood all over the man's clothing??

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 05:30 AM
Does anybody else find that the blood looks too "saturated" and thick? It looks more like red paint, but that might just be the poopy video quality.

Either way, I can't help but wonder if TPTB are just trolling the masses and trying to start some kind of unrest. The flavour of the month seems to be religious terrorism. Oh wait, that has been the flavour of the past decade.

[edited pic for gore per T&C]
edit on 24-5-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by NellahB
reply to post by beatbox

Let's say the man's hands were covered in blood ... why is there no blood on his clothing? After butchering someone, wouldn't you think there would be blood all over the man's clothing??

Can you say for certain there is no blood on his clothing? Its dark clothing, so not obvious, but im pretty sure i can see damp patches on his clothes.

Are you suggesting the people never saw a man being hacked to death in broad daylight? Actors??

The guy was run over, then hacked to death. He was probably dead once he was run over, so, there wouldnt be tons of blood squirting all over the place, dead people dont bleed heavily as their heart isnt pumping blood.

There is a massive pool of blood on the pavement, blood on the guys hands and weapons, and more than likely, though not obvious enough for you or others, blood on his clothing. You guys would need him to be wearing white for you to see it...and then you would claim its not the right colour or something else equally as stupid.

Dead people dont bleed heavily, look it up, think for a moment how the body works.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by AmberLeaf

Dead people dont bleed heavily, look it up, think for a moment how the body works.

Yep, it ain't rocket science, it's basic biology. A heart has to be working efficiently to pump blood all over the place. Hopefully, Lee Rigby wouldn't have been aware of anything, after being slammed into at considerable speed by a motor vehicle. Think on that, all you members of "The Painted Hand Gang."

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 05:44 AM
Why are posters in this thread, just like the Boston thread, promoting the words "Staged and Actors"... I dont see those who are saying this smells bad using those words, only those who are arguing the case for it being real.... It was Image Fakery, so no actors were needed and it was staged only in the minds and imagination of CGI renderers......

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 05:57 AM
I'm all for conspiracy's and all, but calling this staged is really really LOW!!

I live in the Town where the young soldier Lived in Middleton Trust me its not staged.

Look at the colour of the London Bus & traffic lines in the Second Video their bright washed out orange/white

Come on.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:01 AM
For everyone saying "it was the Government who did it" or set it up or whatever, our present Govt have absolutely nothing to gain from this, nor do any of the main political parties.

There has long been debate in the UK about the ceaseless immigration and the problems it is now causing, particularly with reference to Muslim incomers, who refuse to integrate into society, take everything they can out of the system and then proceed to spit bile and hatred at the indigenous population. However, although our present Govt claim that they will put limits on immigration, they don't intend to stop it completely and in fact even more resources are being put into creating the multicultural paradise of the UK (I authored a thread about the findings of the Demos organisation re cultural integration just recently where the onus was being put on "white Britons" to take responsibility for integration)

So events of this nature are likely to stir up annoyance and anger against the Govt who actively promote multiculture to the cost of British citizens. And of course with recent by-election wins for the UKIP (UK Independent Party) who want us out of Europe and a complete stop to immigration, the present Govt are running scared of the feelings within the UK and as such are hardly likely to create a false flag event that would be favourable to the core beliefs of the UKIP...all that would do would be to add fuel to the fire and they would lose even more support from the public.

No, in my opinion, this is two individuals, who have been indoctrinated into the hardline extremist Islamic viewpoint, not necessarily as a result of being impoverished or disenfranchised (at least one of them comes from a fairly well off background) but for reasons unknown, and who have carried out this atrocity in the (somewhat deluded) name of Allah to make a point.

As for comments regarding other people just milling around seemingly unconcerned, initially onlookers thought it was a car accident and the assailants were helping, and by the time they realised what was going on, it had become clear the attackers had singled out their victim and no one else was at any risk at that point.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:01 AM
I'd like to remind everyone that the victim here has a name.

Lee Rigby.

I would also like to remind members that the deceased would have family.

edit on 24-5-2013 by Timely because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by destination now

In my opinion the motive is armed police on the street, as evidenced by the 20 minute delay by the response unit.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by captiva

They don't have any money for that though...the country is broke, we're lucky to be able to have police at all with the state the economy is in, so I doubt it would be a means to increase police presence.

No, I think it is what it is...a couple of nutters, indoctrinated by the radical Islamic viewpoint, who have senselessly murdered an innocent victim in the street in the name of their "God"

BTW I don't agree with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and we should never have been there in the first place and shouldn't still be there now, let America fight their own's nothing to do with us.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by captiva
reply to post by destination now

In my opinion the motive is armed police on the street, as evidenced by the 20 minute delay by the response unit.

There are already armed police on the especially, but most major cities in the uk have armed patrols. Other police are armed with tazers, this number has increased over the years.

Armed police are required for certain crimes. There will never be a time in my lifetime when all police are armed, its simply too expensive and not needed in the UK. A small element of criminals have guns or will do as these guys did, but when it does happen there are resources available to deal with them.

20 minute delay is down to a number of things, it wasnt on purpose. Im sure given this is the first time something like this has happened in the UK there was a little bit of doubt in the call operators mind, they may have been doing something else, they need to form a plan before approaching. Our police arent like the american police, ours are experts in firearms and only use them as a last resort, due to the training and paperwork that needs filling out after they fire their guns.

They wouldnt have just drove up and confronted them with the little bit of information they had, they would have met up, and discussed how best deal with the situation before going to the scene. Like i say, they arent like american police that shoot first and ask questions later. They are actually accountable for their actions.

So, explain the story how you see it. Because from what you have written i can only assume you think these people were some kind of actors to push in a fully armed police state. How does that work exactly? What is the benefit of having all of our police armed? I see none.

ETA: Good job mods, finally in the right forum

edit on 24-5-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
I suppose it is possible then to digitally remove the blood from his hands in a video as well....

It's easy to do either with software that adjusts the hue of the footage's color. The killer has brown skin, which is easily "reddened" but can just as easily be stripped of red without any perceivable impact on the overall color hue of the rest of the footage. Red and brown are very close to one another on the color spectrum, and often brown is primarily red (such as a deep chocolate brown) and can be stripped of any obvious red without affecting the other colors present in the palette.

This means that the "original" footage - in this specific case - could easily have been altered to suggest that the media doctored it to make the killer's hands red. Frankly, I don't see the point in making the guy's hands red, since he's admitting to hacking the soldier to death anyway. I do - however - see the point in creating the impression that the media doctored the footage. Yet another government/media conspiracy romp for the ATS board. Hell, why not. I'm surprised that the Oklahoma tornado hasn't been blamed on the government-media cabal.

Oh....wait....that's right. It has been. HAARP. Man, this Internet thingy giveth and it taketh away like nothing else ever has. What a circus the entire world is now days.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:57 AM
Thread has been moved twice. Once from "general conspiracies" to "skunk works" then to "ludicrous online lies aka lol" by two different mods..

I don't see where the online lie is taking place in the OP? I wasn't questioning if the incident was real or not...just the video manipulation... It's clear as day that the original video was manipulated either by the the original uploader or by ITN..that's up for debate but I don't see the reason why this thread was moved to the online lie section...where are the lies?
edit on 24-5-2013 by beatbox because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-5-2013 by beatbox because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-5-2013 by beatbox because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by beatbox

They are 2 separate videos taken with 2 different cameras, by 2 different people stood next to each other.
You are pushing nonsense because you dont know these facts.

2 different cameras, each one with their own different settings. One was more saturated than the other, one was probably a crappy iphone the other was probably a sony or something with a decent lens/camera. This is why in one video his hands look more red...not because its been manipulated.

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by beatbox

I think the lies refer to the accusation that the attacker had either put red paint on his hands or that the footage was altered to make it look like he had blood on his hands...whereby it was actually that the original footage was altered to make it look like there was no blood on his hands, Gemwolf posted a good comparison of the two videos, one claiming to be the raw footage with no blood (where everything that was red miraculously turned orange) and the alleged altered video where red was red in all of the places you would expect to see red (bus etc) so clearly it was the alleged Raw footage that was the fake, not the media version (for a change)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by captiva
reply to post by Jukiodone

You dont need crisis actors if the event never took place....Like Boston...all Image fakery. Oh and even within this image fakery there was no confirmed beheading...or have I missed that source...maybe you can refresh me

edit on 24-5-2013 by captiva because: (no reason given)

You got the Boston pictures wrong because you don't understand how the FOV (field of view) of a lens can change were YOU think a shadow should be.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by captiva
Why are posters in this thread, just like the Boston thread, promoting the words "Staged and Actors"... I dont see those who are saying this smells bad using those words, only those who are arguing the case for it being real.... It was Image Fakery, so no actors were needed and it was staged only in the minds and imagination of CGI renderers......

May be it's because you have a real problem in understanding what you see in a picture, because you have already made your mind up its fake.

Just saw that you claim to be a pro photographer
and shadows fool you

edit on 25-5-2013 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

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