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Cosmic Impact 12,800 years ago; bye bye megafauna, Clovis Culture etc new study released.

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posted on May, 22 2013 @ 02:19 PM

About 12,800 years ago when the Earth was warming and emerging from the last ice age, a dramatic and anomalous event occurred that abruptly reversed climatic conditions back to near-glacial state. According to James Kennett, UC Santa Barbara emeritus professor in earth sciences, this climate switch fundamentally –– and remarkably –– occurred in only one year, heralding the onset of the Younger Dryas cool episode

Now, in one of the most comprehensive related investigations ever, the group has documented a wide distribution of microspherules widely distributed in a layer over 50 million square kilometers on four continents, including North America, including Arlington Canyon on Santa Rosa Island in the Channel Islands. This layer –– the Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB) layer –– also contains peak abundances of other exotic materials, including nanodiamonds and other unusual forms of carbon such as fullerenes, as well as melt-glass and iridium. This new evidence in support of the cosmic impact theory appeared recently in a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences.

An estimated 10 million metric tons of impact spherules were deposited across nine countries in the four continents studied. However, the true breadth of the YDB strewnfield is unknown, indicating an impact of major proportions.

"This evidence continues to point to a major cosmic impact as the primary cause for the tragic loss of nearly all of the remarkable American large animals that had survived the stresses of many ice age periods only to be knocked out quite recently by this catastrophic event."

The material evidence supporting the YDB cosmic impact hypothesis spans three continents, and covers nearly one-third of the planet, from California to Western Europe, and into the Middle East. The discovery extends the range of evidence into Germany and Syria, the easternmost site yet identified in the northern hemisphere. The researchers have yet to identify a limit to the debris field of the impact.

"Because these three sites in North America and the Middle East are separated by 1,000 to 10,000 kilometers, there were most likely three or more major impact/airburst epicenters for the YDB impact event, likely caused by a swarm of cosmic objects that were fragments of either a meteorite or comet," said Kennett.

We all know life on Earth has been a constant struggle over the eons and many have probably read how some of the megafauna was hunted to extinction. According to these latest studies there was a cosmic event that shut the door on survival for many species.

Monument valley IMO was formed by an Ice/Earth damn that broke or melted (in Canada?) letting a huge amount of rushing water flow through that area eroding the land as we see today. I can only imagine some local person stepping out of his shelter one day and seeing a huge wave of trash and water coming at the speed of "OH MY GOD" and then being flushed all the way to the ocean....Heck of a way to start your day for the Clovis culture....not to mention all the mammoths/mastodons, giant ground sloths, American camel and horse, and saber- toothed cats etc etc......

edit on 22-5-2013 by Kandinsky because: fixed typo

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:13 PM
That ties in with the event described here:

Around 12000 years ago, there was a seriously major nuclear event that bombarded rocks, minerals and chert (a glass like substance that can't be contaminated internally) with high-energy particle to the point that thermal neutrons were emitted. The only explanation would be a supernova generating high-energy cosmic rays that blasted 1/3rd of the planet. If it were a supernova, that blast wave would have lasted days.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:23 PM
A lot of the information mentioned was covered in the book The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes, by Richard Firestone, Allen West, and Simon Warwick-Smith, published in 2006. In spite of the book's lurid cover, the contents are very well researched and science-based.

Edit: I see that Richard Firestone's name is associated with both links kindly provided by the previous poster. Thanks!
edit on 22-5-2013 by Lazarus Short because: lah-de-dah

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:33 PM
Very interesting information. I did some side studying on this also after reading the OP and the post below.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:30 PM
I have been following this story for awhile.
Let me share some articles with you.

ALTHOUGH the Tibetan plateau is important in influencing the atmospheric circulation of the Northern Hemisphere1–3, there are only a few continuous palaeoclimate records available, and these are limited to the plateau's northeastern margin4–6. Here we present a 13,000-yr record from Sumxi Co (western Tibet), constructed from both lake-core and shoreline studies, which shows that conditions in the early–middle Holocene were warmer and wetter than at present. These results confirm model predictions of an intensified monsoon over the region at ~9,000 yr BP, owing to an orbitally induced increase in summer insolation7,8. We also find evidence for warm, humid pulses at ~12,500 and ~10,000 yr BP, in phase with the steps of the last deglaciation, and for a return to cold, dry conditions at ~11-10,000 yr BP, none of which can be explained by orbital variations. The existence of the cold episode confirms that the cooling associated with the Younger Dry as event occurred in continental China6,9, and provides further evidence of the global nature of this event10

Mark Bateman from the University of Sheffield in England said a catastrophic flood unleashed from a giant North American lake dumped large amounts of freshwater into the Arctic Ocean. This led to the shutting down of the Gulf Stream ocean circulation pattern that brings warmth to Europe. "We're talking about a lake the size of the UK emptying very quickly," Bateman told Reuters by telephone. "We don't know the exact period of time but we're talking about a catastrophic flood." The finding has confirmed past theories about the likely cause of a sudden cooling period called the Younger Dryas when temperatures in Europe, similar to today's, quickly returned to ice age conditions. The cooling lasted for about 1,400 years. "Our research shows that if you put a large volume of fresh water into the North Atlantic in a very short space of time, this is what happens," Bateman said. His team's work is published in the latest issue of the journal Nature.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:34 PM
shades of Velikovski

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

Thanks for the article.

It makes sense to me. I never bought early NA humans 'wiping out' out the mega fauna. How come we still have mega fauna elsewhere on the planet? If that was early humans MO, they would have ate them all long before today.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

"Our research shows that if you put a large volume of fresh water into the North Atlantic in a very short space of time, this is what happens," Bateman said. His team's work is published in the latest issue of the journal Nature.

Gulf stream or Atlantic conveyor belt has been accused in many papers for causing an ice age in Europe when the flow shuts down. With the large increase in the ice around antarctica it is now proposed that due to the ice melt and fresh water content of the surrounding ocean it freezes at a warmer temp therefore the ice sheet grows. Many peaces to the puzzle but back to the original impact theory....If it happened as postulated that was a humdinger of an event and hard to envision much less survive..

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by 727Sky
reply to post by kdog1982

"Our research shows that if you put a large volume of fresh water into the North Atlantic in a very short space of time, this is what happens," Bateman said. His team's work is published in the latest issue of the journal Nature.

Gulf stream or Atlantic conveyor belt has been accused in many papers for causing an ice age in Europe when the flow shuts down. With the large increase in the ice around antarctica it is now proposed that due to the ice melt and fresh water content of the surrounding ocean it freezes at a warmer temp therefore the ice sheet grows. Many peaces to the puzzle but back to the original impact theory....If it happened as postulated that was a humdinger of an event and hard to envision much less survive..

There is an article from 2007 about the theory of a comet exploded over North America.But for some reason,I can't copy and paste it here.

Here is the link to the article.

There is another that disproved that it never happened a few months ago,so I let it go..Things ,info,research change over time.

But thank you for bringing this forward again.


posted on May, 22 2013 @ 10:44 PM
Wow. Ya think?
I would be laughing hysterically right now if it weren't so sadly tragic.

Our solar system has a colossal asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. All those asteroids didn't just get together one day and decide to go hang out there. They are the residual debris of a former planet.

Noah was in the boat for one year. But no one wants to believe anything out of the Bible is actually true.

entropy = The degree of disorder in a system.
As energy is transferred from one form to another the energy decreases = disorder in the system; and thus the entropy increases.

Notice anything increasing lately?

2nd Law of Thermodynamics= no energy enters or leaves the system, the potential energy of the state will always be less than that of the initial state.

The initial state was perfection. Knowledge of imperfection was transferred into the system.
Why did God say participating in the knowledge of this fruit would surely bring death?
Because He knew the moment in which the transfer took place that the system would have to be closed= quarantined from His presence, as He is the antithesis of chaos. Only the quantity of life-giving spirit that was initially projected into the dimensions of creation itself would remain. God exists outside of creation, remember?

In the beginning His Spirit hovered over the primordial abyss of chaos and He said, "Let there be Light"= order.

This Light was a projection of Himself into a new dimension, from which He then created our universe. That projection of Himself into the realm of His own creation was light and sound, His Word, also known as Jesus of Nazareth when incarnated in flesh.

That is why Jesus is the only way, people. He is God. He is the only way back to eternity from this closed system of time and increasing disorder.

Wake up Brothers and Sisters, for we are reaching terminal velocity on this ride.

edit on 5/22/2013 by WashMoreFeet because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by stormcell

Or a space war.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

The remarkable aspect for all this is, how well it fits
- the bible story of a great flood
- Hindu texts of a nuclear war
- disappearance of Atlantis
- erosion at Sphinx
- Bimini and other under-sea lost cities

This gives a compelling context to the abrupt end for pockets of civilization which might have existed at the time.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by stormcell

Have you found any corresponding nova that are close to this time period? I would think that a Super Nova on that scale would leave a cloud. I think the Crab Nebula is the latest (1054? one near earth.

I'm praying that Betelgeuse has already gone off and I'll get to see that before I die. I think it's only 500 light years away so it would have had have blown 480 light years ago for me to have a chance!

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

Great thread, thank you.

The differing opinions on the impact these meteors caused is interesting to me, being suggestive that there is no absolute consensus yet as to the effects. Obviously, this will evolve over time with more and more hypothesis being proposed and tested.

We know the meltwater pulse events happened over a varying time span so any subsequent flooding wasn't all at once.

The bit that confuses me is the salinity of the Atlantic Ocean. This is the worlds saltiest ocean and yet suffered by far the majority of meltwater from the last Ice Age - surely this would have seriously reduced the salinity? As my brain seems to be not working properly, could someone point out why the salinity is so high please?

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Flavian

Why is the Atlantic so salty?

Columbia University

Naturally as water vapor is removed from the Atlantic Ocean by the winds and the Atlantic gets saltier there must be some compensating action that brings freshwater back to the Atlantic, otherwise the Atlantic will continuously become saltier, the Pacific fresher. Compensation is accomplished by interocean exchange, the fresher Pacific waters make their way to the salty Atlantic. Much of the interocean exchange is part of a sluggish global scale circulation associated with North Atlantic Deep Water.

It's actually more complicated than that... so go to the link and read the rest.

Great thread OP - S & F!

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 10:48 AM
Great articles!

Posting to save for more indepth reading.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by stormcell

Or a space war.

Outlander trailer

In Sumerian Txt it said it Happened many ions ago

Anunnaki + Enki and his brothers battling each other for control in a space war !

according to Zechariah stichen

Enki and Enlil

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

So basically it wasn't humans who caused the mass extinction of large animals in N. America?Great news.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

I've been really interested in this since my undergrad anthro days, so thanks for posting. I remember discussing this very subject with certain people who poo-poo'd the whole idea that the mega fauna were obliterated (almost) all at once by an impact and/or the results of one, which was only suggested back then by the black mat line in the soil of the Southwestern U.S., the curiously circular Carolina bays and findings of a jumbled mass of megafauna remains in the permafrost of Alaska, in a pattern that seemed to point to tremendous waves smashing all life against the coastal mountain ranges.

Something big happened then. The impact residue location corresponds to the old idea that whatever hit came in over the Mideast and ended near Alaska/Siberia. The nuclear particles from the same time mentioned by another poster suggesting a relatively nearby nova are interesting, but doesn't correlate with a debris field impacting our planet.. or does it?

It will be fascinating to see where this all goes... so many new doors opening... some may lead to scary places, though.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by Baddogma

Something big happened then. The impact residue location corresponds to the old idea that whatever hit came in over the Mideast and ended near Alaska/Siberia. The nuclear particles from the same time mentioned by another poster suggesting a relatively nearby nova are interesting, but doesn't correlate with a debris field impacting our planet.. or does it?

I remember reading or hearing a theory of an impact over 50 years ago but it never went anywhere except in fringe publications. The stairs of Science are steep and arduous sometimes.

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