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Vitamin C kills drug-resistant TB in lab tests

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posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:20 PM
Good News Everyone!

Vitamin C kills drug-resistant TB in lab tests

Looks like Vitamin C fanboys will have a field day with this one. I know you "told us so".

The surprise discovery may point to a new way of tackling this increasingly hard-to-treat infection, the US study authors from Yeshiva University say in Nature Communications.

An estimated 650,000 people worldwide have multidrug-resistant TB.

Studies are now needed to see if a treatment that works using the same action as vitamin C would be useful as a TB drug in humans.

This is good news even if it's only shown to work in a test tube.
If clinical trials prove successful we could use Vitamin C to help with other drug resistant super bugs.
edit on 22-5-2013 by grey580 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:38 PM
Honestly I think the whole Vitamin C thing is over hyped. I think this because I speak from experience. I bought liquid Vitamin C (liposomal) and used it every day for about 45 days hoping to see a great improvement in my health. Coming from testimonials from other threads this stuff is great and really works. I didn't see a damn thing. Now keep in mind that I am 34 years old 6'3" 225lbs and in decent shape not good by any means. I was taking 1000 MCG's twice a day (or maybe it was 500 twice a day) so maybe I wasn't taking enough.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by grey580

Might wanna check your link there bro. The link is 404

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by grey580

Slow your roll, there's a difference between in vitro and in vivo studies. Vitamin C isn't the cure for TB.
The study only says that they could produce a drug off this mechanism.

If clinical trials prove successful we could use Vitamin C to help with other drug resistant super bugs.

and proving effective against one bacteria, absolutely in NO way shape or form whatsoever at all, implies it would be effective against other bacteria.

edit on 22-5-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Nephalim

had a http in the wrong place.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

I know.
Just putting it out there.
More Science is needed.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 10:26 PM
As a Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) fanboy I say "Keep the good news coming". As in other threads I must mention (because not everyone knows it) that our lack of Vitamin C is a major but curable genetic disease. Every other animal, insect, plant, bird, fish, except for primates and some bats and guinea pigs, make it in their bodies every moment. It's one of the things the body makes. Unless, as with apes and monkeys (which includes us), the mechanism for making it broke. Then we need to add it from supplements. A glass or two of Orange Juice won't cut it, but will keep you from "scurvy" (what 'they' call the 'disease' that kills people if they obtain no Vitamin C at all).

Bottom line, if you haven't totally researched what C is and how the lack of it in humans is the result of a major genetic break in the mechanism the body uses to make it, please do so. Not only will it help you, but you can then pass on your personal experience to friends and family (and strangers on the net!) for their great benefit. Then they can pass it on, and they can pass it on......

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Honestly I think the whole Vitamin C thing is over hyped. I think this because I speak from experience. I bought liquid Vitamin C (liposomal) and used it every day for about 45 days hoping to see a great improvement in my health. Coming from testimonials from other threads this stuff is great and really works. I didn't see a damn thing. Now keep in mind that I am 34 years old 6'3" 225lbs and in decent shape not good by any means. I was taking 1000 MCG's twice a day (or maybe it was 500 twice a day) so maybe I wasn't taking enough.

There is no "magic pill". Taking vitamin C isn't going to just make you "feel better" all the sudden. Supplements are just that--supplements. They make up for deficiencies in our diet. In other words, our food sucks so bad we have to take pills to get the nutrients we should be getting from what we eat. That little nugget has far greater implications for human medicine (and society in general) than does the value of using one particular vitamin as... well, just another drug.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by NthOther

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Honestly I think the whole Vitamin C thing is over hyped. I think this because I speak from experience. I bought liquid Vitamin C (liposomal) and used it every day for about 45 days hoping to see a great improvement in my health. Coming from testimonials from other threads this stuff is great and really works. I didn't see a damn thing. Now keep in mind that I am 34 years old 6'3" 225lbs and in decent shape not good by any means. I was taking 1000 MCG's twice a day (or maybe it was 500 twice a day) so maybe I wasn't taking enough.

There is no "magic pill". Taking vitamin C isn't going to just make you "feel better" all the sudden. Supplements are just that--supplements. They make up for deficiencies in our diet. In other words, our food sucks so bad we have to take pills to get the nutrients we should be getting from what we eat. That little nugget has far greater implications for human medicine (and society in general) than does the value of using one particular vitamin as... well, just another drug.

Yes, liposomal vitamin C did exactly that, made me feel better all of a sudden and it's all the hype and more. Perhaps those that have tried it, didn't take enough, it really is the silver bullet for viruses.

The research is there, go see for yourself, I will take it until someone stops me.
Linus Pauling knew what was up with that!

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:54 AM
Thanks for posting this-i'm feeling more and more that i should invest in the equipment to make my own liposomal Vitamin C.I do use the 1000mg pills,but so much is passed through and out in the urination process that way.I've honestly only ever heard good things about Vit C(especially the liposomal type) and there's not a lot of compounds that can be said of.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

Vitamin C is cheap, and no one can get a patent on it. Why do you think the US is trying to make vitamins so you need a prescription to buy it? They don't want you to be healthy, they want you to eat GMO food and die at a young age - you meaningless slave, you.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 10:36 AM
I have the organic non GMO vitamin C foundation/Pauling type, and yet rarely take it. First of all, if you taking a powder, rinse your teeth really really well. For it is very hard on the enamel.

Second of all, if you have arthritis, it may depend on which kind you have. Some benefit from the C or apple cider vinegar, I believe its rheumatoid, so the infections are being dealt with. In my case its gout and osteo arthritis and this caused so much joint pain, nearly crippled me. So experiment carefully.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 11:10 AM
Thanks for the new info OP. S & F.

Yes... vitamin c is the cureall, it will just take time as many new medical studies are currently being done.

We will be hearing more about Vitamin C.

We will have to rely on universities to conduct these studies because big pharma will not.

There is one currently underway at Stanford University to cure Huntington's Disease which is a nerve disorder that could lead to very important positive results for those with nerve injury, spinal nerve injury and curing of paralysis.

Stanford University Hope Program

We already know that in a rat study that the rats that were withheld a vitamin c diet died of paralysis in 2 weeks.

Humans MUST have vitamin c. Without it we will die.

We are not getting enough of it in our diet.

Those who try the Liposomal Vitamin C have shared fabulous stories.

But you must take enough. 1,000 mg. is NOT enough. You need to take a minimum of 3,000 mgs per day. And since the body doesn't store it (it is depleated in 3 hours) you must replenish the body through out the day with divided doses. That is key.

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